Well, I was up at 2:00 and at 4:00 and now it’s 6:00. Coughing my head off and feeling like yuck! No way I can go to church…and I am so sad to miss the 65th anniversary celebration. But, I am sure I am still contagious and besides that, if anyone sat near me they could not hear anything! Why does God keep things like this from us when He knows how much we desire them? I have no answer other that knowing it is better for me to be at home taking care of myself, than being at church. I know God sees where the greater good will come and so that is what I have to trust in. I don’t have to be happy about it, though. But, His will, not mine.
So, since I have an infinite amount of time here…I shall upload to the blog the lovely pictures we made on Christmas Day 2011. Yes. Yes, I know it is almost February and I am quite late. No. No, the pictures have not been in my possession. No I did not take them. I am just thrilled to have them now…and that’s all I’m gonna say about that! So here we are …in pictures…
My last post was all about my lunch date that didn’t happen. Along with the reasons why. And, so a week has past and I decided to try again to leave the house and get some errands done AND go grocery shopping. Believe me, those 2 corndogs AND the Girl Scout Cookies are long gone! Adam needed me to keep Levi for a few hours so he could set up for a shoot tonight, So, I got ready before and Sweet Levi and Don were my lunch dates and then Adam came back to gettake Levi home.
My sore throat and coughing has only progressed since last week. And until yesterday, I still thought it was just allergies. But I began to get worse last evening and through the night. By this morning, I knew I was much sicker. I called the Dr. as soon as I got up and was told to come in this afternoon.
But, here it all goes haywire. I got into my car, and noticed that the radio would not come on. At least where I was turning it on. So, I tried several other knobs…no luck there, either. I’m just guessing here, but I think when the battery died, it totally wiped the phone lady’s and the radio man’s brains free of the info Alex and I had stored. I do not know that for a fact…I’m just thinking that is the only explanation this feeble mass of brain cells can formulate.
So, no radio…just a note that says ‘PUT IN CODE’. Great. Where do you put the code…since I see no keypad or numbers to use. And. What is the code? Did we have a code? Did someone tell us a code? Did we make up a code? Why would you have to have a code to listen to a radio on a car, anyway? And, if I had a code, where oh where is it now? Can I make up a new one? Do I have to talk to Honda Pilot International CarCode Division of American Honda Cars in America, Lower Alabama Division? Is there even a HPICCDAHCALAD? And, if there is, how do I find it? Am I doomed to make all the music in my vehicle from now on? No Sirius Satelitte Radio, no FM, no AM, no ‘put in a new CD, no ‘stored CD’?
I’m in distress here, friends. And, to top it all off the telephone thingy didn’t work, either. My phone rang and the phone lady didn’t make a peep. Things are just not good in Tonjaville today. Someone has hit the mute button on my voice and someone else has hit the ‘screw it up royally’ button in my car.
I went to the doctor and have acute bronchitis, and allergic rhinitis and asthma issues and am once again bordering on pneumonia. Which is to say, I’ve got the ‘CRUD’ and I’ve got it bad.
So, today, Saturday now, I will stay in bed all day following my doctor’s instructions. We have a big celebration tomorrow at church…a 65 year anniversary with former pastors and music and youth ministers attending and participating. Two services starting at 8:30….then huge dinner on the ground at noon. Doc says ‘no way‘. I say ‘we’ll see, I surely do not want to miss this.’ So, please, friends, prayers that I will feel wel enough to attend on Sunday.
It’s 4:40 AM here in the Deep South, rainy and cool. I just had a bowl of cherrios and blueberries, took the meds from the doctor, and am heading back under the covers to emerge whenever this body-o-mine tells me to wake up.
You know I may be aging and having trouble…nigh on to mayhem, with technological things. But, one thing this girl still knows how to do is pull the cover over my head and find a sweet dream to climb aboard and ride the course. ‘Nitey-Nite’ or ‘Morny-Morn’.
You know how it is, don’t you? You start to tell a story and you have to think back to the very beginning. We bloggers want to be accurate and tell all the facts…ALL the facts…so that you will have a clear understanding of what it is exactly that we want to convey in the post in question. So, that’s what I did…thinking waaaaay back to the very beginning of this story.
I did a post back in November about my trip to Birmingham for Pop’s eye surgery. [He’s just returned from the last check-up and all is great. He’s even cleared to drive…in the daytime.] Anyway, Joy, Adam and I all went…with Adam doing the driving…in my car. It is a new car and I still hadn’t learned all the things to do to get it to do what it is supposed to do. (It is now the middle of January and I still do not know much more about it…but, I will.) I was really excited about this car because it had Bluetooth and I could use my phone while I was driving…if I really needed to. Alex and I had set it up so I just had to say who I wanted to call. And, all was well. Never mind that I didn’t know there was a lever you had to press to turn on the phone before you could say the name. I was just riding around town yelling out “Joy, Call Joy, …………. Joy, JOY…… CALL JOY!” And, no one came on to talk to me and say “dialing Joy.” I felt quite stupid. I feel quite stupid again just telling you about it. But, it’s an important part of the story.
