I have had several friends contact me to see what was going on that would take me away from my blog for so many days. So, I will offer a short explanation.
1. I have been very sick…physically.
2. My Mother went to live with Jesus.
3. My son had eye surgery.
4. Another son had eye surgery and then 3 emergency surgeries on his eyes due to another problem that could have cost his sight. He has his next operation on Wednesday.
5. Another son changed jobs and homes in another city, and I was not well enough to go and help him.
6. My DIL is undergoing some medical procedures.
7. My church split and we lost all the staff, the choir, most of the deacons, and 100 members. Those who left are some of the dearest people in the world to me. It is another death. And, I am shocked and sad and angry.
8. The school where I worked for 20 years, started back last week, and I miss them.
9. Joy has had to help Pop deal with things at his house, because I have not been well enough to get out. I feel guilty about this. I should be helping.
10. Alex is in quite a bit of pain…and nothing is helping.
11. The ants are back…with a vengence!
12. I miss my Mom.
I am trying to get all of this sorted out and dealt with, but it just keeps raining…and raining.
As low as I am at this point, this I know: God is in control of the Universe, of America, of Alabama, of Dothan, of Southside, of my family, of me. He is able to direct us all into the life that He has for us. He is able to bind our wounds and heal our hurts. He is able to grow much from nothing…and He is able to right wrongs. He is able to restore what has been broken. He cares that I am sad and hurt and angry and floundering. He promises me that all will be well. And, I believe that with my whole heart. It will happen. And, until it does, I will wait and watch. And, maybe cry a bit. That’s the reason He made tears, isn’t it? He says to ‘wait on Him’. That I will do.
“God will let you laugh again; you will raise the roof with sounds of joy.”
Job 8:21