I received a wonderful award today from my dear friend, Kat, at Just A Beach Kat. It is an award that offers the giver the opportunity to bless, praise and pray for a blogger who has
been a blessing to her. The recipient, ‘pays it forward’ to other bloggers who have been a blessing to her. And on it goes…and goes.
I can think of little else that would warm my heart as much as knowing I am a blessing to someone else. God has been so good to me and my family. He, who is the creator of all good things, has blessed me so far beyond what I deserve. I can never repay His goodness…I can only attempt to share it. And, if I have done this, I am pleased. I must say to you, my friends, that you are daily a blessing to me as I read the bits of your life that you choose to share. My, how we learn and grow by watching each other. It is very hard to choose someone for this award, because I want to choose you all!
And so, I take this opportunity to bless, praise, and pray for Angie, at By Faith…Angie. She always warms my heart with her excitement over the Word. Her excitement is contagious and you can see she really loves the Lord. I am always uplifted and blessed by checking in with her. God bless you, Angie.