Adam decided that since he was doing all the driving for the three days, it would be a wonderful idea to change the Bluetooth thing to answer HIS phone and talk to him. We did not discuss this prior to his changing things around. It probably happened when Joy and I were doing a little shopping before the surgery and Adam and Pop were sitting in the car waiting for us because “it will only take us five minutes.” I’m not sure. But, I was a little surprised when the phone rang and it was for HIM. I let it go because I didn’t know what he did and I didn’t know what to do to undo what he did. Plus, he said it was easy to do and he would fix it back when we got home. And, he did. Well, he thought he did.
But, when I would be driving around and my phone would ring and I would say, “Hello!”… it would keep ringing. I would say “HELLO! HELLO!” and no one ever spoke, yet my phone would keep ringing. And, when I got home, my phone would show me that Joy had called. I would call her back and tell her that “I tried to answer, but you wouldn’t say anything”…and then she asked me if I pressed the lever on the steering wheel that had the little telephone on it. She said the little picture was on there so it would be easy to see that it was the lever to push to operate the telephone. And I said, “No…nobody told me I had to push a lever to talk.” And, I’m not sure, but I think she probably thought I was stupid, too, cause that’s how sisters can be and besides she’s had her new Volvo that she could talk on longer than I’ve had my Pilot. I bet she had to take lessons or something at the Jr. College.
I explained it all to Alex, who set everything up the first time, and he said he would fix it. I have waited for weeks and one evening about a week ago, he FINALLY he agreed to walk 6 steps to my car and take Adam’s phone business out of the phone lady’s brain and put mine in. Then I had to tell the lady all the names again and say them real loud, and we got it all set. I now know there is a lever to push to answer and one to hang up and something else to do if I want to say “JOY” and have the phone lady do the hard work. I was so excited that it was all finally fixed and I was ready to hop in my car and go the first time I had need to. All was right with the world once again.
Suzanne picked up that amazing grandson of mine early on Wednesday, so I decided to go to the grocery store. When I say the cupboard is bare…I mean the cupboard is BARE!. Got in the car and turned the key…nothing happened. NOTHING! Not a sound! Not even a whimper. Oh, well, maybe I just wasn’t supposed to go to the grocery store today. Corn Dogs for supper! I told Don about it and he asked, “what did you leave on in the car?” I told him I had not even been in the car in two weeks. He said I must have because the car would not just go dead for no reason. And, I am a forgetful girl. So, I thought and thought about when I used the car last. And, I remembered. I remembered that Alex and I had sat in the car to fix my phone and it got dark while we were sitting there and I could not see those ##### levers and one of us turned a light on so I could see. Alex said “It wasn’t me!” and so I suppose that it could have, possibly, maybe have been me. But, I’m not sure.
In the meantime, my dear friend, Judy called and invited me to lunch with she and Kathy on Friday. I wasn’t going to have Levi, so I said, “SURE!” Cause they are two really good friends and I had not talked with either of them in several months.
My plans were beginning to gel. First I would make a mad dash to TJM to pick up a gift, then meet them for lunch. Then a quick (who am I kidding?) stop in Hobby Lobby and on to the grocery store. With a final stop at the drive thru window at CVS because we can not drive past there without at least slowing down and tossing some money in the window lest they think something was wrong with us!
So, Don brought a battery charger home and put it on the car yesterday and it charged all evening and all night. I rested in the assurance that when I needed my car at 10 this morning, it would crank up willingly. Alex was even going to call me on my phone to be sure it worked right when I left. I got my bath and dressed, and waited for Don to take the battery charger off the car, so I could go. He did, and I waved bye. And, nothing. NOTHING! I tell you! Not even a little try! Well, isn’t that a fine how do you do?
Because, now it was 10:45 and I was to meet them for lunch at 11:30…and my plan was already off because I had to wait on someone to slowly shave and get his clothes on and then check his mail and recheck his briefcase to make sure he had everything he needed before he left because he is a thorough man! He starts looking around the garage for who knows what…but all my stuff is in his way. So, I begin to move furniture…in my nice white, freshly ironed button down shirt…in 32 degree weather! I pulled 2 straight chairs and 2 rocking chairs and 1 wheelchair out into the driveway. I then put two boxes up on top of the 3 short Christmas trees that were packed away by me and Patty. NOW…nothing hindered anyone from getting anything into the middle stall of the garage. Nothing at all and especially not 2 straight chairs, and 2 rocking chairs and one wheelchair and 2 boxes and just a few other minute things!!!
