I do value the friendships I have made with so many dear, sweet souls through this blog. God has pointed me in the direction of some friends that feel as close to me as if we sat down face to face and talked daily. So, I will freely ask you for a favor.
There are several things that cause me to be a little anxious about this trip. Moving…packing…school…health, etc. But those will be what they will be. I am sure the builder has all the info he needs, and if not he has our number. Got my meds all filled, and I’m expecting to have the strength I need to enjoy this trip. But, Alex is the thing that concerns me most. I am blessed to have Mom and Pop to look after him. Also, Adam and Suzanne, and Ian. And Joy and Tommy. They will take care of whatever he needs, and I trust them to do that. Would you pray with me please, that he will have some good days while we are gone? Pray that his pain will lessen. It has been at an all time high lately. Pray that he will rest at night, and that he keeps on his strict med schedule. Nothing could make me enjoy this trip anymore than to know that he is doing well at home.
I thank you in advance, because I know you are praying friends! I will talk to you soon….Aloha