Thanks so much to Sharon for honoring me with this award. What a nice surprise, Sharon! I encourage you to check out her blog for some very inspiring posts! She loves the Lord and uses her blog to spread the Word.
This award is given to a blogger who is deserving whether for creativity, design, interesting material, or contributions to the blogging community.
“Arte y Pico”is a Mexican phrase and it translates into “lo maximo.” It is said that it will never find a suitable English word translate to, but, the closest words in English are “Wow! The Best Art! Over the Top!”This award was started by the blog Arte y Pico.
You may nominate up to 5 bloggers who meet the requirements to pass the award along to. Link to the person who gave you this award, the blog Arte y Pico, and the blogs you choose to award. And so, I pass this along to:
Jill at Jillian, Inc. for her sassy new blog design
Sherrie at Journey 2 Our Princess for her inspiring blog on the adoption process as she and her family await the day they can go pick up Sweet Sophie and bring her home.