Kat challenged us to answer these favorites….so here are my answers!
MOVIE…The Shawshank Redemption
BROADWAY PLAY…The Phantom Of the Opera, Les Miserables
SONG…You Light Up My Life
AMERICAN CITY…Paia, Maui, Hawaii
BOOK…Faith Is Not A Feeling
ACTOR…Will Smith
ACTRESS…Kate Winslet
PERFUME…Niven Morgan Gold
FOOD….Mama’s mashed potatoes
DESSERT…chocolate anything
CHAIN RESTAURANT…Cheesecake Factory
LOCAL RESTAURANT…Conestoga Steak House
CAR…Honda Pilot
BEAUTY PRODUCT…Clinique Moisturizer
HGTV SHOW…Freestyle
FOOD NETWORK SHOW…never watch show that intimidate me
AUTHOR…Nora Ephron
FLOWER…Sunflower and Daisy
ALCOHOLIC DRINK…don’t drink them
MAGAZINE…Country Home
CHORE…they’re called ‘chores’ for a reason
ICE CREAM…Chocolate…any kind
CANDY…chocolate…any kind
QUOTATION…”Around here, I never know if it’s trash or art.” Alex Owens
Sharon tagged me to name 6 random things about my self….so, here goes…
1. I love to read…but do not always have time to read. At the present time, I have about 25 books that I have bought and are just waiting for me to find time for them.
2. I am lactose intolerant. So, milk does a real number on me if I consume it. I don’t like it to drink…but, I do like an occasional bowl of cereal. So, I have to want it really bad…cause I will invariably suffer the consequences.
3. I have kept every card and letter sent to me over the past 20 years. It is fun to go back and reread these and remember the people who sent them.
4. I love to organize things. It is very a very calming activity to sort through items and separate them into categories. The problem I have is follow through…I like to sort and categorize…just not store and put away. Big problem!
5. I love boxes…especially old wooden boxes. I like the ones that have several layers of paint on them and have obviously been well used. I really get excited if I find a box like I have never seen before.
6. I really enjoy watching So You Think You Can Dance? on TV. This is the 3rd season. I do not like Dancing with the Stars at all, but this show takes kids who really can dance and showcases their talent. It is amazing how they can learn new choreography each week, even when they have not ever danced that particular style before. Much harder than DWTS…this show is about real talent. No, I do not think I can dance.
So, there you go, way more about me than you ever wanted to know. I am not going to tag anyone specifically…but, come on, folks, be a sport…play along!
I do not like thunder and lightning. I never have and don’t have any plans to change. I realize it is created by God, and it serves a very useful purpose…but I do not like it. I do not like to hear it. I do not like to see it. I do not like to even think about it. However, because I care about my blogging buddies, I am forcing myself to blog about this. But, this is a one time deal…you better take notes. I know you have heard most of these things before, but it never hurts to hear them again. I am using information from a USA Today report by Jack Williams, and from the National Weather Service.
Lightning kills close to 100 people in the US every year. And most of these are at this time of year when thunderstorms hit quickly and often.
A typical lightning strike can heat up the air around it to 50,000 degrees, which causes it to expand and contract which in turn causes sound waves. You hear this as thunder. So, even if you do not see the lightning…THUNDER MEANS IT IS THERE! Thunder should be thought of as a wake-up call. If you can hear the thunder, the lightning is within 10 miles. Thunder rarely travels further than that. A lightning strike can travel over 5 miles.
Remember this:
So, friends, if you can hear the thunder…the lightning is close enough to worry about!!!Now, I did not realize this. I always thought that the thunder just meant a storm was coming…not realizing thunder actually means the storm is here!
A permanent building is a safe place to be. But, you must be aware of these things:
***Stay away from windows…people have been killed by going to a window to look at the storm.
***Do not talk on the telephone…lightning can follow the telephone wire and strike you.
***Do not take a bath…and stay away from plumbing fixtures. In other words…just ‘hold it’ til the storm is over.
***Do not use or stand near electrical appliances…the lightning can follow the wiring inside. NO BLOGGING!!!!
A car can offer some protection…but it has nothing to do with the tires. If the car is struck, it will follow the metal path to the ground. Therefore…if you are seeking shelter in a car during a storm, DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING METAL. Also, be sure all the windows are rolled up. You’re only safe in a metal roof car.
If you are caught outdoors, do not seek shelter in: carport, dugout, tent, picnic pavilions, under a tree, etc. If you are driving, stop. A flash of lightning can blind the driver.
I know you have all heard these warning signs hundreds of times, but maybe you are like me and did not realize that you should seek shelter when you begin to hear the thunder.
I used to be bothered by the fact that thunder and lightning seemed so useless. Why could it not just rain with out all the lights and noise? Then one day I was preparing a lesson for some preschoolers, and I got my answer.
