A few years ago, I was on a girlfriend’s trip to Destin, and shopping was on the “to do” list for the day. We stopped at a shopping area at Sandestin and started visiting all the little shops there. While still out on the sidewalk, I smelled the most wonderful aroma ever. It smelled like I think heaven might smell. Following my nose, I went inside and was treated to the most delicious fragrance that filled the room. “What is that?,” I asked the salesgirl. She showed me the votive candle that was burning. That was the only one burning in the store, and it smelled even out onto the sidewalk. “Niven Morgan,Gold.” she said. I had never heard of it before. But from that moment on, I have been a convert. The fragrance comes in perfume, body lotion, hand cream, bath gel, room spray and candles. I have horrible allergies and I can not wear anything heavy. But, this is so light and fresh and clean smelling, it never bothers me. There is not a store in my town that carries it, but by going online, I was able to find it in an even smaller town about 30 miles away. Of course, I think it’s a great reason for an extra trip to Destin. If you are interested in where I bought it in Destin, I’ll be glad to tell you the name of the store. Just thought you may like to try something different. But, be warned…if you smell it once…you’ll be hooked.
Tracey has asked us all on her blog list to do this. She said to list 7 quirky or unusual facts about yourself. Here goes:
1. If I find a product that I like, I tend to stockpile it in multiples. I don’t ever want to be without it. I do this with toothepaste, and lotions and makeup, deodorants and any thing that might be discontinued. If I find the perfect t-shirt…I’ll buy it in all colors.
2. I have trouble falling asleep. I have a Palm Pilot, and Alex put some games on it. So every night before going to sleep, I play solitaire, or word games. Usually I will get sleepy in about 10 minutes. I keep it right beside my bed so if I wake up in the night, I just play some more till I get sleepy again.
3. I actually like my grey hair. I have never colored it. When I was a teenager, I frosted my hair a few times, but that got old. Luckily, when my grey started coming in, it was pretty even. My mom has the prettiest grey hair, and I’ve always loved it….my dad, too. People ask me often who colors my hair (thinking that it is highlighted or something)…my answer? “God.”
4. I am so A.D.D. My mind races from one thing to another, and I find it so hard to stay on one task. I have a thought and off I go to pursue that and forget what I was doing originally. I especially have a hard time sitting in church. And I love to go to church. But, let the pastor mention something…and there I go. When I was first married, Don couldn’t understand why I couldn’t be still, and he is of the opinion that in church you sit still, and listen…Do not move, or whisper or heaven forbid ,write. If I can doodle with a pen, or take notes…I can listen. Finally…he got it. Give me something to do with the action part of my brain, so the listening part can listen.
5. I am OCD about many things. One of these is purses. I have to have a purse that coordinates with my outfit of the day. Take 1 purse for the season.?..NEVER. I change daily. Now it does not have to match…just go with the outfit. And I notice other people’s purses. I just can’t stand to see an old dirty purse that has obviously been used for years. A cute purse need not be expensive….just fashionable.
6. I do not like movies or t.v. that is scary . I do not like seeing or hearing people or animals get hurt or killed. If I am going to spend my time watching a movie or a show on t.v…..then I expect it to make me laugh or be uplifting in someway. I do not mind dramatic shows…just not killing and torture. I have all the drama I need in real life…..
7. I am a very fast reader. I have always loved to read, and in college I took a speed reading course. So, if nothing stands in my way, I can read at least a book a day. Of course, someone always wants to eat or wear clean clothes or some other useless thing…..I’d much rather read.
8. I am a collector. I collect things I love. Some of my favorites are: sheep, little ring boxes, snowmen, funny cards, primitive samplers,birdhouses, and the letter “O”.I don’t know why it is, but there is a feeling of joy when you add one more to your collection.
My newest item of interest is garden statuary. Not the new stuff, old and broken pieces. Love that “used up” look.
9. I’m not too good at following rules….I did more than 7…oops!
The photo is of my sweet DIL, Suzanne, and I at Santa Rosa Beach. We had just gotten soaked while waiting for a table at a restaurant!
I was asked to do this several weeks ago, and I have just gotten time enough to comply. So here are the contents of my purse today:
Handkerchief and nasal spray…never leave home without it
Emergency chocolate…you never know when you may need a
transfusion…sometimes it is THE best
My paycheck and grocery list
Oversized wallet
Cell Phone
Gum and Mints
Sweet and Salty P-Nut Bar…when chocolate just won’t do, or you
just want both
C.D. used in program last night
Palm Pilot…my life is in here
Fingernail file
Pill Box
Post-It Notes and Marker
Hollywood Fashion Tape…see previous post…went to Stein Mart
yesterday and bought another box.
3 Lipsticks…MAC Pro Longwear Lipcolour…The best! Put it on in the
morning…it lasts all day…REALLY!
Now there are some things that only another girl can understand. So, let’s talk, shall we? The good Lord made me a little off-kilter, a little wonky, a little unbalanced…no, not THAT way. 🙂
I have one shoulder that is lower than the other..so that makes everything a little off…one hip is lower,etc. Now, the hip only bothers me walking…the shoulder is much more trouble. My bra strap on the low side will not stay up. I cannot make it tighter…’cause that will throw the lovely boob line off. I struggled, and complained, and fussed about this for years. But, I have now found the product of my dreams, the answer to my problem. There is a product called Hollywood Fashion Tape…and it is a wonder! I found it at Stein Mart, where the lotions and soaps are. They are little 3 1/2 in. strips of double sided tape. You stick one side to the underside of the strap and the other side to your skin. And, lo! and behold!…the strap does NOT move. Really!. They will not move until you take them off. They do not irritate your skin, or harm fabric. You buy them in a box of 36, for about $6.00. You can also get them online at www.hollywoodfashiontape.com. They are also useful for tops that are cut in a little and bra straps show, like a tank top, or if you have a wrap top that will not stay wrapped. Now, I’m telling you, girlfriends…this is a great product, and it has made me a much happier woman. Try them out. If I am the only person who has this problem…”never mind.”
I had a surprise about 2:30 Saturday night…actually Sunday morning.
Someone tapped me on the shoulder, I woke up and there was my youngest, Ian. Happy Mothers’s Day! He made a flying trip home from Birmingham. He was able to go to church and have lunch with us. Then he had to hurry back because he is in the middle of finals. Thanks, Ian…a wonderful surprise!
About Me
I am a Christian woman who has survived many years on the planet. God has blessed me with a wonderful family: husband, 3 sons, a dear DIL, and a precious grandson. I also have dear friends to keep me inspired. I am an artist of sorts and am finding my way through the great blessing of retirement. I recently retired after 20 years as a music teacher. Life is good!
My Boys
My Parents

Me & Don


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About Me