And, so the Thanksgiving Weekend comes to a close. It’s been a sweet one for the Owens’.
On Thursday, we celebrated Thanksgiving…..of course, I told you, Joy was in charge of the feast….
It was wonderful, as we knew it would be, and we all enjoyed it!
Sweet Tara came bringing John Thomas, who is into everything and talking a mile a minute! So precious!
And we were all joined by our friend Danielle and her fiance, Zach. It was great to have them with us, as well.
After lunch…Joy cleaned the kitchen…and we set about decorating Pop’s house for Christmas. That was the part I was in charge of…lest you think I was a slackard and just let everyone else do the work! And, as you see here…I managed to put my whole self into the job…
This is not finished, by the way…but I pretty well was by the time I did this cute little trick two times!!!
While we ladies, including Suzanne and Tara worked…Tommy tried to keep John Thomas corralled…
And, Don tried his best to entertain Levi….
Lori came in a little later she had to work at the hospital today… She helped Joy divide the food that was left…
I struggled to get one picture with Sweet Levi…. Isn’t his shirt cute? His Lulu made it for him…:-)
But all he wanted was his Mama…
And all Pop wanted was another piece of pumpkin pie!
As you can see…after the fiasco with John Thomas and Levi (last post) we didn’t even try any more posed pictures.
Posed or not…the family was together and these pictures show us working together…all doing our part…(Ian got the things out of the attic…Adam will put them back…Will was hunting a deer for another feast)…having fun just being together. All the things a family is supposed to do. What a blessed day!
AND, THEN…on Friday evening, Ian announced that he was cooking a meal for us. He snagged Adam to help him and they went to the grocery store and the butcher shop…they got all the ingredients they needed…and came home to begin the creations. He informed us we were having Roast Pork Loin stuffed with Rosemary, Bacon and Onion…..Spoon Bread…..Pear Crostata and Apple Crostata. And, cook it, he did. Yelling to Adam and Alex to ‘stir’ or ‘turn the heat down’ and to Don to ‘hurry up and grate that cheese’. And, my only contribution was to set the table and fix the glasses of tea. Why, friends, we could have been eating in the fanciest restaurant in Anytown, USA. It was delicious! He did a wonderful job at preparing all three. Just look at these……..(and that was no store bought dough, either)
What was left…
And this was all that was left of the roast pork…
I know you are not used to seeing pics of good food on my blog…but, this was too good not to share!
On Saturday, Ian and Adam did computer work. While Suzanne was out he called and asked her to cook some hamburgers. She adds ‘magical ingredients’ when she mixes up her hamburgers and they are so good. Of course, WE didn’t get to sample them this time! 🙂
Sunday was a sweet time at church, and Ian headed out to Birmingham early. This is Monday and Joy and Pop have gone to Birmingham for his first check up since his eye surgery.
Life is full of blessings for us, but we were so sad that Alex could not be with us on Thanksgiving, but he was able to get up for a while to help Ian with his feast. Alex’s health continues to be a matter of prayer for us, and we are content with the fact that God’s hears our prayers. He continues to give us all strength…and we are ever hopeful that we will discover help for him at some point in time. God is good…all the time.
I do not like confessions. Well…those that I have to make, anyway. And, occasionally I have to. Yes. I tend to get excited and go rip-roaring through life, and sometimes that is not a good thing. I frequently find myself having to back pedal. Not fun.
But, my DH is usually just the opposite. Ambling slowly through life is more his style. And, that gives him a chance to correct things as he goes along, or sidestep them all together. And, that is probably a much better way of living than mine…but…it is what it is.
HOWEVER…there are times when he will lose his mind…temporarily, of course…and go on a rip and a tear. In sharp contrast to the ones that I go on…his usually only last a minute or so. What sets him off is usually something that is out of place, or some perceived ‘stack of mess’…which is, in all actuality, NOT. It is usually a ‘stack of things that I want to get to when I have time’. I don’t ‘stack’ junk…just the things that are worthy of my time. DH, unfortunately, has quite a different idea of ‘junk’ than I. And, therein lies the reason for this post.