He couldn’t find what he was looking for, so he said for me to come on and he would take me. I told him I did not want to go and sit at Olive Garden for 30 minutes and he kindly offered for me to go with him to eat breakfast and then he would take me. I had been standing outside in 32 degree weather with no jacket and my house slippers on for 20 minutes and I was chilled to the bone. My white shirt didn’t look so fresh and my hair was having a fine old time just blowing here and there, willy-nilly. So, I told him I just wasn’t going…it was too late. So, he said OK and left for work. I came in the house and called the girls and told them and then got out the heating pad for my knees. They were screaming at me….my knees, not my friends. And, it was OK, because I really didn’t feel too well. I began having a sore throat last night and I had been coughing this morning.
At 11:30, I saw his truck come whizzing into the driveway. He had gotten a set of jumper cables and managed to get his truck into the middle stall even though I had already moved the 2 straight chairs and the the 2 rocking chairs and the wheelchair back into the garage.He attached them to the car and called me to come out. He told me to “crank ‘er up”. And, I did. And, she roared into action. He had me sit there and gas it a little and then he gassed it alot and said, “Now keep these jumper cables with you so you’ll always have them.” OK. I could do that. He said for me to “go on to lunch and if my car died again, find someone to jump me off.” OK. I was NOT going to do that today. My knees were hurting and my head had started pounding. I did not tell him that. Perhaps he read it on my face. But, he said he had to go back to work. I came inside. And, I’m sure what happened next was his attempt at kindness. He came back in and said, “Here, take my truck. I’ll just take your car and keep it charged up. But, I’m really low on gas, you’ll have to stop and fill the tank!.” OK. Well…no, I was not going to do that today, either.
He left and I resumed my position on the bed. And, I have been here all day. My throat hurts and my head hurts and my nose is running and I’m running a fever and we have no groceries and I did not have a long, leisurely lunch with my friends. I did not hear about their grandchildren, nor did they hear about mine. We did not get to laugh and enjoy things that only girlfriends of long standing can.
But, it’s OK. I’ll feel better. We’ll do lunch again soon. My car will be fully charged. And, there’s 2 corndogs left in the freezer for he and Alex for supper. I suppose I’ll just have to make do with that unopened box of Girl Scout cookies…the chocolate with peanut butter ones. I’ll manage. Besides, I didn’t even have any lunch!
1. I do not, I can not, I shall not like those commercials that keep coming on about pets who are treated badly. They break my heart, and make me so sad. One of them even had a famous singer singing Silent Night as pics of animals were flashing by. I mute my TV. It’s too sad, I can’t stand it. Anyone who harms or mistreats a helpless animal deserves nothing but the harshest treatment. How dare any human mistreat these precious creatures God made for our world. It is just too sad.
2. There is nothing wrong with The Little Drummer Boy. It has served us well as a Christmas song for many years. Why then did some child decide that it needed to be turned into one of those rap songs complete with the crazy tempo and banging beats in the background. I know there is a segment that thinks that such noise is actually a form of music…I highly disagree…but it is not my call. But, leave our beloved Christmas songs alone. Make up your own nonsensical rhymes yourself and set it to your own drumming beat. The Little Drummer Boy is a the composer and lyricist’s imagination. It is sweet and touching…and you do not even come close to capturing that.
3. The same movie played over and over and over and over for a full 24 hours? Really? What a cop out. There are plenty of Christmas movies to play and enjoy. Hallmark Chanel has done an awesome job this season playing good movies that anyone can safely watch. Kudos to them!
4. I live in a smaller town, and as such there are things here that we are lacking. W miss good theater, quality musical concerts, and museums. Though I must hasten to say that our local groups do very well in these areas…but it still lacks what is available in larger venues. But, you weigh that against slower pace of living and the qualities of our fine town…and it equals out well. My youngest who lives in Birmingham gave me tickets to a Broadway play that is coming to his city. The play is Wicked, a smash on Broadway. It follows the further adventures of the ‘wicked witch of the west’ from the Wizard of Oz. Can hardly wait to see it!
5. Our local newscaster just reported this breaking news…“GOING TO SCHOOL WILL MAKE YOU SMARTER”. “Studies have found that those middle school students who attend school have higher testscores than those who are not schooled.” There are no words to follow up on this…just passing on the info like a good citizen should.
