OH. MY. GOODNESS. I am actually getting ready to head NORTH in this DEEP FREEZE weather we are having!!! Oh! the things we do for our children! Just kidding….Joy and I are headed to Birmingham this morning to take Alex for another eye surgery. If all goes well, this will be the last one….for him. Adam still has one more to go also! Whew! At least we can see the end in sight,, God willing.
We have all our warmest clothes,and our hats and gloves…and off we go! Surgery tomorrow…
And…here is the final group of our Christmas pics…until Adam gets the ones ready from Don’s side of the family…
FYI: Yes, I do own shoes. No, I did not have them on. It came down to a choice between the shoes…or smiling…
FYI 2: Yes, I have taught my boys to tuck in their shirts for special occasions…like pictures being made for posterity…but, they tend to follow example rather than words, and go for comfort, instead! But, hey…2 out of 3 ain’t too bad!!!