Levi’s first venture into business came today in the form of a lemonade stand. Oh, such fun! He and I worked on it for several days before. We measured and painted a big sign…
…we squeezed lemons…
…we colored a smaller sign…
We bought a big cooler with a cool spout and other supplies and then sat up at Dothan Powersports right inside their front door. Everyone had to pass by us to enter or leave. Pretty smart location, huh? Don brought us the ice, we got our sign hung and set up our table…we were ready for business.
Our favorite customer…Papa Clyde!
What a great day! The threatened rain never came…and folks were mighty thirsty!.
Suzanne and Levi had learned the day before that she had a child in her class unable to afford school supplies. She led Levi to think about a solution. So, after taking out his tithe….and purchasing school supplies…he still had money for the Legos he had his eye on! Isn’t God so good like that? Obey Him…help others…and enjoy the fruits of your labor! What a mighty lesson for a boy of 6 to learn!
Every situation has a learning component to it. This little project could have all been about fun and making money. Instead, it became a life lesson about what God will do for us when we are obedient, work hard and are willing to share!
And after all was said and done…the Suzanne, Levi and I ended up here…Ahhhhhhh!