I just want you to know, my friends, that learning a whole new way of blogging is very hard work! And, yes, I am very confused! I sure hope I get some ‘in person’ lessons this weekend. Ian is coming home…and maybe he will indulge me in my quest for greater knowledge of this thing called ‘blogging in wordpress!’
I do, however, have the answer for one question posed to me from a blogging friend.
“when I click on your pictures to see more detail…they get smaller instead of larger.”
Click once, it gets smaller…click that smaller image….it will get very big.
No, I do not know WHY it works like this………only that it does. Even the Guru who sits ensconsed in his office in Birmingham, doesn’t know why. But, friends, I don’t have to know ‘why’….it is enough for me to know juuuuuuust enough to answer your questions….and juuuuuust enough to share my stories.
I think, in this life, there are things we will never know. What is important, then, is to have faith in the one who does know…trusting that they will lead you in the right way.
This is important in computer matters…..but much more important in matters of life and death…….and eternal life.
Thirty -five years ago, I became a Mother. My first son was born…Adam Ryan Owens. I was only 10 at the time…just kidding!! 🙂 Actually, I was 22. He was a delightful baby, the first grand baby on both sides, and adored by all. My dreams for him were the same dreams every mother has for her newborn child. I wanted him to be happy, and healthy, breeze through school, get married to a beautiful wife, and raise a family…who would be happy and healthy, ….and , you know it…it’s the same dream we all have for our children, isn’t it?
The thing is, life is not always going to work out according to our dreams. There are bumps, detours, even roadblocks on the road of life. Sometimes you even have to turn around and take a different road. Adam has had quite a few of these rough places to go through. But, he’s made it through, and has the beautiful wife, and a photography business that is growing, and he has the ‘happy’. If you have never read his story, look on my side bar, under the picture of the Brothers. God has had His hand on Adam from the very beginning 35 years ago, and continues to lead him now. I am so very proud of him! Following are a few pictures through the years…
At 6 months…Joy’s wedding…
with Pop…
With Donald…
With Great Granmothers Townsend and Merritt
With Tonja…
Loves his gun….he killed all the refrigerators we ever had!
For some reason, I have never been close to anyone who has been off to a war. That I know of, at least. There is a possibility that some of my cousins may have gone to serve…and if they have…speak up, family…let me know. My Pop was in the Navy, and my niece’s husband is in the Guard.
But recently, I found myself sharing a ride with a hero. There was me, and 2 couple riding on a tourist van. Let’s call them Back Couple and Side couple. I was alone for just a few minutes, and then at a motel stop, two couples came to ride with me. They were all prepared for a day on the beach. From the way the were acting, I do not think they knew each other.
Back Man…”This is the life, no working, just laying out and playing all day. I could really get used to this.”
Back Woman…”Seems to me you have gotten used to it, but, it’s time to grow up and get a job.”
Back Man…”Watch out woman. We’re paying our bills and we got food on the table. The kids have toys, and we are on a fine vacation.”
Back Woman…”That’s because I’m working double shifts at the hospital…and I am tired. I want to be able to spend some time with the kids.”
Back Man…”Well, you know how hard it is to get a job.” Then addressing the Side Man, he said, “What kind of work do you do?”
Side Man…”Well, I’m not working at all right now. But, I plan to get busylooking next week. I’ve got a baby on the way!”
Back Man says to Side Woman…”You working?”
Side Woman…”Yes, I’ve been cleaning houses. That’s the only thing I could find. But, it’s paying well.
Back Man to Side Man…”Well, Man, you just need to take it easy. Let your Old Lady work. You got no worries!”
Side Man…”No, this vacation is my time to take it easy. I’ll be finding a job next week. Then she can rest.”
Back Man…” How long you been out of work, Man?”
Side Man…” Oh, I haven’t been out of work. I’ve been in Afghanistan, and Iraq.”
Back Man…”You are crazy! You couldn’t pay me to go over there. All that shooting and bombs and those crazy folks that live there. You get shot at much?”
Side Man…with a quick glance at his wife…”Nah, not much.”
Side Woman…”I’m just glad to have him home. And, he doesn’t have to go back.”
Back Man…”Well, I wouldn’t have gone over there in the first place. You crazy, Man. You can’t tell what those folks will do. No, you wouldn’t ever see me going over there.”
Back Woman…looking very disgusted at the Back Man…” No, you wouldn’t have gone. You won’t even work in the States, you sure wouldn’t work overseas in the army. That’s way too much work for you.” She finished her sentence and then turned her back and looked out the window.
Back Man looked around, chest puffed out, wanting the rest of us passengers to see what a fine man he was.
Side Woman looked up at her husband and smiled.
Side Man leaned over and kissed her. She lay her head on his shoulder.
Older, But Still Cute, Woman…looking at the Side Man…”Excuse me, Sir, but I’d like to thank you for being willing to serve our country. I appreciate you and your wife for sacrificing for people like me. To me, you are a hero.”
Side Man: with tears in his eyes,”It was my privilege, Ma’am…my privilege.”
And,the five of us rode in silence to the beach drop off. Side Man and Woman got off, smiling and anxious to go play in the beautiful sand and surf.
The Back Man got up and walked to the front of the bus. He turned around and looked at Back Woman, who was still sitting and looking out the window, “Woman, You coming?”
She slowly got up and followed him. He ran off, fancy free, while she was struggling with two floats and a big beach bag and towels. I watched out the window as the Side Man and Side Woman noticed her. They went to her and took the floats and the bag…and the three of them walked off toward the beach…
I rode on, alone, to the hotel. I’ve thought of that many times since then…and today seemed to be the time to share.
The image of a lamb is not what you would expect for the Creator of the Universe, but that’s the title Jesus takes upon himself. He came to earth not as a conquering warlord or a political leader, but as a humble sacrifice for our sins. The description of a person who sits on the throne of God in Heaven is not, perhaps, what we might expect of the mighty ruler of the Universe-a humble lamb! But Jesus submitted himself to death on our behalf like a humble lamb to the slaughter, and now reigns in Heaven!
Jesus was fully man and fully God. Nowhere is this more clear than when John the Baptist declares that Jesus is the Son of God and the Lamb of God!
“…John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, ‘LOOK, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!'” John1:29
OK…..These are just for fun! I couldn’t resist! In their Easter finery…..
I am a Christian woman who has survived many years on the planet. God has blessed me with a wonderful family: husband, 3 sons, a dear DIL, and a precious grandson. I also have dear friends to keep me inspired. I am an artist of sorts and am finding my way through the great blessing of retirement. I recently retired after 20 years as a music teacher. Life is good!
My Boys
"All your sons will be taught by the Lord; and great will be their peace." Isaiah 54:13
Read their stories... Adam Alex Ian
Hello, my name is Everly. I am a blogger living in New York. This is my blog, where I post about interior design and decoration. Never miss out on new stuff.