I have on my island/counter/hub of activity station a large wooden box. Inside are my candles, and salt and pepper, and other things that we frequently need here. And, so, knowing his bent to pitch what he considers junk…I put a small stack of papers and catalogs inside so they would be safe from his hands. Imagine, then, how I must have felt when I walked into the kitchen this morning to go through my stack of goodies while I savored my pop-tarts…and my stack was gone. GONE, I tell you—–nowhere to be seen. In times past I have sometimes been able to rescue portions of other ‘discarded by him goodies’ from atop the garbage can. But, his latest lapse was last night….while he was gathering the trash……to put in the big trash cans to take to the street…for garbage pick-up today since Thanksgiving falls on Thursday, which is our usual garbage day. So, there was no rescue going to take place. There was no getting back what he had thoughtlessly swept into the trash. [Well, actually, he didn’t ‘sweep’ it…he had to make a conscious decision to pick it up and discard it. Which in my book is much, much worse.] So, here is CONFESSION #1——I don’t actually remember what all was in the stack…so I cannot be specific in my fussing. I do know that I had some important coupons, and a magazine, and a catalog that I was going to order something for our sweet little grandson on his very first Christmas and which now he will never have and it’s all his fault. DH’s fault…all his.
So, what was I going to do while I sat and ate? I realize that some of you dear readers do not find it necessary to do two things at once, but I function so much better when I do. Even though it doesn’t make sense, I feel the need to do something else while eating if there is no one to talk to. And, there wasn’t at 5:30 this morning. Looking around the kitchen and the den, I didn’t spy anything that grabbed my attention. There was only one small devotional book lying on the ledge of the box. And, so, here is CONFESSION #2——-I didn’t really want to read the devotional book. I had more important things to read. Not proud of that.
But, I did pick it up. And now I can tell you, that that is what I was intended to read this morning. It is what I needed to read. And, this is the blessing I wish to share with you. There was an article there entitled The Miracle of Food. What a blessing. I have never thought of food in quite the way that this author does. The article consists of an interview with Alton Brown, who is host of several cooking shows and winner of numerous awards for his culinary talent. I offer you the link, and hope that you have the chance to read this before the big day tomorrow. But, even if it is after…the thoughts contained herein are so worth your time. Read it here…The Miracle of Food, A Conversation with Alton Brown. Go, read it now…and come back. I have something else to tell you, but you won’t understand it unless you have read the article. So, GO, I’ll wait for you.
And, now to CONFESSION #3——–I am NOT the one with the gift of service in our family. That person would be my sister, Joy. Quoting from the article…”Cooking is an act of service, an act of hospitality……No one will cook as well for you as someone who loves you and cares for you. That’s the food that nourishes above all, because of how and why it was produced. And, so cooking for our families, eating with our families—that is powerful stuff.” Joy is in charge of Thanksgiving for our family. She has planned it…she is cooking it…she will set it all up at Pop’s house…and she has already told me- she will do all the cleaning up. That is a gift of service.
[I disdain cooking. It never goes right when I do. Someone always complains about this or that…and rightfully so. My mom was a wonderful cook…and my Mother-in-love was a wonderful cook…and my sister is a wonderful cook…and my daughter-in-love is a wonderful cook. And, I think that is plenty of wonderful cooks in any family!!! Seriously, I can cook, but I have never enjoyed it. And, now we have a gas stove which shoots fire at me everytime I turn it on and an oven with so many buttons and pings and dings and sounds it makes you nigh unto crazy just trying to preheat it!] But, back to Joy…
And, this is not the only area she gives of herself. She watches over all the members of her family with love and care and understanding. She serves our church by sharing her musical talents as our church pianist, and she loves and cares for so many of the older members of our church. She keeps in close contact with so many of them, and especially those who were friends with Mom. And, she is the major ‘go to person’ for Pop. She shoulders most of the load in doing things for him and with him. I cannot tell you what all she does, and she would be upset with me if I did. I am so often tied up with Alex and my own health issues, but Joy is always there. I thank her and love her for all she does for us our family. You have heard me say before how my boys love her. And, she, them. We, as the Townsend/Owens/ McKibben family are blessed beyond measure to have her as ours.
