We tend to do our special days all in a wad in this family! the 8th was Mom and Pop’s anniversary…they have been married…..I don’t know…close to 60 years, I think! Then Pop’s birthday is the 9th and Ian’s is the 10th…which is today!
I just have to tell you that this is a very special young man. I have seen God’s hand on him throughout his life. He loves to have fun, works hard, loves his grandparents, and is always willing to lend a helping hand…well, unless he has a more pressing engagement…or if he’s sleeping in…but, he will get around to it eventually! 😉 Most importantly, he loves the Lord. He lives true to himself in all situations, and follows a stict moral code. I never worry about his behavior, or actions when he is away from us…he has proved himself too many times. He is the last of my children…and a surprise blessing from the Lord! He is adored and treasured by all those who know and love him!
Today has been a good day! First I met some dear, dear friends this morning for breakfast. We met at Atlanta Bread and talked and talked and talked. We haven’t all gotten together in too long. Ann and Kathy used to teach at the same school I do. Wow! Those were the days! Then Ann retired to lavish love on grandchildren, and Kathy, the artist, moved on up to the higher grades…teaching art. Judy used to live across the street from me, and we have shared some of life’s sweetest and most trying times! When I was pregnant with Alex, she copied me and got pregnant, too…with sweet Dana. Those two were like brother and sister. Dana with coal black hair and Alex with pale blond. They went to school together, and were true buddies! Then, I had Ian, and Judy was there to help me cope with that.(see Ian’s story…sidebar) Judy taught public school 7th grade for25 or 30 years and retired a few years back. She even went with me when Alex was in the hospital in Dallas. It was great to hear about all their children and grandchildren, too. We made plans to get together again soon. These ladies are true friends and so important to me. Pictured below is Ann, me, Judy, Kathy. Before I left Atlanta Bread, I got them to pack up a box of goodies to go. I hurried to Pop’s to wish him a Happy Birthday! Whew! Just made it before he went off to work! Isn’t he the most handsome man? I love him so dearly! He is 82 today. Can you believe it? He doesn’t look a day over 70! Then I had to take my dear, dear, laptop to the hospital. Late last evening, she had a little spell. I knew something was wrong…it was so unlike her. She blinked and sent some some kind of code word…and then she just closed her screen and refused to open back up. I coaxed and coaxed…even Alex came and tried with his most convincing words. But all to no avail. So, she is at the hospital as we speak…and I have not heard from her as to a diagnosis yet. But, I just know she is lonely there and wondering where I am. We have such a close relationship…she follows me around every where and even climbs in bed with me when I need to rest. What a trooper…I’m just praying for a quick recovery so she can be back by my side soon. So. I am talking to you friends on my desk top….which has been having its own issues lately. Alex said all along it was nothing serious, and he could fix it. Well, today was the day it finally had to be fixed…I could wait no longer. Well, I had no idea that this would lead to open-case surgery. Do you know what the guts of a computer look like? Well, I do now and it is not pretty. But, being the strong women I am…I even helped with the procedure. We took out a shiny round thing and Alex sent me to Wal-Mart to get another one. I did and he replaced it. We closed the wound and put it in place. Then, he turned her on…and…all was NOT well. She flashed this urgent message that we had not connected a major artery back to its rightful place. So, we had to go back in. She flashed again…we went back in…again and again and again. Finally on the 6th time…we got it right. We sent her to recovery and when she booted up…it was with a smile on her screen! Now, all was well. So, I am speaking to you through her and she is glad to be of service. She is even showing the correct time and date now. Wow! Modern medicine!
One other good thing…Adam had to have surgery on his nose last week, for the second time in 3 months. He went back to the doctor today for a check up and the doctor is very happy with the results. He should be able to breath much better now!
O.K. I am thankful for all these things…and YOU, too!
Years ago the Hawaiian islands were formed by volcanoes erupting on the ocean floor. Eruption upon eruption finally reached above the water and after many, many years, the islands were formed. All was barren, lava rock…inhospitable to most life forms. As the winds and rains and ocean surf worked on the rock, breaking it down into soil, birds flying overhead began to use the island rocks as a resting place during long flights across the ocean. As birds will do, they dropped some things while they rested, and eventually seed came to be deposited on the sharp rock. And, as seeds are born to do, they would eventually find the soil, germinate, and take root in this barren land. So, over time, the beautiful Hawaiian islands became the lush, garden islands they are today.
