I came across this cool personality test site today, and decided to try it and see just how accurate it was…according to me…since no one knows me better than myself. Except God, of course. I just picture Him shaking His head in dismay, though! But, anyway…I did it, and it takes a while to do…about 30 minutes. I would say that I agree with about 90% of what it said about me. So, maybe I wasn’t totally honest in answering all the questions, but I tried to be. Some are just a little confusing…and some are just hard to decide. It is good to do, even if you don’t ‘buy’ the results, because I have never really thought much about where I stand on some of the traits. This causes you to really THINK about yourself. Which can be a good thing or a bad thing…depending on how you feel about yourself. Which, in my case, can vary greatly depending on the way the wind is blowing, or how many clouds are in the sky, or if the sheets on my bed got tangled up or not or how much quality chocolate I have consummed. So, I guess, in essence, what I am saying is, well, I actually don’t know for sure WHAT I am saying. I don’t even know where I was going with this. I think I have had a brain freeze, or an avalanche of senior moments, or I am just plain loony. Whatever…
Oh, yeah…about the test. Take it or don’t….makes no difference…
You can see my results in the brightly colored strip next to my archives…
This may or may not be my personality…
Really only me and God know…
The colors are real pretty though, don’t you think?
I think…I need a nap!
Oh,here’s where it is