Picked up this new CD Friday, and it is beautiful. Very easy and mellow. WINTERSONG by Sarah McLachlan. It’s mostly traditional songs, but a few new ones, too. I especially like how she gives a new slant to the traditional carols. You hear just her clear, pure voice…so relaxing. This is one you should have in your music library. Enjoy!
A recent post by Kat, reminded me of a book I wanted to share with my bloggy friends. As you can see, it’s called LIST YOURSELF. It has around 300 pages, and each page covers a different topic. The book asks questions and then gives you plenty of room to LIST your answers. I think sometimes when you want to write in a journal, you are faced with all that blank paper and wonder how to start…and if you can ever think of enough to fill the page. With this book, you just list your answers. No pressure to elaborate or add illustrations. Some of the prompts are funny, some serious, some really cause you to think and reflect back on life. When this book is finished, you will have a pretty good record of the events that shaped who you are today. What a legacy to be handed down to your children and grandchildren. Because of the way this book is formatted, you can open to any page and start a list. Do as many or as few as you like and pick it up again when you’re ready. I’ve had mine for over a year and I’m about half finished. But, I’ll also go several months without writing.
Hey, if you like making lists…this is a book you’ll love! Great gift for teenagers and above. There is also a Book 2 when you finish the first.
Order from Amazon.com…$14.95
Another in a series of unusual gift ideas brought to you by GATHERINGS
“Thank God for dirty dishes,
They have a tale to tell.
While others may go hungry,
We’re eating very well.
With home and health and happiness
We really shouldn’t fuss.
For by this stack of evidence
God’s very good to us!
This little poem was given to me a long time ago when I was a new wife and mother. Our pastor’s wife at the time was a really special lady, and she took up a lot of time with our little family. Several things she said and did remain with me still. And one of those is this little poem that she had displayed in her kitchen. She was not the most conventional of pastors wives. She was a godly lady, but, she really did hear “another drummer drumming.” Actually, as I see it now, she was just not afraid to be her true, authentic self. Thanks, Mrs Laura Nell Harrison, for your impact on my life. I remember you this Thanksgiving and give thanks to God for you.
Be well and happy.
An amazing thing happened in one of my classes of K-4 students yesterday. We are working on our Christmas programs now, and the class was going to learn a new song. I had my pianist play it for them on the piano (what else would a pianist play on?). They were all on good behavior yesterday due to my promise of Skittles if they did well. They listened intently as she played…once just the melody, then with accompaniment. It had a constant rolling beat in the bass, and a sweet, little melody. When she finished, little Benjamin raised his hand. “Yes, Benjamin”, I said. “That music sounded just like a river!”, he commented. I had her play it again, and sure enough…I could imagine a river.
This brought joy to a music teacher’s heart. (Right, Jean?) I think music is such an important part of life, and is one of God’s greatest gifts to us. My goal as a preschool music teacher is to introduce different types of music and teach the children to ‘learn to listen’ to what they are hearing. All the other music basics and fundamentals will come later. I am trying to lay a foundation for another teacher to build on in later years. So, when Benjamin “got it”….I had one of those “YES!” moments. Makes an old teacher feel quite proud.
As a follow up to his statement…I decided to take advantage of that “teachable moment.” I went on to explain how music can make us feel many different ways. Sometimes it makes us feel like dancing, or singing. Sometimes it makes us feel sad, sometimes it sounds like a party. Sometimes it makes us feel like going to sleep. It can also help us praise God, and worship Him.
So, I encourage you to expose your child to different kinds of music and talk about how it makes them feel. This is the time of their lives when there is such rapid brain development, and learning to appreciate music has been proven to be a big factor in how well kids do academically in later years. Provide them with good music to listen to, and encourage them as they develop favorites. Grandparents, you can do this as well. The love and appreciation of music can create a very special bond. This is a special connection you could enjoy for many years.
About Me
I am a Christian woman who has survived many years on the planet. God has blessed me with a wonderful family: husband, 3 sons, a dear DIL, and a precious grandson. I also have dear friends to keep me inspired. I am an artist of sorts and am finding my way through the great blessing of retirement. I recently retired after 20 years as a music teacher. Life is good!
My Boys
My Parents

Me & Don


About Me