I started out the day, yesterday, with a mission…see my friends for breakfast…get a hair cut…visit TJM*XX….go to Dr…..purchase at Office store…purchase book at the Book store…stop by W/D for Alex… I am his official grocery-getter. (years ago when my boys were quite a bit younger, we had a station wagon. A REAL station wagon. You know the ones that were as long as a train, and the back seat made into more seats…or laid flat for grocery getting…or young-uns sleeping. It was yellow with ‘real wood’ on the side! And, I was QUEEN OF THE ROAD in that thing! Oh, my, it was a big, big, car.
My boys and all the other kids in the neighborhood called it The Grocery Getter! And, EVERYTIME I pulled out of my driveway, what ever child happened to be outside would have the responsiblility of yelling to every house within shouting distance, “There goes that Grocery Getter!” Except Ian…the baby…he would yell,”DERE GOES DAT GO GETTER MOMMY!” Whichever..the whole neighborhood was made aware of my comings and goings.) (I once took my mother, my mother in law, my sister, and 5 grandchildren in that tank all the way to NC, which was 13 hours driving time…on a good day—we did not pick a good day. We had the first unplanned stop about 20 miles from home. For some reason my 2 youngest boys figured that since I was driving, all the teaching and training and rules and decent behavior was not necessary because WE.WERE.PACKED.LIKE.SARDINES.INTO.THE.GROCER.GETTER.
I warned a few times and then I came to my senses…this was not going to get better and we were less than an hour into the trip. I pulled off the road…we were in the country…not much traffic. I walked down a little dirt road until I found a bush that was growing the most wonderful switches. It was covered in switches…so, I decided to ‘borrow’ a few. And, I, the boys and the switches had a quick review lesson of proper behavior. AND, one of the swiches decided to travel along with us. It was placed in a prominent place…easy for all to see!)
Back to the present…I did quite a bit of running! I met my friends for breakfast. Before I even got there, I knew that my lower tummy area was in some distress. And, boy was it! And, it got more distressed. But, I was able to visit with Kathy, Judy, and Ann….between runs to the bathroom!
The girl who cuts my hair called me and said she was ready for me…so I left quickly and made the run to the salon.
I hurried to TJM, but did not buy anything. Really! I ran into my friend,Dawn, and we chatted a while. I really miss her…and all the girls I worked with! It was nice to catch up a little.
I went to the Dr., who put a shot in my back, up near my shoulder. FUN.
But, at least my irritable bowel is feeling much calmer now. Got my book…I’m gonna save it to read on a trip coming up.
And stopped by the grocery store. Got Alex’s list of THINGS I HAVE TO HAVE.
And my running is over. The only thing moving on me is my fingers. And, that is all I can tell you about today.
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