To end, CONFESSION #4—–I am still upset about my ‘stuff’ that DH threw away… guess I’ll just have to start a new stack!
Thanksgiving—-it has come to be thought of as most about the food…and that is important. And, it’s not such a bad thing really. Because it serves as a reason for our families to get together…to eat together…to laugh together…to recall blessings together…to pray together.
May God bless you and yours with health, happiness, and peace……and lots of laughter!
1. It is possible for a newscaster to talk from 6:00AM…till the present time (11:26 AM) about 1 story. I have been witness to such. The Sandusky scandal and Joe Paterno’s knowledge and involvement in it has been examined in every way possible. Every player and every ‘man on the street’ has given their viewpoint. Everyone finds it despicable, and everyone has an opinion as to what should be done. But really, do we care about what a player who was on the team 10 years ago thinks? Why do we even need to know what anyone thinks? Report the news…have a scheduled news conference if need be and then let it be. Update occasionally until a decision is reached. We don’t need to know what color of socks Paterno wore when he was coach. We don’t need to know what he instilled in his players. He, along with the others involved, dropped the ball. Innocent children were irreparably damaged and they are all guilty in one degree or another.
Adam and I have been held hostage by a big screen TV set to ESPN…and unable to be changed. I know all I never even wanted to know about the abuse and it sickens me. And, there were 2 others set the same, so there was no getting away from it.
2. I despise those paper towel dispensers in rest rooms that you have to wave your hand in front of and get a tiny square of sandpaper. Every restroom at this hospital has them. It makes me want to get a wad of tissues and bring with me to use instead. What disturbs me even more is that if you get one square to come out…it is nigh unto impossible to get another one to dispense…without waiting several minutes for the machine to collect it’s thoughts and get back to its job. What just TOTALLY UNNERVES ME is the fact that Sister can stand there with a satisfied look on her face and get it to send out rolls and rolls of the stuff. And then she offers to share hers with me.
Fact..she’s better at dispensing towels than I. I can live with that. She also had that’ car on the sidewalk’ episode at this hospital…just saying.
3. The chairs that line the walls in waiting rooms are designed by a sadist. Pleather seats with no…read it…NO padding. Hard wooden slats for arm rests. The little couches that seat 2 are better padded, and easy to sink into…but nearly impossible to get out of without help. And v.e.r.y. hard to get into a decent position to blog. And isn’t that what hospital waiting rooms are for, after all. I learned that I can only cross my legs and balance my laptop for a limited time. Then, parts of me need to take a break. But, that’s probably more than you needed to know, isn’t it?
4 .Obviously those who installed the vending machine at this hospital, had a wicked sense of humor.
Joy and I went to get a snack and something to drink because that dry biscuit we got this morning from the motel was fading fast. So, we stopped at the snack machine first and were able to both get something to eat with no trouble whatsoever…EASY PEASY. I mean we have used a few thousand vending machines in our lifetimes.
I then moved on down to the drink machine.YEA! They have Diet Dr. Pepper…in bottles!!! Life is good. UM I’ve never seen this before…machine only accepts $1.00 or $5.00 bills. Well, I know the drinks are more than a dollar, but I can’t see any price but ‘takes $1 or$5 bills’. OK. Well, I’ll try a dollar first. Money in and it gives me 4 quarters back. Obviously it is more than $1…so I put in a $5 dollar bill, and mashed the DDP picture. Nothing comes out…except a BIG pile of change. Sooooooo, I put in two dollars worth of change…and push the DDP sign again…all my change comes back…and no DDP comes out. I turn around and tell Joy that these are the dumbest machines I’ve ever seen. Well, what’s wrong says she-as she’s drinking her Coke. I keep putting my money in and it sends it back in change and it doesn’t give me my drink.
