Here we are in the airport…ready to take off on the trip of a lifetime!. Board the plane and….wait….wait….wait. This is not starting well at all. As it was, we only had 35 minutes to change plane in Atlanta, and we are already 30 minutes late leaving here. Something tells me this is not going to be as smooth as I hoped. Oh well, at least it will be an adventure.
I was right. We missed the connecting flight to Las Vegas, but they were able to get us out on the next one that leaves in 30 minutes….oops, they are boarding now…food and bathroom will have to wait. On board…off we go. Originally we had an hour and a half to change planes in Las Vegas…now 30 minutes. Arrive and walk, and walk, and walk, and ride, and ride , and walk and make it to the gate as the very last folks are boarding the plane….food and bathroom will have to wait….AGAIN. But, who cares? We’re on our flight to MAUI. Thank goodness they had a meal you could buy on the plane, so we didn’t starve to death. And as much as I hate to, I did make use of those tin can restrooms on the planes. Sometimes there is just nothing else you can do. We’re landing! We’re here! I have told my friends that the first thing they smell will be the plumeria blossomed air……and once we get outside…they do. Oh, it is delicious. On to Hertz to pick up car. A red mustang convertible, no less. Only 1 problem….we have 6 pieces of luggage…and it was made to hold 2. We stack and move and stack again…with the 3 of us ending up in the front seat. “Sorry, Mam, we can’t allow you to leave the lot like that. You all have to be in a seat belt”. All righty, then. Pull over and restack, and finally there is room for us all to be safe. Go through again and all is well. Ka’anapali Beach, here we come. Shirley and Tina are so excited when they see the ocean , and even more so when we get to the resort area. Check in, and unload….a little unpacking…and a happy dance! “WE’RE HERE!!!!”
Just a note here….I took 8 pairs of shoes…4 of them flip-flops….Shirley took 16 pairs!!!!!!! Not sure how many Tina took, but when we left, we had 43 pairs of shoes !!!!
Made a reservation for dinner. Showered and changed. The neat thing about the Ka’anapali resort area if there is a walkway next to the beach that connects all the hotels and a shopping village with restaurants. So that’s where we ate. A wonderful place called The Hula Grill. Open air , Hawaiian music, perfect view to the beach. Shirley and I had macadamia nut crusted mahimahi and Tina had ribs. Delicious! Then a short walk through the shopping area, and home to bed. Day 1…started early…exasperating along the way…but ending in Paradise.