Oh, yes! It was a great day! The day was very cloudy and rainy…dark and drab…OUTSIDE! But, INSIDE…there was so much joy and laughter and good food and catching up and hugs and presents! Wow! Is that a house full of happy or what?!! From the moment the first friend arrived, there was never a lull in the merry making! I wish it could have lasted all day! There would certainly have been enough food! I loved getting my house ready, and preparing for my guests…but, they did the hardest work…they brought all the food! And, it was delicious! As usual! I was so busy seeing everyone that I forgot to take a picture of the food…before we dug in! But, here it was afterwards…
I think there were 23 ladies here,we were missing Jana and Jeana. Some sat inside around the table…some sat on the screened porch…some sat in the studio. Don built a nice fire in the outside fireplace this morning and it was so cozy. We were able to have the fireplace burning inside, too.
Then came the presents. Everyone brings a gift with a Christmas theme…and then we choose a gift in a numbered order, and hope the next one to choose doesn’t steal it from us! I was a little surprised that TF stole a gift, but actually there was lots of stealing going on! All the gifts are so desirable, and it is always fun to see which item gets passed around the most. I ended up with a lovely snowman cookie jar!
Here are the ladies who attended today…
TJ …using these ornaments for earrings…
And so, I end this post with some words of wisdom from the day…Wise words.
This should be a season of peace and joy and friendship…not rushing around, stressing out and coming unglued!
Believe! Does it matter just WHAT you believe? Oh, yes, it does! Even though this cute sign (that was so rudely stolen from me-:))is talking about ‘believing’ in Santa…I look at it as so much more. Believe in the Spirit of Christmas- the merry-making, the good will toward others, the planning of things that will make those you love happy, the
willingness to share with those who are needy, the sharing of your heart with others. And, never forget these words…
“We love, because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19. We love others because He chose to love us. We know of love because HE IS LOVE, and teaches us HOW to love.
He loved us enough to send His only son into the world…not to condemn us…but that, through Jesus, we may be saved.
Please remember that Christmas is a birthday. The birthday of our Saviour, Jesus.
And, a message from Andi and Sherrie, and the rest of us FP girls…
*****if I left out anyone, please forgive this rattled brain…which is full of tangled tinsel!!!*****The picture at the top of page is the top of my TV cabinet. I love being able to use my mercury glass pieces. Thanks to Tina, for doing the high ladder work!!!*****
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