A few weeks ago, I posted on my blog and FB about a wonderful birthday party I had for a sweet young girl here at The Creekhouse Pool. My sweet friend, Juliann, whom I do not get to see very often anymore, posted that it would be fun to have a party here to celebrate her retirement. She has been a teacher for about 100 years….not really, cause we are the same age, but she taught all of our friends children and mine and then she moved over to teach in GA. for awhile. She is just a born teacher. So, we settled on a date and decided to invite some of our friends from ‘way back’. You know that term- ‘way back’? We were all young girls…newly married and newly parents and newly working…and we bonded in church together at Southside. We went to Sunday School together and we taught choirs together and we eventually taught Sunday School,and Bible Drills and Missions and choirs. And, everyone’s children became our children. We watched them grow and struggle. Some headed straight, some took the wrong path, but eventually, they all remembered their ‘training’ and got in line. When one was struggling in school, we all gave our opinions. Some of our friends were actually the other children’s teachers. Which made for a hard year for the kids…they could get away with nothing. And eventually, they graduated and we celebrated with each Mom as they graduated from college!
And so, those of us who were able to make it, gathered at my house and had a wonderful time catching up on each other’s news and things that had transpired. We talked of children (they would hate to be called that now) who are engaged to marry, and those who have just married. We talked of grandchildren and how different things are now than when we were raising our own. We talked of friends of friends and those we had lost touch with. We talked of parents and those who are no longer with us. We remembered old days at church and at school with our children. All but 2 of the group have been in the education field and 3 of us have retired.
We ate yummy food…compliments mostly of Juliann (in white shirt, above)…I just did the fruit and drinks…she did all the rest. We laughed and laughed and talked some more about grandchildren…Shea had great pics on her phone…and the rest of us showed our pics, too. We talked of spouses and anniversaries. Three of us will have 40 years invested in matrimony next year!!! In just this little group, we have children who are bankers, and doctors, and artists, and photographers, and film work, school teachers, and merchants and ministers, and accounting, and computer programming managers and missionaries, and some others I’m not exactly sure of…but I’m sure it is of great importance. Some are still in school and others will be starting back to school soon for new careers. Wow! Are we blessed or what?
We sat through a rain shower and didn’t even know it until we went outside to look at the pool. That’s hard talking, y’all. Jan had to leave before we got a group picture…
Shea….Pamela….Tonja….Juliann…..Cindy…..Tina…..and Jan (not pictured)
It was a wonderful afternoon…just catching up. Isn’t it wonderful the way we are with ‘real girlfriends’? Not those we were just aquainted with. The things that were funny once, still are. And, the things you share through the years have built a bond that time can’t disturb. Hard times, deaths, serious illness, heartaches, all seem so much the easier when shared with someone who cares…really cares…about the outcome. These are some of the friends who tell the stories of my life….they watched me struggle….they watched me stumble….they helped me stand again. As, I have for them. And the uniting comes from this place…the love of God, which ties us together and joins our hearts in friendship…for keeps!
I was taught from a young age, to explore topics that interested me. If there was a current event or issue that intrigued me, I was encouraged to learn about it and see if I agreed or not and why. Many parents would forbid their kids from reading about certain topics and would refuse to even discuss ideas with them. That’s the way kids get wrong information, they listen to other kids instead of finding out for themselves. Or their parents refuse to share the standasrds and morals they themselves believe in. This leaves the young person searching on their own with no guidance. I adhear to the belief that the more information I have on something, the better decision I can make. This is the same whether buying a new car, or finding out if there are ‘aliens amoung us.’ No topic was ever ‘off-limits’ for our boys. Whatever questions they asked got an answer. We may have had to search it out, but we found it.
My Pop and I were both interested in phenomena such as ‘visitors from other planets, or the ‘crop circles, or other’ strange sightings from way above the earth’. We both read and share books…and even went to lectures on the subject. And, then we formed our opinions. Which is…we don’t know. But at least we have a better understanding of why some folks think we have been ‘visited’ and why some folks are sure we haven’t. ( My sister used to say that I was really an alien…but I don’t think that’s true at all. Besides I’ve seen baby pictures of me and my Mom. Hmmmmm. can’t recall any of hers, though!)