Eighty per cent of our atmosphere is made up of nitrogen which is essential to vegetation. But, it is floating around in the air…when the plants that need it are on the ground. Isn’t it just like God to have that in His plan all along? When the intense heat of the lightning streaks through the sky, it dissolves the nitrogen into the rain which carries it to the earth. Have you ever noticed that sort of acid smell after a thunderstorm? Well, that is the nitrogen that has fallen…God’s fertilizer!
This world did not just happen by accident. Every single thing was thought out and planned by a most magnificent God. Every little thing in our vast universe is here for a reason and a purpose.
Even so, I still do not like the lightning. And you can be sure that I will not be where it is. In fact, if possible, I will not even be where I can see it. But, I thank Him for it anyway…though I am not sure He believes me!
“It is His voice that echoes in the thunder of the storm clouds. He causes mists to rise upon the earth; He sends the lightning and brings the rain, and from His treasures He brings the winds.” Jeremiah 10:13
Guess where I am standing? Right! I’m at the Creek House! Here’s what I saw today.
Look how good the mortar wash is looking. It is such a relief to get rid of that tacky brick! This just makes the whole house look better.
Can you tell that the mortar wash is darker here? It is sort of hard to see. But, this will be the accent color on the house.
The beams are going up inside the den and dining room. I watched them put one of them up and it scared me just seeing them…so I got out of there, and left it to the experts. It takes about 6 of them, and they are up so high…not fun.
Another view of the outside. The heat index here today is 105! I know they are burning up. But, inside, it is even hotter!
They are painting inside and I am so loving the colors. They are very calm and soothing…which can only be a positive around our house!
Our builder says all is coming along as it should…no glitches so far. I must admit that I did kind of cause a little bump in things yesterday. It was planned to paint all the cabinets in the house the same greeny-grayish color. And I like that, BUT, when I realized that it was going to be in my closet, too….I just thought it would be too dark. They have already painted the drawer fronts, but had not painted the room yet, so I had them change it. They will just have to repaint the drawer fronts and they spray those, so maybe they won’t talk about me too bad! I also had them add a chandelier in my closet over the island. That was an easy fix.
Can’t believe it is all coming together so quickly….after so many years of waiting and planning. We are blessed to be able to do this and all thanks go to God for allowing us to experience this joy! But, I still have miles to go in sorting through this house…you just collect a lot of junk in 30 years! I better get back to work!
I have come late to the computer age. Whereas many of my contemporaries learned about and used computers in their work…it has never been a necessity for me to know how to work one. But, I finally came to the conclusion that there was a big portion of the world that I could not access because I did not understand the computer. Fortunately for me, my 3 boys grew up at the time they were beginning to teach them in school…so they have used them for many years and it comes very natural to them. Plus, they inherited some ‘smart genes’ from one of their parents. They started showing me about them several years back and then when I decided I wanted to start a blog, there were many more lessons.
Now, I do not know if the fact that I have to be shown several times how to do something new is due to my ADD or my age, or the fact that having my 3 boys around me for so many years just used up all my good sense. But, whatever the reason, it just doesn’t stick to the grey matter the first or second time. Now, I have learned to write down what they say…so I have made me a notebook of cheat sheets. I can pull it out and read my notes…in my own words and remember exactly what to do. The young men that I labored for days to bring into this world, tend to get quite exasperated when I don’t automatically remember how they said to do a certain step 2 years ago. Personally, I think it is pretty amazing that I even remember that they told me anything at all 2 years ago.
While I am sure that I have within me the ability to make this machine perform many great and wonderful tasks, I still am at the mercy of my own ‘geek squad’. A new lesson is dependent upon just how magnanimous they are feeling toward me at the time. I am reminded of the many times that I cleaned poopy diapers and training pants. I told them how it all worked…showed them where to put their ‘work’, and expected them to remember. But did they? Noooooo! So, we had to have the same lesson again and again before it sunk in. I stuck with teaching them these manners because I wanted them to be liked and accepted by their peers. I wanted people to enjoy being around them and I wanted them to be able to do what all the other kids were doing. It took time, and eventually they learned where it was permissible to make a deposit. Oh, I well remember my loving and patient talks with them, carefully pointing out the error of their ways, and sweetly encouraging them to try harder. Lesson upon lesson upon lesson. Careful explanations, complete with show and tell to make sure it was fully understood. When they would come to me and say, “Mommy, I forgot what it was you said about using the potty, would you tell me again?” I would caress their soft hair and pull them onto my lap, and carefully explain it one more time. Oh, yes, that is exactly the way I remember it. And, they finally got it!
So, boys…you owe me a few more lessons…now stop that griping. You don’t have to pat me on the head and I don’t want to sit on your lap…you don’t even have to get your hands dirty!
“He that has ears, let him hear.” Matthew 11:15
About Me
I am a Christian woman who has survived many years on the planet. God has blessed me with a wonderful family: husband, 3 sons, a dear DIL, and a precious grandson. I also have dear friends to keep me inspired. I am an artist of sorts and am finding my way through the great blessing of retirement. I recently retired after 20 years as a music teacher. Life is good!
My Boys
My Parents

Me & Don


About Me