Tonight is the weekly prayer meeting at our church for Alex. Each week, faithful friends, and family, and staff gather to pray for Alex. What a humbling thing this is. Just knowing that people care enough to go out and gather together in spite of busy schedules, is such a blessing to this mother. The group is getting specific in their prayers at this point. They are asking God to allow Alex enough strength to attend church on Easter Sunday. I remember when he was little, I used to dress he and Ian alike sometimes. I was (and still am) a believer in short pants for little boys….up to a point. They always wore the little white English sandals for church. They were the cutest little boys you’ve ever seen! So, in preparation for this year, I am going tomorrow to buy him a new pair of pants…LONG…and a new shirt and tie. I am believing that God is going to answer our request with a “YES!”. I am claiming the promises of God! I humbly ask you to add us to your prayer lists. I want to be able to stand up and say, “Look what God has done!” I want Alex to feel what it is like to be the recipient of God’s grace and mercy. I want him to know that he is standing in the shadow of the Great Physician. And I will give all praise to God!
Little Lisa came into the kitchen where her mother was making dinner. Her birthday was coming up and she thought this was a good time to tell her mother what she wanted. “Mom, I want a bike for my birthday.” Now, Little Lisa was a bit of a troublemaker. She had gotten into trouble at school and at home. Lisa’s mother asked her if she thought she deserved to get a bike for her birthday. Little Lisa, of course, thought she did.
Lisa’s mother, being a Christian woman, wanted her to reflect on her behavior over the last year, and write a letter to God and tell him why she deserved a bike for her birthday. Little Lisa stomped up the steps to her room and sat down to write God a letter.
Dear God:
I have been a very good girl this year and I would like a bike for my
birthday. I want a pink one.
Your friend, Lisa
Lisa knew this wasn’t true. She had not been a very good girl this year, so she tore up the letter and started over.
Dear God:
This is your friend Lisa. I have been a pretty good girl this year, and I
would like a pink bike for my birthday.
Thank you,
Lisa knew this wasn’t true either. She tore up the letter and started again.
Dear God:
I know I haven’t been a good girl this year. I am very sorry. I will be a
good girl if you just send me a pink bike for my birthday.
Thank you,
Lisa knew, even if it was true, this letter was not going to get her a bike. By now, she was very upset. She went downstairs and told her mother she wanted to go to church. Lisa’s mother thought her plan had worked because Lisa looked very sad.
“Just be home in time for dinner,” her mother said.
Lisa walked down the street to the church and up to the altar. She looked around to see if anyone was there. She picked up a statue of the Virgin Mary, slipped it under her jacket and ran out of the church, down the street, into her house and up to her room. She shut the door and sat down and wrote her letter to God.
I hope this does not offend anyone, but I thought it was hilarious!
Hope you did, too! Thanks for sharing, Lisa!
So, I woke up feeling refreshed this morning and early enough not to have to rush to get to church. I always arrive about 30 minutes before Sunday School, because as the Preschool Director, I want to get sheets on the beds and doors opened, lights turned on, and music playing. I like for their “church” to be a welcoming and happy place to come to. Sometimes I even tie helium balloons outside to make them smile. I also have a very big problem with a child arriving before his teacher. Every child deserves to be greeted at eye level, by someone he knows and trusts. We have 7different age groups on Sunday mornings going through kindergarten.
Anyway, I got ready this morning and had plenty of time to sit down and thumb through the paper, which I did. Then I left, and decided since I was still so early, I had time to stop by K-Mart on the way and pick up the snacks we would need for the next month. Found a beautiful Easter basket, and some grass, and some pretty eggs, so I got those to put on the welcoming table in the foyer, where the children enter. I could not find a “real” looking rabbit, though. So, decided I would get that later. Started on to church, and passed by Rite_Aid Drug Store. They may have a rabbit that looks I’ll just run in there and see…it’s only 3 blocks from church and I have plenty of time. Nope, none there, I could go across the street and try the Family Dollar..but, no it’s getting close to the time I want to be at church…it will have to wait.
Here I am, pulling up at church and someone is in my parking place, there’s usually only 1 other car there before me…but…there are NO parking places by the Preschool Building. They must have had a Men’s breakfast this morning and they all parked over here because it is close to the kitchen. I gathered all my bags of food and goodies and baskets…and go in. Who turned the lights on? Why do I hear voices? Why did all these children come so early today?————————-
IT TAKE ME A LITTLE TIME TO FIGURE THINGS OUT SOMETIMES….BUT, GIVEN ENOUGH CLUES I WILL EVENTUALLY GET IT!!!! And I felt so dumb!!!!!! Thankfully, the teachers just jumped in and carried on…..wondering where in the world Tonja was and why she didn’t call someone??? Now, I know why Tara called me at 7:00 this morning to tell me she and Will could not be there….it was 8:00!! My secretary also was not there…I haven’t heard from him…he’s probably hiding his face and thinking I am going to fuss. 🙂 Oh, well, apologies all around…plenty of laughs… a good day to be in the Lord’s House…whenever you get there!
My sweet friend was here at 7:00 this morning to carry on with Garage sale…day 2.
We did pretty good, in spite of it all. Several of the regular shoppers told her that most of the regulars were not out today…too cold. So, we are not discouraged. We just moved what was left inside the garage and will continue with the cleaning out. There’s LOTS more to add to the pile…so next time will be warmer and more profitable, too.
Weather was in the 30’s and 40’s here and windy. That’s cold for us…especially since we have been wearing shorts a few days ago! Oh well, at least the weather keeps us guessing!
Hope it’s not too cold, or too windy, or too snowy, or too rainy where you are today. Have a great rest of the week-end!
About Me
I am a Christian woman who has survived many years on the planet. God has blessed me with a wonderful family: husband, 3 sons, a dear DIL, and a precious grandson. I also have dear friends to keep me inspired. I am an artist of sorts and am finding my way through the great blessing of retirement. I recently retired after 20 years as a music teacher. Life is good!
My Boys
My Parents

Me & Don


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About Me