This has been a busy week for me, as you can tell from the little time I have been visiting. Nothing personal…just a busy time of year for me. I am presently getting the children at our school ready for their spring programs and kindergarten graduation. Our K-3 will have two programs( 2 groups 35 in each), and our K-4 will have a program- 72 children, then K-5…68 children, and each one of these in K-5 have a separate part. So busy time indeed for me. Thanks to my dear boss I have had some help this year. Sweet Andi has been a godsend. I have also been designing the t-shirts (2), and getting the orders together for those…Andi handled that….she likes putting things into columns and adding them and totaling and making it all look nice and neat…me?….not so much. I’m just happy if I can get close to a number that vaguely sounds correct….I mean, there are so many other things that have to be done, but she can not continue to breathe in a normal and life sustaining manner unless it is correct! She’s a dear! But, I know she would love to clean up my room and get it organized something fierce! None of this is complaining. I love my job. I love my boss, the teachers. the children…it is a God-filled place to work, and I am blessed!
It has not been a very good week for Alex. I have had to be right here as much as possible. He is having a horrible time right now, and I continue to beg and plead with God to hear our petitions. He hears, I know…and He WILL answer.
We did go to visit with our architect this week to pick out our doors, and the mortar wash for our brick, our flooring, and something else. Oh, it is so exciting! God is blessing us so! And we give him all credit for the chance to do this. Here is a picture from the street…with a big old trash container in the front…oh well.
This is a picture looking up into the ceiling of the den and dining room. I am intrigued by all the patterns and angles. But, then, it doesn’t take much to intrigue me, either.
Joy took Mom back to B’ham for a follow-up Dr. visit. He was very pleased with her progress and says all looks well. Thank-you, Jesus! However, then they, along with Tara, Joy’s daughter, decided to spend the night at the Wynfrey, no less…so they could conveniently shop till the stores closed. And get up the next morning and start when the stores opened. Can you believe that? I just don’t know how they had the heart to do that knowing that I was back home working. And besides, they needed my expert opinion, I’m sure. I still haven’t seen what they bought. Seriously, I’m thrilled beyond words that Mom felt like shopping…it has been so long since she has, and I am glad that Tara had a chance to spend time with her Mom and Granny. And I’m glad Joy didn’t get lost! 🙂
Don and Adam rode their motorcycles up to Birmingham to the motorcycle races. They were able to be with Ian and spend time all together. Don even went to Pottery Barn to look at their leather chairs. They had a ball at the races, and the weather was perfect. If only Alex could have been with them…
Suzanne was out of school last week and she and Adam went to ‘Tonja’s Lake House and Retreat’…that is what Don named it…to spend a few days. They enjoyed fishing and boating…but Suzanne said it needed my touch. I still haven’t been up to see it.
And Suzanne and I spent a few hours today running some errands. I do love having her for a DIL….that’s Daughter in Love.
So, ends this week. God has been good to us and kept us all safe. I thank Him for our many blessings. One of which is friendship…and so I thank Him for YOU! Thank you for your kindnesses, your supporting words and your hugs which sometimes feel just like a hug from God himself. We are His hands, you know? And, in case, you’re wondering….yes, I can feel your hugs when they are sent via blog.