Does that title bring any memories to mind? This week is VBS at our church. I took the easy way out and I am keeping the nursery. Mom and DIL ,Suzanne are helping me. We have 2 babies and 1 toddler. And we are staying busy…these 2 babies are used to being held most of the time.
My memories of VBS go way back to when I was a girl. Did your church have a Vacation Bible School? Every church in my town did. Remember lining up outside, into rows, by grade? There was always that opening large group. Each grade marched in and 3 lucky friends would get to hold the Bible and the American flag and the Christian Flag. And it was always 2 boys and 1 girl. Why they thought only boys could carry the flags is beyond me. We would have the pledges and then the piano would tell us to “SIT DOWN”. Next would come the Bible story and the scripture memorization and the special anthem. Piano says “STAND UP” and out we march to our respective classes. Activities galore… always the crafts…something with white glue and popsicle sticks, and then snacks and recreation. Probably every one who has attended VBS anywhere in the world will remember those cookies…you know …the sandwich cookies, plain with white creme inside. The tops always had little holes in them that the creme would squish up out of. And the standby was good ole butter cookies…shaped like a flower, with a hole in the middle just the right size to stick your pinky in. Could you stick it on your finger and take a bite of it ,but not enough to cause it to fall off your finger? Oh the games we played. And the drink to wash it all down with…Kool-Aid. Usually grape or cherry. The best to leave the cool moustache with, you know. I think as the day wore on, the refreshment ladies would add just a little more water to make it go further. It was such a big deal when one year, the ladies rented a snow-cone machine, and we had that for snack. On Friday, we would always get a hotdog at the end of the day.
I can remember my years of VBS, as well as all the years my 3 boys attended. I still have some of those things they made. And it still goes on. I am thankful for the Christian heritage I have and the memories that fill me with thoughts of “good ole days”. I am thankful that our churches still set aside a week each year for VBS. I am thankful that I had the chance to be a part of this, that my boys did, and hopefully my future grandchildren will. I know that things change and new and improved ways of doing things come along. New programs, new ideas…but, many a child has come to know about the Lord on those hot, sticky summer days when a dedicated teacher, probably worn out from raising her own brood, choose to add a weeks worth of games, activities, Bible stories, and fussy kids to her own exhausting schedule. Why? Because SHE knew the value of teaching a young, impressionable child the beauty of a life lived according to God’s Word. And, THAT was more important to her than an extra hour of sleep, or a day with only her own children to manage. Thanks, VBS Ladies, you made a difference to me.