No, I haven’t gone on a discount store binge here lately, but as I was doing some housework today, I was listening to the Rachael Ray show. They had an expert on club stores like Sam’s and Costco. Here are a few tips that I thought were interesting.
SAM’S CLUB: When you look at the price tag, if you see a ‘C’ on the tag…it is CLEARANCE priced. If the price ends in a penny such as $123.01, it means it has been marked down.
COSTCO: Look for an ‘*’ or a price ending in.97 such as $123.97, to find the marked down and clearance prices.
For both stores, the prices on electronics will not be a major savings. You will find the better prices at an electronics store. The electronic store makes its money selling the warranty and service contracts so they price the items lower. At the warehouse clubs, they do not sell these contracts, so therefore they price their items higher.
Also, in both stores, over the counter drugs and supplies like you would find in a pharmacy should be much lower.
And, even if you are not a member of the warehouse club…most states have to allow you (by law) to shop in the pharmacy dept.
They mentioned that diapers and baby formula were equal to standards upheld by name brands. You can even buy a casket there. EWWWWW!