If you are a regular reader of Gatherings, you may have heard of the “B” Club. This is a group of bloggers…well…not just ANY bloggers…BEAUTIFUL BABBLING BOISTEROUS BLOGGING BABES! We have decided to meet IRL whenever we can, for fellowship, feasting, frivolity, fun, and frock searching! Our first meeting was in Pensacola and it was a blast! You can read the minutes of the meeting here. If you would like to join our little group, please drop me an e-mail. We would love to meet you and make you a “B” Clubber, too. Our next meeting will be in Birmingham, AL on Friday, November 30. Some of us will arrive Friday morning, and shop…then the Club will meet for dinner. We’ll have breakfast together on Saturday, split up to shop, then meet back for dinner Sat. evening….maybe a gab session, then end with a Sunday morning breakfast or brunch. Now, what else could you do that week-end that would be any more fun? If you are interested, or want more information, just let me know. We’d love to met you!
I have one of these market totes, and I love it! It was given to me by a friend for my birthday, and I use it everyday. I take it back and forth to work with me. The neat thing is it folds completely flat for storage. It is made of aluminum, so it is very lightweight. Also the sides are reinforced and the handles are padded. I know someone on your list would find this useful…I sure have. Thanks Bill and Pat!
Order from Sur La Table…..$34.95
Another in a series of useful gifts brought to you by Gatherings.
Happy Birthday, to the sweetest, bravest young man I know. God blessed me with goodness when He placed you in my life. You show me every day what courage and strength look like. I am awed at your wisdom and gentleness. I pray that God will open His heart and pour out healing and strength on you. We will wait together, my son. I love you with all my heart, Mom.
“Run, Bambi, Run
Will has got his gun.”
He said, “It’s time to go.”
I told him, “NO! NO! NO!
That’s not the thing to do
For folks as nice as you.”
But, he did not agree
And, now he’s up a tree.
“Please, Bambi, run and hide
Stay close to Mama’s side.
It’s never safe to run
When Will gets out his gun!”
Can you guess how I feel about deer hunting? Just to think of it, makes me shiver. Any kind of hunting, really. I just don’t get it. But, in this part of the country, it is just the natural thing to do. Boys get started early and get initiated into the whole deer hunting gang by getting covered with the blood of the deer they killed. UGH! Now, I have a nephew-in-law, who married my sweet niece, Tara. She was a sweet girl…totally uncorrupted until she met up with Will. Now, she goes on these expeditions with him. I can not believe she turned like that!:)
But, she enjoys it.
Sad as it is that they have chosen this gruesome hobby, I love them both dearly. Will and Tara are both such good, kind young people. They work hard, and I think hunting is their only vice. Will is a big outdoorsman and fishes as well. Tara has become his companion on these outings, and she loves it, too. I am the Director of the Preschool in our church, and Will and Tara are the Assistant Directors. I am training them to take over completely, and they are very capable. There are times, like today, when I am not able to be there because of Alex and I feel so blessed knowing that everything will continue running smoothly and they will take care of everything. They are praying for a special blessing in their lives right now and my prayer is that God will give them the desires of their hearts. I am blessed having them in my life and being able to work along side of them. But, they can ask all they want…I’m NEVER going hunting with them!
Are these beautiful, or what? If you have a chef or just a mom who likes to be fancy on your gift list, this could be the perfect surprise. This picture is only a sample of what is available…there is a cupcake wrapper for every occasion. Who knew? Even if you are not interested in ordering these for a gift….or for yourself, you must go to their website at www.paperorchidstationery.com….and see the slide show featuring these wrappers. It is beautiful!
Available from The Paper Orchid
Another in a series or unusual gift ideas brought to you by Gatherings.
About Me
I am a Christian woman who has survived many years on the planet. God has blessed me with a wonderful family: husband, 3 sons, a dear DIL, and a precious grandson. I also have dear friends to keep me inspired. I am an artist of sorts and am finding my way through the great blessing of retirement. I recently retired after 20 years as a music teacher. Life is good!
My Boys
My Parents

Me & Don


About Me