Let’s face it, friends, there are just some things that men can not and will never understand.
1. The difference between pants, good pants, regular pants, nice pants, and dressy pants.
2. Why you need at least 10 pairs of black pants and are always on the look out for ‘the
perfect pair’.
3. That if you spend $50 on a sweater that is marked down from $150 means you have an
extra $100 to spend.
4. If you wear your $300 jacket 30 times, it really costs only $10 per wearing.
5. Why it can take several months to find the just right pair of shoes or handbag.
6. The language of underwear: thong, bikini, hipster, full briefs, boy shorts, and
why you need some of them all.
7. The difference between a teddy, a camisole, a bustier, a body stocking.
8. Why SPANX is the greatest invention for women…ever.
9. That itty-bitty inch of flesh that turns a snug pair of pants into too-tight pants.
10. Why you need 10 pairs of black shoes…all different.
11. Why your handbag is so heavy. It has everything you may need to take care of
any situation that comes up wherever you may be.
12. How something can fit in the store and not fit at home.
This, of course, is only a partial list. Bet you could add some more .