I feel like someone has been pulling this through my body this week! Sound like fun? Well actually, I have passed 3…3!!!!! kidney stones this week! One on Saturday, one on Sunday and another one yesterday! For those of you who have never had the pleasure of birthing one….thank your lucky stars! Because it feels as if you went through childbirth…with no epidural or anything…and you have only a little grain of sand to show for it. Needless to say, I’m not a happy camper. I was not able to go back to school at all, and know this creates a hardship for them. So a heaping pile of guilt on top of the pain. Of course, they understand, and want me to be well. Plus, they know if I was there I’d probably be saying things the children should never hear! Not really!!! I just say that at home! 🙂
But, I am better! Thank the Lord!