Then she starts laughing like a crazy, maniacal, possessed woman…with no empathy in her soul at all. She asked me where are you putting in themoney and I showed her and she just pointed…here, I’ll show you…
Yes…I was putting my money in the change machine and and pushing the DDP picture. I’ll wait while you stop laughing. Sister is still laughing. But, in my defense…do you see how hard it is to see the money slot for the drinks? Stupid machine placement, if you ask me…I would have hit her but there were several other people there obviously enjoying these 2 daft old women from who knows where trying to figure out a simple drink machine.
5. Well, that episode gave us a little break…and in just a few minutes, they called us back to recovery. So, Joy comes down, and tells Adam to go and get the car and after leaving the deck to turn RIGHT, then RIGHT, then RIGHT and into the patient pick up lane. So Adam gets to the car and turns…..LEFT!!!!!!! We stood outside and waited for about 15 minutes and I called him. Is something wrong? No, I’m just lost.Where are you? I’ll call you back…I think I see it. Wait…10 minutes…call again, while standing next to the road in the rain so he could see me. Where are younow?3rd Ave N. I ask the escort who brought us out and he just laughed and said that’s a long way from here and heading the wrong way. I told Adam to turn around…he did…and FINALLY after another 5 minutes, he makes it. We all just laughed. Cause what else can you do? This was the same hospital where Joy drove dowm the sidewalk to pick us up last year. Either it’s really a difficult thing to do, or our whole family is one brick shy of a load.
6. Seriously. no one should ever send an elderly person to a hospital by themselves. Everyone deserves to have some help maneuvering the ‘wait here’ and the ‘go to third floor waiting’ and ‘go back to the lobby’. We observed several elderly folks who were so turned around and no one to help them. And, that little twirp of a receptionist keeps using her ‘irritated voice’ when they get confused. She has also been reported to the supervisor. We are so fortunate that our family is as close as it is and that we know we can call on any member at any time. But, all are not so lucky. We must be available to fill in that gap.
O.K. the waiting room ordeal is over and we are all back at the hotel. We stopped at McDonalds to eat because Pop wanted a Fish Sandwich. And, now, Adam and Pop are going to take a nap. And, Joy and I are going to take the car for a little spin and perhaps stop if something catches our fancy. No need to hang around watching them sleep, is there?
Last night, Ian met us after work and took us all downtown to a local spot. He surely knows the locations of some fine restauraunts…this was no exception. We enjoyed our dinner and our time together, then turned in early since Pop had to be at the hospital at 6:00.
I wonder if I could tell this story any more out of order? Sorry. Adam was such a big help and right there with his Pop the whole time. Thanks, Adam!
We went back to the hospital the morning after the surgery to check in with the doctor. He had to dilate his eyes 3 separate times in order to check them well. They were much more swollen than he thought they would be. But..all was well, and he was very pleased. He has to be very careful and follow Dr.’s orders until he returns in 2 weeks.
Joy, Pop and I were glad to have one more step in this saga taken care of.
As we travelled around town and thre and back, we were delighted to see such beauty in the trees. The leaves were trying to out glow one another.
Yes. Yes that is a reindeer head sticking up in that picture. The trees were decoration enough without adding Christmas in so early. What, we can not even enjoy Thanksgiving anymore? In store after store, the Fall merchandise along with the Thanksgiving items were already slashed to less than half price. Bad news if you’d like to purchase something for your Thanksgiving Dinner table. Crazy.
Joy and I made a quick stop at Pottery Barn and found nothing we needed. Right next door was PBKids, so we thought we just peruse their wares in case Sweet John Thomas or Baby Levi needed a thing or two. Bought a few cute little items and then, I totally lost my mind…totally! I bought a bean bag chair. A B I G bean bag chair. I forgot we were a little crowded already…so Joy and I rode to Dothan with a bean bag chair undulating in whatever spaces it could in the back seat. A convenient place to rest your head, though!
We are so thankful for the way the Lord answered our prayers. Pop is doing well and each day his eye improves. God, alone, gets the glory.
