Oh, what a fun and busy weekend! That’s what helps make Christmas such a fun time, isn’t it? On Friday night, Don and I hosted our Sunday School classes at our home. We had about 35 people attending, and fun was had by all. We ate, and talked, and played games, and prayed and laughed and sang and laughed some more! It was cool weather, but the men were able to eat outside by the fireplace, and we ladies ate inside at the table…and on the floor…and on the couch! Don and I provided turkey and ham and everyone else brought all the other food! Yummy!
Just a few random pictures…I didn’t manage to get a pic of everyone…I kind of lost track of whose I had made. Go figure!
Our teacher brought everyone a pair of Christmas socks. Then she decided that this would make a perfect ‘class picture’. And, she was right! Can you tell which one I am?
Here is the whole group:
On Saturday, Joy had gotten us tickets to a play in Montgomery…about 100 miles north of us. She has a broken foot…and Pop has macular degeneration…so I was the designated driver. They arrived at my house around 10…and off we went…
We stopped and got a quick bite to eat and headed to the theater. Montgomery has a wonderful theater called The Alabama Shakespeare Festival. They have plays of all kinds, all through the year. Many are suitable for children and schools from all over the state take groups there.
The play we were seeing was Peter Pan.
It was delightful! There were quite a few children there and it was fun to watch them and their enjoyment. But, it was very entertaining for adults also. I don’t think I had ever really known the story of Peter Pan. Maybe I did and just forgot, but parts of it were new to me. Wonderful actors, and fun music. The children really enjoyed seeing Peter Pan and the children flying through the air!
We went by a favorite smoothie place and got us all one for the road and took off for Dothan. Pop had stories to tell and some we had not heard before! So blessed to have this time together!
Great fun! Great people! Great activities! Great food! What more could you ask of a weekend?