I say all of those things so you will know where I am coming from with this post. Tonight, I watched a program on the Science Channel. The new series is called ‘ Curiostity’…and the program tonight was entitled’ Did God Create the Universe?‘ It shows again on the Science Channel at 8 PM on Monday, August15. Flipping through the channels, I ran across the programs notes,and I tuned in.
I saw at the very beginning, that it was going to be weighted in one way…toward science. The first person on the program, and actually the only guest was Stephen Hawking, considered the greatest mind since Einstein. The rest of the dialogue was taken from his latest book.
British physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking embarked on a journey to explore the biggest question of all … who or what created our universe? The episode discussed the origins of the belief in a Creator, including those of Vikings and Ancient Greeks; explored the laws of science vs. the laws of nature; listed the fundamental ingredients necessary to create a universe like ours; and explained the relationship between the Big Bang, a black hole, and the creation of the universe itself.
Now, I have told you before that I’m not good with the math, and science stuff. I was surprised to find that with one of the very first questions…I could actually understand what they were talking about! They explained that in the beginning there was NOTHING, (I knew that) and that there didn’t need to be anything. And from this NOTHING…the world was formed (I knew that, too). Then they said that was no need for God to be involved. He wasn’t needed. He did not start the world. And, in their minds, that settles it. They say it could have all been done with what was available in the ‘void’ at the time. Well, of course it could have. God can take anything and make anything out of it. I realize that science can explain many things. I realize that they have found answers to many mysteries of the universe. And I realize that according to them, there was no time, there was no sun, planets, atmoshere, or Earth until the Big Bang. And, I can not discount the majority of their theories. I can not say if they are right or wrong…I’m not that smart. But, I do know they are wrong about one thing…it was GOD who spoke the world into being. Now how He did it, I don’t know. Were there things such as the Big Bang? Could be. Could not be. But, if there was…it was God’s design. It was His plan. And, it was He who decided how the world came into being.
My Bible says, ”
1 ‘ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. ‘ Genesis 1:1-2 NIV
From The Message Bible…”God created the Heavens and Earth—all you see, all you don’t ‘ see. Earth was a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness, an inky blackness.
You know and can re read the account in Genesis. But, after God had completed His work, He said that it was good. And, the Bible says this”
“Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array”. Genesis 2:1
And from The Message Bible…”Heaven and Earth were finished, down to the last detail.”
The show was very thorough. and it went through many, many reasons why God was NOT involved. It was such a one-sided and biased program. As I said before, I do not mind watching a good debate. I enjoy seeing each side present their arguments for and against. But, this program gave no credence to God. They even went so far as to say, that since ‘they’ had decided that there was not a God…..we must understand that there is no ‘afterlife’, either. “This is all there is”, said Hawking, “so enjoy this world and do what you will…there is no more.”
To be honest, the show was well done, and I actually learned some things. It was also presented, I think, for the average Joe or Jane. It was easy to understand. and their positions were made clear. It fills me with such distress, though, to think that those who have no strong foundation could easily be swayed to this thinking. They were so sure and confident of their beliefs. And, to be fair, there was an after show. However…I just ran up on it by accident…it was on a different channel, even. It was as if they showed a sliver of truth, but if you wanted to hear it, you had to find it for yourself. It was not even mentioned on the main program. There was a known newscaster, who gave no opinions and 3 guests on the panel. Two of them were scientists who fully agreed with the show. There was one Christian college professor and author who stood firmly on his beliefs that God was the Creator of life. However, he was not able to give much of an argument for the belief in God, because the newscaster was asking questions of all of them. And, I think he did a good job of giving everyone equal time, for a half hour show.
I am no expert on parenting…but this I know to be true. Teach your children what you believe to be true. Give them a foundation of godly principles and morals. Go to church with them and discuss what you hear. Let it become a habit to be involved in a group who believe the same things they do. There are many different congregations and denominations who believe the same basic principles. Don and I were raised Southern Baptists, and as such, so were our children. Two of them go to Baptist churches…one with us, one to a different Baptist church, and one attends a Presbyterian church. Their beliefs were formed when they were young. They learned what was right and wrong. They learned what the Bible speaks about many different topics. This is at the core of who they are. So, I feel confident and at ease when they look at things that are outside the ‘norm’. Knowledge is good. Questions are good. But, a strong foundation is one of the best things you will ever give your child.