“But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 AMEN.
From the Los Angeles Times…11-11-11…by Deborah Netburn
Happy 11-11-11, everyone!
No matter how much thought you’ve given the numerical significance of Friday, Nov. 11, 2011 (11-11-11), we suggest that Aziz Inan, professor of electrical engineering at the University of Portland, has thought about it more than you have.
In an email missive, Inan explains that 11-11-11 is a once-in-a-century repunit palindrome day. If you’ve never heard of the word “repunit”, it means a number such as 11, 111, or 1111 that contains only the digit 1.
Furthermore, he explains that 111111 equals the product of two palindrome numbers written as 111111=111 x 1001.
He points out that, this year, the month of November has been rich with palindrome days including 1-1-11 (another repunit day), 11-2-11, 11-3-11, 11-4-11, 11-5-11, 11-6-11, 11-7-11, 11-8-11, 11-9-11 and coming soon — 11-22-11.
You may have already surmised that after this Friday, the next time 11-11-11 will occur is 100 years from now in 2111.
Happy 11-11-11!
I do not understand much about the preceding article, but I know EXACTLY why 11-11-11 is such a significant day…
It is my middle son’s birthday!!!
Yes, today, the sweetest son any mother could have, is turning 30. It can’t be possible, can it? How can 30 years have past since this gentle soul came into our lives? From the very beginning, Alex always had the sweetest temperament. Smart as can be, and twice as clever, he had as his willing accomplice his younger brother, Ian. While Alex always tried hard to obey, he had no qualms about thinking of things that COULD be done and convincing Ian that it would be great fun. Ian, on the other hand, obeyed if it suited him at the time, and willingly took his punishment in exchange for being able to do as he pleased…and as his older brother pleased! Those 2 were quite the pair. Born 20 months apart, they were as different as night and day…but loved each other fiercely. Along with their older brother Adam, who was 7 when Alex was born, they were brothers and enemies on alternating days!
[Alex does not have crossed eyes or a ‘wonky’ leg as it appears here! He always did this in pictures when he was young.]
This little incident, captured on film, was probably Adam’s idea to get his brothers to help him push that heavy lawn mower. Oh those boys!
But, today is about Alex. I have trouble writing this because my eyes keep filling with tears. I love this young man so much, and I feel as if I fail him so often. Alex is so kind and gentle and patient and loving…and all the while his life is filled with pain from morning to night. It is so rare to hear him complain…He takes each day and gets through it as well as he can. Very rarely is he able to leave the house, but does his best to get up and speak to each person who comes to our house.
I do not know why God has allowed Alex to suffer so much and I don’t know why it is that we can not find any better help for him. I don’t know why he has to be the one to suffer this horrid disease, and I don’t know why no doctor has come upon a treatment for it. I don’t know why his life has been destined to be lived in such a restrictive manner and I don’t know how he continues day after day after day…after day.
But, I do know that one day we will know why. One day it will all be clear. One day he will be able to run and jump and roll around with Finn and Scooter…and maybe even chase his brothers again. One day, God will make his suffering a thing forgotten…and there will be a shining light in his eyes. I will be there to see it, as will all of his family.
But, until then, our prayer is that his life will serve to remind others not to take anything or anyone for granted. If you can walk down the driveway to the mailbox, thank God. If you can run across the yard with your dog, thank God. If you can join friends and go to a movie or out to eat, thank God. If you can take a road trip with your brothers, be thankful. If you can get together with friends and laugh about old times, be grateful. If you feel like celebrating your birthday with a party and cake and ice cream and friends and family and presents…do it. And make a wish for those who can’t.
You are my sunshine, Alex. I’m thankful God sent you to us. You inspire me to be a better person. I love you.
When we were young, and through out our childhood, most of our lives revolved around our church and our faith. Friends from church were the friends we grew up with. Friends who shared our faith were the girls we shared our lives with, giggled about first loves with and stood up with when we married. The activities we were involved with during the week were usually on Wednesday night at church when we would have choir practice and missions study. And another afternoon for piano lessons. Sometimes Mom or Pop would have a class meeting or Brotherhood group. They had other interests, as well,but the main focus of our lives was Jesus Christ.
