Is this not a beautiful sheep? While Alex and I were in Birmingham, we stopped in at a little shop called Lamb’s Ear. A funky little shop with lots of unique items. Since I am a collector of sheep…I fell in love with this one. It is made of a concrete like substance I knew immediately she wanted to be mine. Next thing I know Alex is paying for her. Then he turned to me and said, “Happy Birthday, Mom.”
Is that a good son, or what? You know, it’s not the gift that matters so much to me (though I LOVE it) ,,,it’s the fact that he saw how much I like it and he wanted me to have it. God bless his heart.
This is my sister and today is her birthday. She is as sweet and kind as they come, and is loved by many…me especially! People tell her all the time that she looks so much like me…the funny thing is, I have to keep reminding her to say, “Thank-You!” 🙂
She’ll kill me for this: Who do you think is the older sister?
NOTE TO JOY:” Na-na,na-na,boo-boo!”
It is now 6:27a.m. I surfed the web till about 11:00, watched 3 episodes of AMC, read in my new book, and fell asleep on the couch around 2:30. Oh, well….not so productive, huh? And, now it’s off to breakfast and then work. I’m thinking I’m gonna need to come home from work and take a nap. I’m also thinking I know what I have to do on Saturday!
There is a strange thing happening at my home today. I am in it…ALONE…by myself…no one else is here. Friends, this does not happen very often. I can’t remember the last time, actually. Alex has an appointment for a medical test in Birmingham in the morning, and since school has just started, I hated to ask off. So, Don was able to take him. They left this afternoon and will come back tomorrow. It is really quiet, with only the sound of Scooter snoring under my feet. Now what am I going to do with these 14 hours. There’s a South Beach Frozen meal for supper tonight, and I am meeting 2 sweet friends for breakfast before work tomorrow. I know I’ll not sleep well…never do when Don is away. I’m not scared…just not completely at ease. So, I’ll be up late, I’m sure. I need to clean out my closet….well, just actually hang up a bunch of clothes, and put my shoes away, and hang my purses up…just everyday maintenance that has not been done everyday for a while. Or I could watch this week’s episodes of All My Children which I have on my DVR. I got a wonderful book from Tina for my birthday, I could start on that. Oh, and yesterday, Don bought us a Dyson vacumn cleaner. The lady who cleans for me has been saying we need one for a while…the old Electrolux just ain’t cutting it any more. Ya’ll, if I had known haw much stuff was in my carpet, I would have moved out. This thing is amazing. My dog, Scooter, is a fox terrier. He is not meant to be a house dog. But,he is Alex’s companion, and so he has taken up residence inside with us for 12 years. He sheds terribly, and it’s a wiry little hair that just sticks into everything. I thought I had been doing a fairly good job of keeping it vacumned up…but, what she got out of the carpet yesterday was unreal. O.K. that’s enough vacumn talk. I’m not going to do ANY mundane tasks for the next 13 1/2 hours. I could get all the clothes in the hampers washed and put away….but, why? Actually, the reading thing is sounding really good…then a little AMC…then some more reading. Sounds like a plan, huh? Oh, what about the closet? HMMM…it’ll keep.
Oh, why don’t I just take a nap and decide when I get up?…..Night, Night.
While perusing the blogging world today, this post caught my eye. Jill talked about her BFF, her treadmill. This reminded me that I have one of those friends too. But, I have not been treating her very well. I never spend any time with her, actually, I do my best to ignore her, and sometimes I even try to bury her,,,under a pile of clothes! No, this is not the way to treat a real friend. And she is such a giving soul. I know for a fact that she wants nothing more than to help me better myself. She waits for me so patiently, never complaining or bringing attention to herself. She’s like, “I’ll just wait over here, under the window, in the bedroom till you want me. I don’t have any where else to be, so I’ll just be here when you are ready to spend some quality time together.” I know I should be ashamed. I’ve been taught better. I know how to treat a friend. I guess I just need an attitude adjustment. So, I promise to do better. First of all, I will dust her off, being careful not to cause a sneezing fit, the dust is so thick. Then, I think I’m going to take her for a walk. Yes, that’s what I will do! She likes walking. And she doesn’t even mind if I run a little, she can keep up. I think I’ll play her some good music, too. We both like walking to a beat. And I resolve, here and now, to visit with her everyday! She’s gonna be so surprised! My legs will probably have a few negative things to say for a few days, but I think I can get them in line, too!
About Me
I am a Christian woman who has survived many years on the planet. God has blessed me with a wonderful family: husband, 3 sons, a dear DIL, and a precious grandson. I also have dear friends to keep me inspired. I am an artist of sorts and am finding my way through the great blessing of retirement. I recently retired after 20 years as a music teacher. Life is good!
My Boys
My Parents

Me & Don


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