This morning, as I was taking a shower, I saw a rainbow right above the temperature gauge, which I have to keep inching up to keep the water hot enough as I get used to it. TMI? Well, anyway, as I looked at that little rainbow, the first thing I thought of was a little song I used to sing with the children about rainbows. It’s a great little song, but to make the song rhyme, you have to sing the colors out of order. I just don’t like that…even though…I still taught it to the children. I’m sure you know the correct order of colors of the rainbow……
Following is a little technical info, should you care to refresh your memory about all this ‘stuff ‘ you learned in school. Truthfully, for ME…it’s just enough to know that a rainbow has colors in a certain order…that’s the law…and I don’t have to know WHY. Obviously the One who decided this knows much more about such things than I.
Attention: Technical Stuff…
A rainbow is composed of the entire spectrum of colors of visible light, from the longest wavelength, red, to the shortest wavelength, violet. The order of colors in a rainbow is easiest to remember by the following mnemonic (a formula that helps one remember something): ROY G. BIV. R=red, O=orange, Y=yellow, G=green, B=blue, I = indigo, and V=violet. Red is at the top edge of the rainbow and violet is at the bottom edge, with the other colors in between.
Rainbows are created both by reflection and refraction (bending) of sunlight in raindrops. When a shaft of sunlight enters a drop of water, a part of it does not pass directly through but is reflected from the inner surface and emerges from the side from which it entered. Moreover, it is refracted both on entering and leaving the water drop. This process, repeated in the same manner for an immense number of drops, produces the primary rainbow, which appears in front of the observer, who has his back to the sun. It has the red band on the outer edge which are long light waves and the blue-to-violet on the inner edge which are short light waves.
Attention: Awesome Stuff…
“Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him, “Behold, I establish my covenant with you and your offspring after you, and with every living creature that is with you, the birds, the livestock, and every beast of the earth with you, as many as came out of the ark; it is for every beast of the earth. I establish my covenant with you, that never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.” And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: …” Genesis 9; 8’16
Do two people ever see the same rainbow? No. As the eyes of two people cannot occupy the same place in space at the same time, each observer sees a different rainbow. Why? Well, because the raindrops are constantly in motion so its appearance is always changing. Each time you see a rainbow, it is unique in its own spectacular way!
DID YOU GET THAT? Every time you are seeing a rainbow, NO ONE else is seeing the same thing you do. You all may see that there is a rainbow in the sky…but each observer sees it differently. I find that truly awesome and amazing! God shows me this beautiful reminder of His promise in a way that is unique and special to just ME!
Now, in all honesty, I do not understand all that talk about refraction and spectrum and wavelengths. In fact, I can read it and tell you that all I get from it is that the colors follow a certain order and water and light are important parts of the miracle. Never been too good with that kind of stuff. But, I have NO trouble understanding that God is showing ME something that He is showing no one else.
The rainbow below was made out of a bus window as Joy and I were exploring Maui. I love the way the raindrops give this pic a dreamy quality.
“Like the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud on the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness all around. Such was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. And when I saw it, I fell on my face, and I heard the voice of one speaking.” Ezekiel 1:28
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said that a rainbow was “God’s illumined promise.”
~ A rainbow in the morning Is the Shepherd’s warning; But a rainbow at night Is the Shepherd’s delight. ~This old rhyme has been used by sailors for centuries as an indication of the weather to follow. (It is also sometimes used with the words “red sky’ in place of ‘rainbow’) A Rainbow in the morning meant a storm was on the way…but a rainbow at night meant smooth sailing.
Below is a picture of one of the treasures of my heart. When I was pregnant with Alex, we had prepared his nursery with a rainbow wallpaper that was VERY colorful! One day, Adam came to me and handed me this picture and asked me to put it in the nursery so our new baby would know his/her big brother was happy that he/she was here. We did not know if it was a girl or a boy, but this was such a sweet sentiment, that I took the pic and had it framed and it hung in the room until we had to take the wallpaper down because the boys…by now there were 3…refused to sleep in that ‘girly’ room any longer!!!
The rainbow picture was moved to my studio and has stayed with me ever since. BTY, I know the colors are not in order…however they WERE in the order they were depicted on the wallpaper.
