Yes, I do know Christmas is over. But, the memories and pics linger on. I did not get these posted before Christmas, but I had promised my 3 little buddies I would put these on my blog. So here they are…better late than never!
My K-4 kids on stage for their program…
K-4 teachers: Jana, Dawn, the old lady, Donnell, Debbie. No one told me about the vests…
Me and Mack, my sweet friend in K-3
Benj and Luke and me…ready to ride with Santa…don’t ya think we’ll fit right in with the other reindeer?
Does anyone remember this song? It was the song to a regular spot on the old TV show HEE HAW. The fact that I remember the words after all these years must say something about my life. Here goes:
“Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep dark depression…excessive misery.
If it weren’t for bad luck
I’d have no luck at all.
Gloom, despair, and agony on me.”
Yep, those are the words and believe it or not…it was a comedy skit!
Someone who lives in my house with me and is 2 years older than I, has been complaining that there were still boxes in the garage. And, that person was right. However, I have been going through them a few at a time and sorting and putting things away. Obviously, not fast enough! Anyway, I tried to just move one of the boxes into the storage room to get them out of his line of sight. Bad decision…very bad. I knew immediately that I had messed up. My back screamed at me,”Why did you do that? Don’t you know better? I’ll show you how I feel about you lifting that box!” And, so the pain began. And it has not stopped. For two days now, I’ve been taking muscle relaxers, and pain meds…but so far…it’s no better.
I was hoping to go to Birmingham this afternoon with Ian. He is having some quite serious sinus surgery in the morning. But, instead of taking care of him…I am flat on my back.
So, if you have a little space at the end of your prayer list…please add me and Ian. My son, my back and I thank you very much.
Part of our furniture has arrived! The COUCHES for the den came today and they look even better than I thought they would. These pictures do not capture the true color and richness of the fabric. When you see just a swatch of fabric, it is sometimes hard to imagine it all over the piece…at least it is for me. But, I am very happy with the way it blends with this…

