I believe in being prepared. Especially for emergencies. Like melt downs or extreme agitation and intense aggravation…caused by other people…affecting me.
And, so, I always keep a carton of ice cream for just such emergencies. Because there are times when nothing else will do. And if you find yourself in the midst of such extreme agitation and intense aggravation…it is just not safe for you to be driving in this state of mind. Nor should you be around other people to whom you may show an unkind attitude. This, then, is my current ‘medication’ of choice.
Just the one on the right…not the others. This fine, icy delight is just available certain times of the year…during Girl Scout Cookie Sales. I eagerly anticipate this event (along with the cookies)…and was excited when I was able to purchase a carton and hide it away. Just knowing it was there when I needed it was enough to calm most of my minor annoyances…I was saving it for a BIG TIME, UNCONTROLLABLE URGE TO PUT SOMEONE OUT OF MY MISERY!

I am just not able to go into details at this time…it would be dangerous to my blood pressure. But, I was in desperate need for this calming goodness today. Going to the freezer…the one in the laundry room…the one no one uses…the one that has nothing in the freezer side…the one no one has any need to be looking in, I opened the door, knowing relief was a spoonful away.
Thinking I may have been out of my mind and inadvertently put it in a conspicuous place, I checked the freezer in the pantry. No, not there. Then, I checked in Alex’s freezer. The boy does love a good bowl of ice cream. Not there! Then I checked the kitchen garbage cans…Alex’s and the one in the kitchen. No empty cartons. Who ever STOLE my ice cream took care to eat the whole carton and destroy the evidence.
I am not a happy girl. Things have happened that have left me in a position I do not like to be in. And, let it be known…if the ones that put me in this position had just listened to me and followed my instructions…NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED. But, they didn’t listen…and now someone is going to have to suffer consequences…AND IT IS NOT GOING TO BE ME!
Yes, this was at least a 2 bowl kind of day…who am I kidding? It was a get a big spoon and eat it right out of the carton kind of day. But, I didn’t…cause some one who cares not a whit about my feelings has stolen it right out from under my mouth! I had to make do with 2 mini drumsticks…it didn’t work. You need to slowly draw the ice cream off the spoon…into your mouth…roll it around in there…chew the large cookie pieces…and then let it slide down your throat…feeling all that coldness melting away your grief.
Well…it didn’t happen. Someone has some big ‘splaining to do.