It is almost gone…2007, that is. Almost a memory, a thing of the past. It was a good year, and I will be sad to see it go…but not really. With it go the things I wish I could do again, the times I wish I had paid attention more, the times I didn’t stop, but barrelled on, the times I should have spoken up, but kept silent, and the times I kept silent, but should have spoken up. With it go the regrets, the missed opportunities, the mistakes. And hopefully a wiser me starts down this new road. I’ve heard it said that everything you have gone through and experienced is what makes you who you are today. So, then, I am compilation of these regrets, these mistakes. True…but, then I am also made up of the joys and happiness I have experienced this year. Many happy times with family, and fun times spent with friends. Fun seeing other lands, travelling, experiencing a different kind of living. Lessons learned while teaching, patience learned by being impatient. Joy experienced watching boys grow into men, and soar off to see the world for themselves. Watching talent spring forth and grow and become even greater. Watching wisdom take hold and gentleness bloom in the midst of suffering. Watching brotherly love in action. Seeing dreams come closer to reality, and new dreams following close behind. Seeing God answer some prayers with “yes,” but some with “wait”. And learning to wait…and wait.
This then has been my 2007. And it will be a big part of my 2008. For the ‘more things change, the more they stay the same’…so I’ve heard. And there really is ‘nothing new under the sun’…so the Bible says. What WILL change is my reactions, my understanding, and my outlook…with God’s help.
So, come on in, 2008…I’m ready…and excited…and hopeful.
One of my blogging friends got an award that looked like this…I <3 your blog. She wasn't sure what it meant until it was explained to her that <3 looks like a sideways heart. Therefore...I love your blog.
This reminded me of the years when my boys went through the “not cool to be seen with your mom” years. We were best left hidden away along with all the other embarrassing things in the world.. Of course, we still were expected to carry out our motherly duties…but we must not draw attention to ourselves in any way. Now, my boys have always been very demonstrative, and had never minded hugging or kissing. As a matter of fact, at this time in their lives, they would still crawl up in my lap for some Mama Love.
But, of course, none of their peers could know this…their ‘cool factor’ would plummet to new lows,,,and they would forever be tagged as a mama’s boy, or something even worse. So, we made up our own secret signals that no one else knew…so that we could send a hug to one another and no one would be the wiser. Crossing your index and middle finger (like for good luck)…meant a hug. Making a circle with the thumb and index finger, the flicking the index finger was a kiss flying through the air. If I needed to write them a note of send something to them, I always signed it 303. Can you figure out why? 303…look at it sideways…it spells MOM.
And, this is how we maneuvered those yucky years when the boys were finding their independence from parents…learning to deal with peer pressure…and deciding if having a Mom was OK, or the biggest hindrance to their ranking among the cool group. I will have to say, this didn’t last very long. Soon, they were back to giving me a quick peck before getting out of the car. Occasionally, they still felt the need to revert to the our ‘private code.’ But, it all became a thing of the past when they decided they would make their own decisions as to what was ‘cool’ or not. I must say it was nice to be through with that.
I think, that especially in raising young men, we need to be sensitive to these feelings, help them deal with them, and wait for them to outgrow it! And they will!
‘Cause every mom with male children knows that nothing warms your heart more than a big ‘ole bear hug from your sweet boy.
Thank-you, my sweet boys, for blessing me with your hugs!
My sweet niece, Tara, and her equally sweet husband, Will, have bought a house waaay out in the woods. Well, not really, but it seems that way to us who have lived right next to someone else all our lives. They are on a road that includes much land that his family owns, and hunts on. There is his grandmother’s old house that they have turned into a hunting club, and a creek that runs through it all. Several of his cousins and friends and wives live there and they all enjoy doing things together. So we are very happy for them, and know they will enjoy being near their family and friends. The house is set back off the road, and has a beautiful porch running all around it.
Will, is the one I give a hard time to about hunting. I really can’t stand the thought of it. But, I realize that not everyone feels the way I do. And, I have come to learn that Will has a sweet gentleness about him. So, I think he is very at ease with hunting and hunts very responsibly. I trust that his heart will do what is right. He even gave me a book for Christmas titled, THE POLITICALLY CORRECT GUIDE TO HUNTING. I haven’t read it yet, but he says it will explain to me why hunters are doing their part to keep the wildlife population healthy.
And, it’s not really called Bush Mountain, but Pop started calling it that, and so forever more it will be called that by our family. It just feels right. Last night, it rained and stormed terribly here and I couldn’t sleep…so I wrote them a song:
BUSH MOUNTAIN (to the tune of She’ll Be Comin’ ‘Round the Mountain)
Oh! They’re moving to Bush Mountain…Yes, Indeed!
Oh! They’re moving to Bush Mountain…Yes, Indeed!
That young couple, Will and his bride
They say they don’t want to hide
They’re just moving to Bush Mountain…Yes, Indeed!
Oh! they’re moving to Bush Mountain…Yes, Indeed!
They unloaded all their boxes
Alerted all the foxes
That they’re moving to Bush Mountain…Yes Indeed!
Oh! They’re moving to Bush Mountain…Yes Indeed!
They’ll be snug and warm and cozy
If the snakes don’t get their toesies
And they’re moving……
Oh! they’re moving to Bush Mountain…Yes, Indeed!
There will be wild life on the outside
And wild life on the inside 🙂
Cause they’re moving…
Oh! they’re moving to Bush Mountain…Yes, Indeed!
They’ll make sweet memories together
No matter what the weather
Cause they’re moving..
Oh! they’re moving to Bush Mountain…Yes, Indeed!
I hope that we can visit…
Will we need a hunting permit?
When you’re living…
Oh! they’re moving to Bush Mountain,,,Yes, Indeed!
For our visit, just set the date
And, NO deer meat on MY plate
When you’re living……
Oh! they’re moving to Bush Mountain…Yes, Indeed!
Now, the Hunting Club’s excited
And all the wives delighted
That they’re moving to Bush Mountain,,,Yes, Indeed!
“All kidding aside, we wish you health, happiness and only good times in your new home. May all the memories you share be full of peace and joy and laughter.
And may God abundantly pour His blessings on your life together.”
The Owens’ Family
This is a post about my sister. Friends, I’ve had my eyes opened. She showed her true colors yesterday. Here’s the evidence:
Just look at her trying to be all angelic….HUH!
Can you believe this? She had this tied to my present! Sad, sad, sad…..
Here I am opening her gift to me…when I had just given her the same thing minutes before! She’s always copying me!
Here she is trying to act like she’s a cook. She did not bake this pie!
Here she is trying to tickle me to death.
I’ve presented my case…don’t you agree with me?
About Me
I am a Christian woman who has survived many years on the planet. God has blessed me with a wonderful family: husband, 3 sons, a dear DIL, and a precious grandson. I also have dear friends to keep me inspired. I am an artist of sorts and am finding my way through the great blessing of retirement. I recently retired after 20 years as a music teacher. Life is good!
My Boys
My Parents

Me & Don


About Me