So…He bought the beach house and I didn’t like it and then I decided I did. So, you are up-to-date.
Of course, now that I have a house at the beach…sad that it is…I want it to be fixed up and finished yesterday! So, I can go and live out my dream of having a place at the beach! It seems that he could get our electricity turned on by telephone from here. But, to get the water turned on, he had to go the the ‘water place’ in Panama City and do it in person!. Crazy, huh? And, so he took off one Monday and went down to take care of business! And, much more happened on that trip that I expected.
We knew that there was a house on one side of us that was kept up nicely, and a mobile home across the street that had let the yards grow up, even though the house itself was in good shape. (I already told you that big groups of folks had lived there twice and they were trying to block their view) They really must not have wanted to see anything!
There was also a ‘quite-a-bit older mobile home’ on the other side of our house. It looked pretty rough, but the new owner was busy working to clean it up and redo the inside.
Don went straight to the water store and got ours turned on. Then he decided to drive by the house. When he got there, he found that ‘quite-a-bit older mobile home’ that the man was fixing up, was for sell. He immediately called and asked the price. There were 2 other bids. But Don placed a bid anyway. The owner then asked each bidder to send in his best bid…Don did…and when he walked in the house from his trip to handle the water issue…we had bought ourselves the trailer next door to the house! ( This is how it looked as I snapped it when I first saw the house. The yellow carport is the corner of our house). The chain link fence separates the yard of the trailer from the carport of the house.
(This is how it looked as the man got ready to put it on the market. He repainted it so it would have a better appeal to buyers, bless his heart) And, obviously Don and I have a very different aesthetic from him when it comes to color choice and matching colors. BTW…there were 8 flamingos strutting proudly through the little yard…8. Looks like a few got out of the yard….
Now, I could make you laugh out loud…and I will…just not now. Suffice it to say that we own a house and a sideways trailer with a small yard…and a chainlink fence on 2 sides…and a partial white picket fence across the front. Can you see how the yard in front of the trailer meets the side of the house?
Oh, the story of the trailer is too good not to tell…but since I do things neat and orderly (HA!) I’ll take on only one story at a time. But, oh, do please stay tuned…it’s a doozy!