Meanwhile…back in the shower…as I looked at that tiny rainbow in my shower, it made me smile. I looked all around the shower, and to the window high above my head. There was no water on the glass in the window…and it was not raining outside. I have some beautiful prisms hanging in some of my windows that cause many tiny rainbows to dance around the room when the sun hits it just right. Probably due to refraction and wavelengths and stuff. But, there were no prisms there. Where was it coming from? Never did see anything to cause it. But, for some reason, God wanted to cause me to stop and ponder His wonders. And, I did. And, I thank Him for wonders I am blessed to see daily. And, I thank Him that He is God…and able to control the universe and the laws that govern our natural world. I thank Him that He can send a message just to me, no one else can see. This beautiful creation of color serves as a reminder to me that every single promise He ever made is true…and will be true…for ever. Amen.
“LISTEN! Stand still and consider the wonders of God.”
Friends, I have been writing on this post since Sunday. I have written and re-written, and removed paragraphs, and put in new ones. Why? I usually just sit down to write and the things I want to say come easily. In this instance, I have agonized over the words. I want to explain the way I feel, but I keep second guessing myself…wondering if I am explaining too much, or if I’m not being clear at all. This post has come from deep inside and it’s important to me that it be exactly as I hear it in my heart. So, please be forgiving if something strikes you the wrong way. Know that it is only my intention to say how I feel. I speak for myself, and even though Joy and I discussed this, I do not claim to speak for her- even though she probably would totally agree. Cause, I AM her big sister, after all!
This week there has been some sad news in our town, and in our church. Some dear friends who we have known since childhood, found that their son had passed away during the night. I can not imagine what you do when you go through something so devastating. I can not imagine their pain.
There was a time, many years ago, a group of us young married women..still girl’s really… who were members at SBC, were having babies just as quick as we could. First one, then another, then another. This went on for quite a few years…until we all came to our senses! We produced a wonderful group of boys who were friends from their first Sunday in the nursery.
I can’t even remember who came first, and I sure hope I do not leave any out, but there was my Alex, Clarke, Jud, Harrison, Adam , Josh, Tyler, my Ian, Justin, Reid, Chase, Russ, and these were just the boys that I can recall.
They went to several different schools and had other friends, but they all came together again on Sunday’s and the bonds were still there. They were in Sunday School, choir, Discipleship, Camp Thunder, R.A.’s, and summer programs together. They all had parts in our Living Christmas Tree for many years. Then, they went their own ways…as all young men should do. And now, they are scattered all around. Some are married and have started their families..raising little boys and girls themselves. Some are still working on their careers. Some live and work in other cities. Some have gone to school and have come home to Dothan Some have come home to SBC and worship in the church they grew up in. Others are in Dothan and worship elsewhere. And, two are in Heaven. Adam went to Heaven when he was about 16…injured in a car accident. And, now Harrison has joined him there.
It is hard, sometimes, to remember the things you know are true when something comes along to shake your life and change your world. And usually, it comes from out of the blue. I think it can be such a shock to us, that we tend to forget the things we know. At these moments, there is only us and the pain and the unrealness of the situation. After all, we are only human. We know that God will uphold us. We know that He will comfort us. We know that he will walk with us. We know His promises are true. We may feel forsaken…even though we know He will never forsake us. (Deuteronomy 31:6) We wonder how we will live and go on and plan a funeral and get up the next day, and the next, and the next. How will we care for the ill family member, day after day and week after week and month after month and year after year? We may feel lost and alone…but He has promised to be our strength. (Jeremiah 29:11) And, He keeps all His promises. We may think that we will never feel happiness or excitement or joy ever again…but it is He who will comfort us. ( Isaiah 51:12) And the time will come, amidst the crying and unbelief and sadness, and pleading, when we realize that we are doing what needs to be done. We are taking care of the things we need to. We are still sad and may need to cry…that’s just what we do… that will last for a while. And for each of us, it is different. But, we are getting a boost from somewhere. We are amazed at ourselves. We didn’t think we could cope…but we are. And, then…we remember…we remember what He promised us, “I will NEVER leave you. I will be with you WHEREVER you go.” Deuteronomy 31:6 Even to bury your child. Even to bury your Mother or Father. Even to bury a spouse. Even to deal with a child’s devastating illness…which, in reality, takes his life, too. It may an illness for you or a spouse or a parent. You may even have to care for someone who doesn’t even remember who you are. Maybe you lose all your worldly possessions due to flood or fire or whatever . Whatever comes to disturb our safe and secure world, He walks beside us there. We do what we have to do. And, we thank Him for holding us up and giving us strength. We forget again, and sink into despair…but, He’s right there…walking us through it…holding our hand…drying our tears.