So tenacious is the tiny seed. It seeks to find a place to grow. This is its sole purpose. To burrow in, germinate, and grow to maturity. Then, send out new seeds to begin their own journey of life. Even if the conditions seem to be against them, the determined ones, the strong ones, are able to live out their purpose.
I was reminded of this recently while I was in Savannah, Georgia. Walking along the Riverfront, it is interesting to see how the elements have affected the building materials. It has worn them down, leaving crevices, and breaks between the bricks and stone and mortar. And, even in hot, humid Savannah, the mighty seed continues to show its tenacious spirit. Look at the walls I discovered as I walked along River Street. See how one has taken hold…then several…then many. Eventually making a beautiful, living thing among the harsh elements. *********************************************************************************** Let this be a reminder to us. As life moves along the path chosen for us, at times we find ourselves in situations or places that are not of our choosing. However, we have the ability, with the help of our Heavenly Father, to change our surroundings. We can take hold, and do what we were created to do. We can make “our world” a more beautiful place by showing the love of the Father, by looking for a way to bring ‘new life’ to a barren place. We were created to serve the Lord. Let us serve…and grow…wherever we happen to land.
After our morning shopping event with Vincent and his wife, we took off for some better known stores. (By the way, Vincent is holding the furniture there and will deliver it when I call for it. He says he wants to put it in the house himself.) We went to Jo-Ann’s, then to Marshall’s, then to TJ Maxx. We had hoped to find some treasure, but not really much there. While in line to pay for a frying pan I bought for Don (really!)…a woman in front of us said that she was disappointed not to find more there, and she thought she was going to go to HomeGoods. Well, mine and Tina’s ears perked right up…we heard something we liked. HomeGoods is a fabulous store! There are just not enough of them. And they are mostly in the bigger cities. Like Atlanta…it has 5 of them, and Birmingham has 2. It is like the Homewares section of TJ Maxx x 10! Great things! We had planned to hit the mall next, but this was a definite good change in plans. Shirl had never been to one before…but she was impressed when she began to peruse the wares. We all drifted to different parts of the store, and when we met back up, we all had found things we had to show each other. Mostly, they had found things for me to buy for the house. Oh, did they find things! First they came at me with these! Giant pears! “Those are great!,” I say, “But. where will I put them?” Well of course they had found just the thing! And right there in the middle of the store, they had set up this little vignette just so I could see how great this would look on my new table that the mighty Vincent was building for me. Is that some massive dough bowl or what? It is just beautiful! And the pears looked so good in it. SOLD! Let’s see, then I found a plant for Alex’s apt., a green wooden box, a wonderful cloche with a base, and some other treasures. Well, I thought we were about finished, til Shirley said,”Come and see what I found.” Words that I knew were going to cost me. She and Tina were perched on each side of the most magnificent framed print! It was over 5 feet tall, and 48 inches across. It is huge! But, just the most perfect print for my foyer, to go over the table I had purchased from the mighty Vincent. Just THE MOST PERFECT PIECE! It was triple matted in the palest shades of green, and had the most wonderful 4 inch frame of distressed wood. The colors were glorious! I do not usually fall in love with art like this, but this one was it! IT!!! We got the manager and he said they would NOT ship it, he could NOT take it to UPS for us, UPS would NOT come and get it, he would NOT hold it for more than a week, too bad…so sad. He finally said he would call Birmingham to see if they had it. I knew I could get there easier than back to Savannah. But, no…they did not have it. I asked him to check Atlanta…I thought Suzanne and I or Joy and I could go up and get it. He got a cashier to write down the numbers for me. Then he said something about the fact that we had been in the store for at least 3 hours! We measured the pic…and then the car…and yes, it would fit, BUT…it was already packed to the gills and we did not even have our luggage in yet! So, I said, “It’s just not meant to be…I’m not going to get it.” I was being so selfless y’all! 