6. The best commercial ever…the one where the snowman slowly walks into the house and sits down to a lunch of chicken noodle soup. As he eats, the snow melts and a little boy emerges. So sweet. It always gives me a warm feeling. Which, I’d imagine, is what the purpose of the commercial is.
7. I think taking Christmas decorations down and packing them away is a sad chore. As good as it feels to have the house back to normal…the packing away of my Christmas treasures is a task I dread to do. I have too many of these ‘treasures’ and therefore cannot even put them all out every year. So, some I only see every two or three years. That is totally ridiculous, I know. But, I can’t bring myself to part with any of them. I’ll leave the task for those who deal with my things when I pass on out of this life…for now it is enough to know they are all packed away safe and sound.
8. Have you discovered Pinterest? Well, I have…and I love it! It presents you with a chance to build bulletin boards (as many as you like) and to pin whatever you so desire on the boards. It is addicting. Yes it is. For several years, I have done much the same thing with picture files. I love to categorize and put things in their proper place. I can spend hours taking pictures and putting correct names on each and making all the categories to fit them into. For some reason, my ADD brain can allow me to sit and do things like this for the longest without screaming at me, “GET UP! GO DO THE IRONING! NO, DON’T DO THAT, WATCH TV! NO, NO, I MEANT TO SAY GO OUTSIDE AND PLAY WITH FINN! WAIT! YOU NEED A DIET DR. PEPPER FIRST!” You may think I’m kidding…but, it’s true! But, doing something like sorting and categorizing items is like a pacifier for that ‘crazy’ part of my self. (Now, you probably think I’m even crazier than before, don’t you? Oh well!
9. Who decided that, in the world of politics, there should be polls? Why are they even a good idea? I see a poll for who is ahead in the race, a poll for who is favored by 18-35 year olds, a poll among senior citizens, a poll about who businessmen like the best, a poll about which candidate is favored by evangelical Christians, a poll for first time voters. There are polls about whether Obama should have taken a vacation in Hawaii, whether Mitt Romney will allow his LDS beliefs to hinder his job should he be elected. There are polls which say whether polls are an effective way of predicting outcomes. There are polls and there are polls and there are polls. Can anyone think for themselves anymore? It seems to me that all newscasters and reporters must have lost the ability to interview and comment on a candidate’s qualifications and abilities until a poll tells them what to ask. Has it gotten to the place where we can not listen to a candidate and review his political history and make an intelligent decision. Every debate, every speech, every political activity, when finished, has a group of newscaster to tell us what they just said, why they said it and what it means. Then they tells us how we should think about what they said. One side says they have wonderful ideas, worthy of following…while the opposing newscasters tell us that they are dumb as dirt and flirted with a woman back in 1972. UGH! I am so tired of hearing about every time the candidates have pooped since the age of 30. Enough! Enough!
I am so thankful for HGTV, and NatGeO, and H2 (History)….I at least have something to watch other than news and debates and polls!
Never let it be said that I do not think we should be informed citizens…I do. We need to be informed, and make intelligent decisions. But all this hoopla has me going nuts. I can decide who I want to vote for…no poll will make up my mind! Excuse me now while I step down off my soapbox…and I’m sorry for the dirty word…
10. I know very little about the game of football…don’t know the people who play…don’t know what position is what. But, I like Tim Tebow! God bless that young man for ‘walking the talk’. What an example to other players and young people who watch. What a shining example of letting God truly guide your life in all you do.
11. I am going to publish this now. The Christmas items are getting outdated and we need to move on to other things…I’ll be watching… for there is much nonsense in this world of ours.
PS…That first picture is not me…I would not wear that suit. And, I NEVER wear white shoes, unless they are tennis shoes.
PSS…That picture of just the feet are not mine….I would not wear those shoes…because that is exactly what they would look like on me!
It is fine with me if you would wear either of those…but they do not belong on me. Good day!
EDITTED TO ADD: My dear friend Rachel just informed me that those are not ‘white shoes’…they are ‘spectators’. I took another look and she’s right! So, yes, I would wear those spectators with an outfit and accessories of black and white! And, I’m sure they would look divine! Thanks, Rachel, from your far away, blind as a bat friend!
I am a Christian woman who has survived many years on the planet. God has blessed me with a wonderful family: husband, 3 sons, a dear DIL, and a precious grandson. I also have dear friends to keep me inspired. I am an artist of sorts and am finding my way through the great blessing of retirement. I recently retired after 20 years as a music teacher. Life is good!
My Boys
"All your sons will be taught by the Lord; and great will be their peace." Isaiah 54:13
Read their stories... Adam Alex Ian
Hello, my name is Everly. I am a blogger living in New York. This is my blog, where I post about interior design and decoration. Never miss out on new stuff.