I have great pics and stories to share with you—hilarious stories…just wait!
I am blessed far more than I could ever deserve. God is good!
I am going back to sleep now….it is 4:20 AM…and it is not wise to write too much at this hour of the day…embarrassing things may slip out.
I pray that YOU have the very best Christmas ever! May your homes be filled with love and laughter and sweet memories…old and new.
Forgive me for not visiting each of you with a personal message, just think of me surrounded by mountains of STUFF…perched on a BOX…to get to my computer. OK, quit thinking…it’s not THAT funny!
Good Morning…see you after THE BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION.
I bet you do, too. I happen to like a lot of different things…so, therefore…more stuff!
Now, if you don’t have enough stuff….this is the store for you!
We girls have a lot of stuff…hair stuff, nail stuff, skin stuff, makeup stuff, dressy stuff, casual stuff, etc. Stuff for everything we do…which is, of course, as it should be.
I didn’t even know about this…but apparently it’s true…because there is a book about it…and a blog! If I was not white, I would write my own book.
************************************************************************** A FEW FACTS ABOUT STUFF
1. We have more stuff than we need.
2. Yes, that ‘we’ includes YOU.
3. We have stuff we don’t even know we have.
4. Stuff accumulates very easily…and very quickly!
5. No one has ever actually seen it happen, but stuff multiplies!
6. I know this is true, because it has happened to me. Upon commencing the packing process…I was surprised, shocked, and overwhelmed by the stuff that has appeared unbeknownst to me.
7. When the day comes that you realize the awful truth about your stuff…be prepared to act swiftly. You must rid yourself of the stuff with no looking back. if you hold on to it, it becomes yours. You actually begin to feel ownership of it even though it may not be yours, technically.
8 Once you feel this ownership…you’re a goner. You have crossed over. This amazing amount of stuff is yours….and now you must either find a place to display it…. or store it….or move it.
9. One of the best ways to ‘pass along’ your stuff to others, is to hold a garage sale, a yard sale, a tag sale, a moving sale or whatever you wish to call it. It seems that at these sales, other folks who like stuff actually will come to your house and take it off your hands and add it to their collection…for a very low fee…certainly not what it is worth! FYI…I’ll be having a huge MOVING MY HOUSE AND GARAGE SALE IN MY YARD very soon! It will all be tagged. Great stuff!!!
10. All these facts are true. I know from experience. I am living it even as we speak…or read and write. And I will be moving it in a few hours.
******************************************************************************* “HOME…a place to keep your stuff while you go out and get more stuff!” George Carlin
1. There are 1 million boxes in the Creek House and current house.
2. There were 2 million boxes moved today…go figure.
3. It is doubtful that we will have any room for furniture in the Creek House.
4. I am fairly certain, however, that I can build a nice table and chairs out of the million boxes I have in my possession.
5. There is still more packing to be done at current house. I found out…TODAY…that the movers will NOT pack my china. They also will NOT pack my books. They will , however, MOVE them…if they are in a box.
6. The movers are coming tomorrow.
7. Pray for my sanity…and my back.
8. I could not have gotten this far without my friend, Tina. She deserves an award for going above and beyond the call of friendship. I am going to make her a very nice surprise…out of a box…and then I’ll wrap it….in a box.
9. I hope I never see another box after this.
10. Yes, I have gone off the deep end….but it’s OK….I landed on a BOX!
I am a Christian woman who has survived many years on the planet. God has blessed me with a wonderful family: husband, 3 sons, a dear DIL, and a precious grandson. I also have dear friends to keep me inspired. I am an artist of sorts and am finding my way through the great blessing of retirement. I recently retired after 20 years as a music teacher. Life is good!
My Boys
"All your sons will be taught by the Lord; and great will be their peace." Isaiah 54:13
Read their stories... Adam Alex Ian
Hello, my name is Everly. I am a blogger living in New York. This is my blog, where I post about interior design and decoration. Never miss out on new stuff.