“Ready, Freddy?” “Ready, Betty!”
Levi and I have used these code words since he could buckle his carseat by himself. It let me know that he was buckled in and ready to ride. (Course I always double check first.) He used to think it was so funny. When he was first learning about rhyming words…we would continue…“Where’s Eddie?” “Have you seen Letty?” “I’m feeling sweaty.” “I want spaghetti.” And on it would go until something else caught his attention.
Yesterday…4/12/17…after school pickup…
“Ready, Freddy?” No answer.
“Ready, Freddy?” Still no answer.
“Levi, are you buckled up and ready to go.” “I am.”
“Well, why didn’t you answer me?”
“Lulu,…… I just didn’t want to say it.”
“Why not?”
“Well, Lulu…it sounds a little silly to me. And I am in kindergarten now, you know?”
“Oh, so you think you are too old to play this game anymore? It always makes me smile when we say it.”
“Don’t be sad, Lulu, I just think I’m too big now to say that. Can we just not do that anymore?”
“Well, of course, Little Man. I understand. When you grow up, some things you thought were funny one time…just seem silly now. So we don’t have to say that anymore.”
“Will you be sad, Lulu?”
“Of course not! You can always tell me if you prefer not to do something. Maybe I’ll agree. Maybe I won’t. But, you can be honest with me always.”
“I love you, Lulu!”
“And, I adore you, Levi! Now are you ready to go!”
“Yes, m’am. I am!”
And then we both started laughing again…his attempt at becoming grown up had led him to make another rhyming answer!
He understood the irony of that without me saying anything….another sign of maturing and growing. I can say I’m sad to see it happen, but that’s not really the truth. The truth is I will forever miss these little jokes we have had between ourselves. But, I want him to grow and explore and change. This is what he was born for…to become a man. And, even though he has lots of growing left to do…now that he’s 6…some things will be forever different. As he begins first grade, he will see this world with such different eyes. My prayer is that God gives him a mind that delights in new information….that he will always nurture his creative side…and that his goal will always be to be more like Jesus everyday! And, that he can always laugh with his Lulu!
He’s ready, Freddy!