Therefore, from the time we knew what was going on…we knew Sunday was church day. We went Sunday morning and Sunday evening and that was that. There was never any plans made to do anything different. Unless we were sick, we were there. But, that wasn’t a BAD thing…we loved church and the people there. And, all our friends were there, too. It was where we wanted to be.
There was one night, however, every year when we were allowed to stay home on Sunday night. It was for the yearly showing of “The Wizard of Oz”. Now, in those years, this show was THE show. It was a big deal when it came on. There were no DVR’s or DVD’s or BluRay or anything. You saw it when they played it once a year. They would begin promoting it early, so there was never any idea as to when the one showing for the year would be.
Pop would stay home with us. Oh, but it was much more than staying home and watching a show together. It was a ‘tradition’. Mom would fix us supper early before she went to church. And, she would set it up in front of the TV so we could watch while we ate. That was a treat in itself. Then, when the show started Joy and I would sit and watch and try to sing the ‘Rainbow’ song with Judy Garland. Pop sat back in his recliner and watched with us….and watched us.
Joy would start off beside me but when things started getting scary with the witch and the flying monkeys and the hour glass…Joy would be gone. And, Pop would have a little body in the chair with him. And, she would be crying.
I was never really scared…it was just make believe…and I knew it wasn’t real. And, so did Joy. But, there was always that point in the show when her feelings of fear for Dorothy would take over her sense of reality. And, she believed. And, she cried and Daddy was there for her to remind her that it wasn’t real and that she was just fine.
And, the next year…the same scene would play out. And it did until we quit watching. (Betcha Joy would still cry today, though, if she were to watch)
I don’t remember when it was that we stopped. I suppose we grew out of it and had other things going on at the time that we were involved with. Perhaps, they just stopped showing it. But, we watched it long enough that it became a special time between Pop and us that was etched forever in our hearts. We mention it all along when something brings it to mind. And laugh, again, at Joy’s tears.
I was unable to attend church today because I was sick, so after Charles Stanley went off, I was flipping through the channels. I came upon ‘The Wizard of Oz.’ It was stuck on an obscure channel…and there were no special announcements telling the viewers it was coming on. It played through and they showed the credits and started it over immediately. No big deal…just play it over and over. I suppose that kids today would probably not find it very exciting. The very primitive special effects would seem boring, I’d imagine.
But, for two little girls and their daddy, just hearing the words ‘The Wizard of Oz’ brings back sweet memories and cherished time together. It reminds me that my daddy knew what was important. Our first allegiance was to the Lord and that I knew well. But, he knew that little girls need a little fantasy. They need the excitement of looking forward to spending a special evening with their daddy. And, they need a safe place to run to when the flying monkeys of the world show their ugly little heads.
Joy and I and Adam and Pop will be leaving on Tuesday for Birmingham. Pop will have surgery on Wednesday morning, and after seeing the doctor again on Thursday morning, we will be coming home, God willing. This eye that will be operated on is Pop’s good eye. He has no discernible vision in the other eye, so he is understandably nervous. We are putting our trust in the doctor’s capable hands…but our faith is in God. He has led us to this point…He has put no stumbling blocks in our way, as we prayed He would if this was not wise…and He has given Joy and I peace in our hearts about the procedure. Please keep us in your prayers.
I am a Christian woman who has survived many years on the planet. God has blessed me with a wonderful family: husband, 3 sons, a dear DIL, and a precious grandson. I also have dear friends to keep me inspired. I am an artist of sorts and am finding my way through the great blessing of retirement. I recently retired after 20 years as a music teacher. Life is good!
My Boys
"All your sons will be taught by the Lord; and great will be their peace." Isaiah 54:13
Read their stories... Adam Alex Ian
Hello, my name is Everly. I am a blogger living in New York. This is my blog, where I post about interior design and decoration. Never miss out on new stuff.