🙂 I mean, there were already doors, a chandelier, a capital, a chair, and various other treasures there…it was not going to work. We got in the car…and sat. Shirl said,”Call Atlanta!” I did…all 5 stores…no one had it. “That’s the end of it,” I said, ” let’s just go.” And we did…around the corner to a McD drive thru for some caffeine, next thing I know…Shirl has driven back to the parking lot of the HG store. “We have never before left behind something we really wanted, and we are not going to start now! I will not be done in by a picture. Show me the money, Tonja! Come on, Tina!,” said Shirley. I showed it to her….she took it….they left….and this is the next thing I see…. There are 3 people toting this pic, y’all! 3! They get it in and manage to shut the door. All I can think is, someone is going to be spending another week in Savannah until her 2 friends can come back and get her. WHEN THERE IS A WOMAN WITH A TREASURE…SHE AND HER 2 BFF WILL FIND A WAY! Next stop…Wal-Mart for a car top carrier for the luggage. I stay in the car because I can not get out of the car… They say they’ll just run in and get it and be right back. And since there were quite a few menacing folk milling around the parking lot, Tina said, “I’m locking you in.” So, I slump down in the seat so my neck doesn’t break, and look for something to read. I find a magazine, but it is too dark ro read. I’m sure they’ll be right back . 10 minutes pass. WHEW! It’s a little warm in here! Think I’ll open a window…WAIT…can’t…the alarm is on. They should be here any minute. UMMM, my neck is getting stiff…holding it as I am, slumped down in this seat, held captive by a picture. 15 minutes pass. Yep, it really is warm alright…really warm. Let’s see if I can just move around so I can feel the cool window. Ah! that feels good. Sweat is now rolling down the crevices of the body…back is hurting…neck is sore. 20 minutes pass. I know…they are trying to punish me for getting that picture..No..that was Shirl’s idea. I am officially going crazy. I think I may have to set off the alarm just so they will come out. What could they be doing? I bet they are shopping the whole store! I’m dying here! There is a puddle of sweat on the seat, I can not reach my phone or I would call them them and give them a piece of my fried mind. How dare they go on a treasure hunt with out me! 10 minutes pass. This is what I get for wanting a pretty house. I’m going to die in this car…please put this picture next to my grave. I’m losing it here. And I’m hungry! We haven’t eaten since forever. I bet they are getting something to eat and not even thinking about me crunched up like a pretzel melting to death. FINALLY! they open the door ,acting all innocent like…saying,”we’ve been in line all this time,” and “you would not believe how many people were in there!” Likely story…but, I say nothing…because, I am in no shape to think clearly, much less form words and utter them. They decide they are hungry, too. And since we were treated so bad by the folk’s at Paula’s Place, we have no dinner plans. Of course, I could not go in anywhere to eat…I could not straighten out and I am soaked to the bone. “Anywhere”, I say. And we spot a Krystal sign and pull in. You will never believe this, but it is the truth or I am not the Queen of the Fling! We sat in the line for 40…40 minutes. We had planned to take it home, but we gobble them down in the car…after Shirl has a nice, friendly talk with the manager. Well, I can not actually gobble, since I am bent in half and my neck and swallowing mechanism are in such unusual positions. We do wait until we get home to dig in to the lemon pie and apple pies, though. We make it to the room…and Shirl throws me in the shower, cause she says I’ll feel better. Ha! She’s just feeling guilty for leaving me in the car for 3 and 1/2 hours! I bathe, and she rubs my feet with sweet smelling foot lotion. Which, at this point in my day, I feel is akin to the washing of feet spoken of in the Holy Bible. Such a sweet girl, she is! Good night. They get up before me again, and get to work on the car. Look! They figured out the carrier, loaded it up, and even carved out a tiny space for me! I’m not complaining, mind you! At least I have some pillows to cushion my neck and back! And, sadly, we pull out of Savannah…car bursting at the seams….and friends bursting with laughter and sweet memories of another adventure coming to an end. I find that it is easier to sleep, than balance a picture on my head…so, before I know it, we are back in Moultrie. It starts to rain, but we unpack her car…and pack all we can into my car. After a short visit with her family, Tina and I take off for home. One last picture of the Court, and we hit the road. We arrive home to loved ones who missed us. And we are missing the loved one we left in Moultrie… along with a very, very big picture! Our time together is too soon past. Oh, how I wish these days would last. But, we’ll look forward for the sign That it’s time to travel one more time!
I am a Christian woman who has survived many years on the planet. God has blessed me with a wonderful family: husband, 3 sons, a dear DIL, and a precious grandson. I also have dear friends to keep me inspired. I am an artist of sorts and am finding my way through the great blessing of retirement. I recently retired after 20 years as a music teacher. Life is good!
My Boys
"All your sons will be taught by the Lord; and great will be their peace." Isaiah 54:13
Read their stories... Adam Alex Ian
Hello, my name is Everly. I am a blogger living in New York. This is my blog, where I post about interior design and decoration. Never miss out on new stuff.