I’m so excited! Today all my ‘best friends’ from school are coming to my house for lunch. And, all is well…because I did not have to cook!!! Just decorate! That’s waaaaay more fun than cooking any day!
The foyer is ready to welcome my guests…
Details are ready on the table…with lovely FOLDING CHAIRS to accent!!!!!!
And, the angels were up all night sprinkling angel dust all over everything…
This is the best part of Christmas…having the ones you hold in your heart all around you! All because of God’s great gift to us…Jesus. He is the author of all good things. Fun, laughter, good food, good friends, cozy fire…it’s going to be a great day!
I had a visit today from my sweet little friend, A. I call her Lucy Jane, and we sing songs about her name. I tried to catch a quick pic in front of my small tree. After all my toys and tricks were no longer fun, we decided to make her a little Christmas tree. And, to get this pic, I had to bribe her with some bracelets! But, she does look like a little angel, doesn’t she?
I’m the type of girl who has ideas jumping around in my head all the time…and I want to do them all. Not possible. In my mind, I can see the finished product. And sometimes I can see all the steps along the way. It is very helpful to myself when this happens. However…sometimes I see the steps on a ‘need to know’ basis. And, that can cause a ‘FLUSTERATION‘ of the largest kind. [yes, FLUSTERATION is a word. Why should Mr. Webster get all fun? It’s a cross between FLUSTERED and AGGRAVATION. And, it is not a pretty way to be. FYI].
Now, to the point of this little post. It does have one, in case you were wondering! I saw my mantle in my head. I knew how I wanted it to look. See, this is one of those cases where I get the info on a ‘need to know’ basis. So, I drag out all my big candle sticks…and place them on the mantle. I had bought 2 new ones, the sort of red ones with the funky ridges around the bottom. If you will notice, they have changed color several times…and may again. They were a pinky shade of red to start with. And, I added the cream candles. The look was just not right. So, I removed the candles, and added 2 more larger candle sticks. I liked this better. But, the candle color was off. Couldn’t use red, or green, or cream. HMMMMM…What to do? What to do? I DID NOT want to go and buy candles for all these…they would cost a fortune. And, I already had these on hand. AHHHHH! I spied this pretty tissue paper that I picked up in B’ham. I wished the candles were that color. And, they may even look good with that print on them. MOD PODGE! That’s what I needed! And, a Diet Coke. OH! Happy Day! I had both on hand! To the terribly cluttered work table in my studio I headed. I cut the tissue to fit the various sizes of candles. Then ‘painted’ on a layer of Mod Podge. Gently I laid the tissue on top, and smoothed it out. *****FYI…It does not matter how gently or slowly or carefully or meticulously you place this tissue on the candle….IT WILL WRINKLE! It is something about the laws of Christmas, and the level of anxiety you feel at the coming of the season, and directly related to the fact that you have a houseful of guests coming in VERY SOON! I tell you this so you can avoid the dreaded ‘FLUSTERATION‘. So, tell yourself…as I do…that the wrinkles are really quite nice and add to the character of the finished candle. *****I told me that..and I believe it…and I like the wrinkles!
After I laid the tissue on the candle,I covered it with another layer of Mod Podge. OH! MY! Those wrinkles really showed up then! Beautiful! IF YOU DO THIS…. Be sure to set these on a plastic bag or wax paper, so they will not stick to whatever you set them on. FLUSTERATION happens when you have to pick off tiny pieces of newspaper or an uncoated paper plate.
Let dry well, then cut off any excess. Take them to your candle sticks, and place them on top. Stand back…admire your clever handiwork…and pat yourself on the back for being such a resourceful, clever, creative girl!
I have bemoaned to you, my friends, how hard it has been to get motivated to decorate for Christmas this year. I have been working on the inside, but nothing outside. However, while in Birmingham yesterday, I picked up some stuff to get the job done. And, that has been my goal today. I am happy to report to you that it has been finished and all is in place. So, here’s how I spent the day…
I found these wonderful ceramic pots at Home Goods for $7.99 each. I debated purchasing them for a while and put them back…then went back and got them. Glad I did! They are a gingerbread colored brown, with a cream colored snowflake…beautifully glazed.
A quick stop by Jo-Ann’s, where all the Christmas was 60% off. I bought 6 cream colored poinsettia bushes, some excelsior, and foam. Remember the pots, the snowflakes are the same color as the poinsettia! The plan was coming together!
Sometimes excelsior is easier to work with than moss. And, not as messy!
I had bought a large square of foam, intending to split it, and 2 foam balls. Cutting the block apart, to stuff in the bottom thus elevating the ball. Hot glued the ball to the block. Some scraps of the foam were used to wedge the ball tighter into the pot. Then the excelsior is hot glued onto the ball and tucked down into the pot. One down, one to go. I cut apart the bushes. The stems are much easier for me to work with than a whole bush. I also plan to add some twigs. Let me tell you about the twigs. Several years ago, I found these bushes of small twigs. They are covered wire, so it is easy to bend them and use them in many ways. Let me just say this. And, I am NOT a floral designer, or even a floral worker, BUT…these twigs are the best things…in the FLORAL WORLD…that I have ever bought. I use them over and over, in almost every arrangement I do, and in every season. I have 4 bushes of these, but I cut 2 of them apart. If you ever run across something similar, they are wonderful to have in your work room! I think I paid about $3.00 a bush.
And, here is the finished product, already on the front porch, in the plants stands. I like the way they look.
One on either side…ready for the wreath in the middle. And, here is the wreath, bought at Hobby Lobby for 1/2 off. However, to go with the cream poinsettias…it needs something! What do you think? I think I’m going to use the leftover poinsettias to add to the wreath…and maybe some white berries. I bought this wonderful tin bag at Hobby Lobby, and could hardly wait to fill it with some foliage. The is is now filled with the remainder of the twigs I told you about, and some stems that I bought for another project! Doesn’t it look festive! And, keeping close watch over all the creative activity taking place in the kitchen, is Bella, the shopping angel. She approved! And, was very impressed with my creative endeavors today!
We returned home about an hour ago, after a l-o-n-g day! Adam went in early for a workup before surgery, so Joy and I left, with plans to be back before the surgery started. About the time we had gotten across town…the phone rang, and it was Adam. There had been a cancellation in the doctors schedule…he was starting the surgery in 5 minutes! We hopped in the car and hurried back…but, it was all finished by the time we got there!
It all went well! And, even though he was in pain… he could actually see an improvement!
Thank you, Jesus! You are good to us and we thank you and praise you!
The Dr. told him that his vision would continue to improve over the next few days!
We appreciate you remembering us and keeping us in your prayers. He is the Great Physician!!
I am a Christian woman who has survived many years on the planet. God has blessed me with a wonderful family: husband, 3 sons, a dear DIL, and a precious grandson. I also have dear friends to keep me inspired. I am an artist of sorts and am finding my way through the great blessing of retirement. I recently retired after 20 years as a music teacher. Life is good!
My Boys
"All your sons will be taught by the Lord; and great will be their peace." Isaiah 54:13
Read their stories... Adam Alex Ian
Hello, my name is Everly. I am a blogger living in New York. This is my blog, where I post about interior design and decoration. Never miss out on new stuff.