MY CHAIR! I love my chair! Our architect and designer found this and said it would be perfect for the room. We went to see it, and he was right! At least I thought so. Don…not so much. To be fair though, it really didn’t fit him as well. But, I looked divine sitting in it and it fit me to a ‘T’! The back and sides are horse hair!!! Can you believe it? But, no animal was sacrificed for MY chair. This horse lived out his days quietly munching apples from a tree in the pasture, with an occasional lump of sugar from the adorable kids who lived nearby. A kind and gentle woman would rub his coat down at night and cover him with a lovely hand stitched blanket. Then she gave him loads of fresh hay and sang him to sleep. She ever so kindly left a tiny night light on in his stall for comfort. He ‘jumped the fence’ to that great pasture in the sky quietly and without distress. At least that’s what I think the lady at the furniture store said.
Our bed has also arrived. But, still waiting for the rest…and still looking for chairs for my beautiful table!
Late last evening as I was getting ready to take Scooter out for a ‘stroll’, I discovered that he had thrown up…sometime earlier. I was sure of this because I had to scrub the floor to clean it up. But, clean it up, I did.
This morning, soon after I woke up, I realized that I was not going to be leaving my house any time soon. Let it suffice to say that the reason I was spending so much time in the bathroom had nothing to do with decorating! Oh, the agony! You’ve been there.
A little while later, Alex calls to me, saying he needs help, “NOW!”. I go to his room to find him holding towels saying, “Scooter just threw up again. Here, I cleaned it up.” And, I took the towels straight to the washer.
Meanwhile, I was alternating between trips to the bathroom, and stopping by the kitchen to take another Imm*dium. After about 4 (Imm*dium, not bathroom trips), I began to feel a little better. A little.
Moms can not rest, though. No matter how bad they feel. Time for Scooter to take another trip to the ‘great outdoors’. Now, I do not want to be graphic here, but, it was obvious. as I waited on the other end of the leash…that Scooter and I were experiencing something in common. Only…his had progressed to a dangerous stage. I came in and called the vet and they said they would see him right away. So, saying a quick prayer for the good Lord to put a stop to ‘things’ for me, I took off to the vet. Seems he ate something that did not ‘agree’ with him or it could just be a virus. Oh, he was a sick dog. Two shots, some internal meds, and 2 more prescriptions for the next few days. He has spent the afternoon laying around on the floor or in his bed.
I have spent the afternoon laying around on the couch or in my bed. Today was not a day fit for ‘man nor beast’ (or woman nor dog, either)!
Alcohol…Coffee…Onions…Garlic…Grapes…Chocolate…Macadamia Nuts…Yeast
Several months ago, when I first realized we would actually be building a house, I began looking for storage solutions to make my life…AND MOVE…easier. This is a Rubbermaid box I found at K-Mart or Wal-Mart. It is called a Keepsake Photo and Media Box. It helped me get all my music organized and confined to one place. The boxes hold 27 DVD’s or 32 CD’s or 15 VHS tapes. I used mine to hold my CD’s. I bought 12 boxes and labelled them according to type: Christian Men, Christian Women, Christian Group, Oldies, Pop Men, Pop Women, Pop Group, Instrumental, Christmas, Children, etc. Then I sorted and loaded.
When we started building the Creek House, Don wanted a nice sound system in the house. That was fine with me, but waaaay over my level of understanding. I have just loved my old CD player that I could load 5 CD’s into at once. I could carry it around anywhere I wanted to go. Then I learned how to load CD’s onto my laptop and listen from there. That’s worked well for me, also. Now, I don’t know what all is involved in this sound system that runs through this house…but, it must be a cool thing. I have seen too many folk’s eyes light up when they see all the guts of the thing. I know where it is…and I know it has many parts…and I know there are many lights on it and words scrolling by. And, the sound can come out in any room I want it to…if I knew how to make that happen…which I don’t. Which is why I love my old ‘boom box’. I know just how it works and just where to whack it when it jams up. We have an understanding.
The young man who has been working in our house on this system for the last few months told me it was possible to load all the CD’s that I have into this system. Then, when I want to listen to one of them, I can just pull it up on the keypad wherever I am in the house. They would also be listed by artist or album title, or genre. “Excellent,” I said. He promised that he would give me all the lessons I needed until I learned to work it. I did not realize that I would be investing so much time in getting to the ‘listening’ part!
It turns out that before we could load them into the music system…they first had to be loaded onto the computer…then transferred to an external hard drive…then into the system. That, my friends, is about 3 steps too many for me. Anyway, for the last month I have been ripping CD’s onto my laptop…everytime I opened the computer. Every. single. time. And, I have finally finished! That would be 12 boxes full. That would be 12 boxes X 32 CD’s in each box! That would be approximately 384 CD’s! But, I am finished. Done!
Now, Alex takes my computer, and he puts them onto the external hard drive. (I went to the store with a note in my hand saying what to buy…I really have no idea what an external hard drive is.) Next they will be loaded onto the system and forever more I will have my music at my fingertips…or at least at my keypad. And, I will listen to beautiful music through the speakers that dot every ceiling in my house.
I remember the first transistor radio that I had. I thought it was the grandest thing that I could listen to all the cool music on the radio from this little box I held in my hand. I discovered that I could even turn the volume down very low and put it under my pillow and listen to it all night…or until the battery died. That was a rude awakening for me when I discovered that to be able to listen to the music…you had to buy the batteries. And to buy the batteries…you had to have money. And, if you were not wise enough to save some of your allowance…you were doomed to a life without the glorious sounds of 60’s and 70’s pop music. Bummer! My parents were very good about teaching us and showing us these hard life lessons. And, my little sister would NOT let you listen to her radio…even if she was not listening to it!
I remember 8 track tapes and how excited I was to have a tape player installed in my car. 8 track tapes cost more than batteries. Funny how the older you get, the more your toys cost, huh? Then the cassette tapes made the 8 tracks obsolete. And it was oh, so much easier to carry around the little cassettes. Then, there were the Walkmans, and the CD’s and the ipod…and on it goes.
Today, I asked some of the kindergarten students what they got for Christmas. Several of them got ipods! I told them I had one, too. I did not, however, tell them that I did not know how to work it! It baffles this aging brain of mine to think of how they will get their music when they are 50…plus. What will be the next big thing to make our music available to us? If we knew, we probably could not even fathom it.
Oh how far music has come since someone long, long ago first noticed the sound the wind made as it blew across the top of a reed growing by a stream. Music…we gotta have it…one way or another.
About Me
I am a Christian woman who has survived many years on the planet. God has blessed me with a wonderful family: husband, 3 sons, a dear DIL, and a precious grandson. I also have dear friends to keep me inspired. I am an artist of sorts and am finding my way through the great blessing of retirement. I recently retired after 20 years as a music teacher. Life is good!
My Boys
My Parents

Me & Don


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