Yep! That was me! When I left school yesterday, I had to go and see about getting the shirts printed up for my school programs. That is always mildly stressful because, I really am not an artist…I do a fairly good job of pretending, but it is work. So, when designing shirts that a whole school will wear and another for all the Moms, I want it to be just right. I always know in my head exactly how I want things to look, but I can not always get it transferred to the paper. One of the teachers at school, Courtney, is always ready to help me. She should be doing the whole thing actually, because, she is a real artist. Thanks for the help, Courtney! And, my dear friend and director at school Bonnie, has so graciously gotten me some help this year 2 days a week. Probably because she knew I was going to have a total meltdown and scare all the kiddies. But, now I have sweet Andi coming to help me and she is a dear! She is a mom to 3 boys and a real bundle of energy. And so opposite from me. Thank goodness! I am just so scattered , but Andi has got me or-gan-ized! WOW! She has gotten all my programs run off, put in folders, labelled, given out, parts run off, highlighted, given out,…she’s the best. And, she spent 2 days last week coloring flip-flops for me because I could not ever decide I liked the colors. So, she colored, and colored, and colored. She wants it perfect…I want it good. She wants it lined up in order, even numbers…I want it askew, and odd numbered. We make a perfect team! Thanks Andi! And, thanks Bonnie for being the most understanding boss anyone could ever have, always full of grace and mercy, ad kindness!
All that is not even what I was going to blog about. While I was there, Don called and said he was at the new house and I needed to come out there…now. So I did!
He was very concerned that Alex’s suite was not going to be big enough. That we had made it too small. And the more he talked, the more he convinced me. And by the time I left, I was in tears. Why had I not paid attention and made sure it was big enough? How did I let this happen? Now, I really do have complete faith in our architect. He is terrific and knows how important it is to us that Alex have a wonderful place to live. No one believes me, but I really do want this house as much for Alex as I do for myself! Anyway, how could Bill have drawn the plans too small? He knew what all Alex needed. I was in a high level of distress. Don called Alex and told him I left there upset and asked was I home? So, that got Alex upset. He does not want anything bothering his mama. I just drove. Turned off my phone and drove…for about 30 minutes, then headed home. Don called as soon as I got in and said we were to be back at the house to meet with Bill at 4:00. He would pick me up. I was not in any state of mind to go anywhere. But, when he blew the horn, I got in the truck. And off we went.
Bill was waiting for us. Don told him our concerns…well, he made me tell him our concerns. Then Bill patiently explained to us exactly how large the space really was, and just how he had designed it so everything would fit in just perfect. Alex will have a den, bedroom, kitchen and bath, and closet. A built-in bed and bookcase wall unit with lights and speakers. He will have a couch and 2 chairs, a desk and TV and table and chairs in the den. He will have a full size bathroom…all handicap accessible, so that if need be, he can use a wheel chair in every area.
All is well. It is turning out just like Bill designed it. It is Don and I who are freaking out! Actually, I think it is more Don than me, but don’t tell him I said that.
Finally made it home. Explained it all to Alex..and I went to bed. Alex had a very rough night and we were up several times. He was in terrific pain and could not get comfortable at all. I called in and did not go to work today because I was up so much last night. Say a prayer for Alex if you will…he really needs it.
About Me
I am a Christian woman who has survived many years on the planet. God has blessed me with a wonderful family: husband, 3 sons, a dear DIL, and a precious grandson. I also have dear friends to keep me inspired. I am an artist of sorts and am finding my way through the great blessing of retirement. I recently retired after 20 years as a music teacher. Life is good!
My Boys
My Parents

Me & Don


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