We ate breakfast at the motel, and then made our way the 20 or so miles to the tiny town of Gay, GA. Here they hold the Cotton Pickin’ Fair every Fall and Spring. It is not the best show that we have been to, but it is a fun one. There is always wonderful food. ***Why is it that anything eaten outside is always scrumptious? And, whether you need it or not, you are always hungry once you smell the delicious aromas.***
This huge old barn contains wonderful antique vendors. There is always great things to see and wonder about here. Lots of old ‘stuff’, with lots of wear and tear. I found a pair of lamps, and a few other treasures inside!
Here is the back of the car BEFORE we even got to the craft show! OH! MY! Is there room for more treasures?

Why, of course, there’s room! And, there go Tina and Shirl back to the car with our first load of goodies! I chose to rest my tootsies so we could keep going when they got back!
Here is a lovely scene set up by one of the vendors inside. And,she had such great treasures! We all found some wonderful things we just had to have from her! She had great hand poured candles full of wonderful scents! I am burning Brown Sugar…it’s divine!
Our friend, Jan, had a booth outside. She sells clay beads and the necklaces to string them on. Her booth is very eye catching in pink and brown. We helped her put out her wares when we first got there! Good Luck, Jan!

We made our rounds and saw all there was to see. I found a wonderful bench that I NEEDED so badly in my foyer…but alas! there was no room to bring it home. There is also a stage set up on the grounds and all day you can hear local talent singing and dancing and having a ‘good ‘ole time’…just as you would imagine a good old country fair to be!
Then we made our way to the car and began our trip home. We wanted to get my rugs and lamps into place before Shirl had to leave. So, a quick stop in Columbus for a sandwich, and home we go. Talking and discussing, and solving problems all the way. Now if everybody would just listen to us, the world would be much better off!!!
Look, we got the rugs into place…and the new pillows…
…and added a few more pieces to the top of the cabinet…

…placed and plugged in the new/old lamps…

…added a few finishing touches…

…posed for a picture…

…and one more quick hug…

…and, it was over. The Great Fall Fling of 2009 was history. Shirl, bless her heart, still had to drive 2 hours to get home to Moultrie. We try to change up where we leave from occasionally so sometimes it is Tina and I who have to drive the extra 2 hours home.
I do not take for granted the blessing of our friendship. These 2 girls own a piece of my heart. They hold it carefully and tend it and treasure it. And, I, theirs, as well. I am richer in spirit and love because of them. My true self is safe with them, and I am a better ‘me’ because they are in my life.