My sweet, oldest son, Adam, is so much like me. We struggle with things, especially when they don’t go the way we think they should. We have great and wonderful plans, which would make the whole world a happier place, but for some reason,people decide to go their own way…and mess everything up. We also believe that things should go the way they are supposed to…and when they don’t…it tends to make us very uncomfortable and hard to live with. This is the way we are built, and we both try very hard to keep our emotions in check. We tend to ‘worry’ alot, which God says we should not do. It is hard for us to ‘rest in God…and we know we should.

He has had such trouble with his eyes this summer; several surgeries, major emergencies twice. Last week they said everything was great…and tonight, he has had a set back that is hard to figure out. He is getting to the point that he wishes he had never started the process. And, I understand how he feels.

Hang in there, my son. I believe that God had this surgery in His plans for you. I believe that He intends to give you good eyesight. You can do this…even though it is taking so much of your strength. Remember that when we are the weakest…God can be the strongest. I love you…Mom

Notes for Adam from the book:

By: Ney Bailey?Ķ

Ney was in a flood where it was uncertain whether she and her friends would survive or not. This was her prayer: ?