There are other ways He sends comfort to us. We may read something….a poem, a quote, or an article that has all the words we need to hear. Soon after her death, I was looking through some of the journals that Mom kept. I came across a poem that she had cut out of a book or a magazine and taped into a journal. Beautiful and touching words about losing someone we hold dear. Exactly what I needed to hear. We may hear someone say something that resonates with us. Perhaps we hear something on the radio or TV. We will ‘accidentally’ come across scripture that God must have put in the Bible just for us. And, He did. Because He knew we were going to need it. He knew the exact day and time we were going to need it. So, He made sure we would see it. And, we did. If God wants to send us a message, He will. And we WILL get it.
Corrie Ten Boom once said:
“Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives, is the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see.”
And, it is true. You may not have experienced it yet, but you will. Many have experienced sadness and grief and shock in their lives. And, to those who know Jesus as their Savior, He has given sweet comfort and peace. I have felt it. I can testify that it is true. I know what peace and comfort only He can provide. You have probably felt it, too. And, if you are like me…you feel compelled to reach out to others who are hurting and tell them what you have discovered through your experience. For along with His comfort and sweet peace, He has given us a task. . He says in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 “ All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.” We are commanded to do this…but we would anyway. Because, when you know what He can do, and what He has done for you….you want those you care about that are hurting to know about it, too. And so you go and remind them of what they already know…but they need to be reminded…just as you did. Friend helping friend…helping friend.
BLEST BE THE TIE THAT BINDSBlest be the tie that bindsOur hearts in Christian love;The fellowship of kindred mindsIs like to that above.Before our Father’s throneWe pour our ardent prayers;Our fears, our hopes, our aims are oneOur comforts and our cares.We share each other’s woes,Our mutual burdens bear;And often for each other flowsThe sympathizing tear.When we asunder part,It gives us inward pain;But we shall still be joined in heart,And hope to meet again.This glorious hope revivesOur courage by the way;While each in expectation lives,And longs to see the day.From sorrow, toil and pain,And sin, we shall be free,And perfect love and friendship reignThrough all eternity.
lyrics…John Fawcett
I was not able to be in church last Sunday, but Joy said the sadness and shock of this young man’s death could be felt everywhere. And, then she said something else, which has resonated with me. A core group of us, who call SBC our church home, our church family, have been in this church since we were young ourselves. Joy and I started there while we were in grade school. So, the adults who were our teachers, had children who were our friends. We developed friendships, strong friendships, and grew up, and had children of our own. We, then were the teachers, and our teachers became the grandparents…and some…great-grandparents. And, now we, though many of us still teach, we are also becoming the grandparents. And our children are becoming the teachers. And so it goes. Now, isn’t that a beautiful thing? Just the way that God intended a family to operate. Titus 2:3-5 says that “the older women are to teach the younger women.” Our hearts are invested in these families. We care, because when something bad happens…it effects the people who loved and nurtured us, and the people we loved and nurtured. And, the ones who are to come. It is our friends, and our parent’s friends, and our children’s friends. And it is all because we are a family…a church family…the family of God.
The funeral is coming, and we will gather to mourn and love and pray together. Friends who live elsewhere will arrive, and there will be hugs and slaps on the back because we have missed them and are glad to see them. And, then, we will remember together. And, we will cry together. And, yes, we will worship and praise our God together. Because in the midst of this horrible sadness, we are not defeated. Because we know:
“Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? ……… No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.
And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow — not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below — indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord” Romans 8:35 – 39
I am a Christian woman who has survived many years on the planet. God has blessed me with a wonderful family: husband, 3 sons, a dear DIL, and a precious grandson. I also have dear friends to keep me inspired. I am an artist of sorts and am finding my way through the great blessing of retirement. I recently retired after 20 years as a music teacher. Life is good!
My Boys
"All your sons will be taught by the Lord; and great will be their peace." Isaiah 54:13
Read their stories... Adam Alex Ian
Hello, my name is Everly. I am a blogger living in New York. This is my blog, where I post about interior design and decoration. Never miss out on new stuff.