I spent yesterday with my daughter in law. My son is a photographer and she is his helpmate extroidinare. Our town has a Bridal Show each January, and various businessess involved with weddings set up booths and display their products. She and I set the booth up and got everything ready. My son is not the type who can handle this sort of thing well…so we sent him away until we finished.
About my DIL. I have been blessed with such a delightful mate for my son. I will be honest and say that I had a fear that when my sons were grown…they would move on and live a life that didn’t need help or input from a mother. And I know there are some girls who are very jealous of their husband’s mother. My boys and I have always been very close but this was something that was always in the back of my mind. Maybe you have never had those feelings, but I think if you are the mother of all boys…you may know what I am talking about. I have prayed for their mates since they were little boys, praying that God would lead them to a godly wife. And , praise God, He did. Suzanne is a joy. She and I get along so well. Oh, we have different tastes in some things, but that’s o.k. We can appreciate each others differences. She keeps me informed on what’s going on with them and she and I enjoy doing things together. Lest I sound like a nosy MIL…I’m not. And I make it a point not to intrude when I’m not asked. She is a school teacher, with a gift for teaching. And compassion for her students. But, most of all, she loves my boy. And, he adores her. She is the best wife, friend, and helper he could have ever found. He, too knows how blessed he is. So, forgive my brag fest…but this MIL loves her DIL. Or as I like to put it, Daughter in Love.
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