Proof that I wore the hula shoes!
Proof that I wore the hula shoes!
Tuesday in Lahaina. Today we spent exploring the town of Lahaina. This was once the capital of Hawaii, and is where the first missionaries came to. It was a seaport for the whalers, and quite a rowdy town at one time. Now it is filled with shops, and galleries, and the Ka’anapali resort area is nearby, so it is usually full of tourists. Also the new resort area of Wailea is close by, too. As we were walking the town. I spied a group of ladies making and selling leis in front of one of the museums. I bought us all one. Shirley and Tina had not recieved one yet and that was just not acceptable. I showed them the Banyan tree that is so big it covers 2/3 of an acre, it is a landmark here. We went for lunch at Kimo’s and sat out on a deck over the ocean. The meal was insignificant…but the desert..OH MY! This is a famous dessert here in Maui. So big, we 3 shared it. It was chocolate heaven. Tonight we went to the theater to see a play called “Ulalena”. It is the telling of how Maui was formed from the ocean. It was a mix of myth and truth. Very cirque de soleil like. I saw it last time Don and I were here and I could hardly wait to see it again and for the girls to see it. They were blown away! It was better the second time for me, and they say it was one of the highlights of the trip for them. I’m so glad they liked it . We walked around in a few of the shops for a little while before we went back to the motel. I bought a cute patchwork throw in BRIGHT colors that I plan to use as a wall hanging……however I used it to cover up with on the plane ride home, too. What a fabulous Day!
When I asked Adam what he wanted me to bring him, he said , “just a neat rock.” Doesn’t this look like a whale to you? I thought so. And amoung the many things I collect are heart shaped rocks…now all these didn’t come home with me , but a few did. Neat, huh?
I am a Christian woman who has survived many years on the planet. God has blessed me with a wonderful family: husband, 3 sons, a dear DIL, and a precious grandson. I also have dear friends to keep me inspired. I am an artist of sorts and am finding my way through the great blessing of retirement. I recently retired after 20 years as a music teacher. Life is good!