Here she is! The BEST MOM IN THE WORLD! Really! And, SHE’S MINE! How God has blessed me with this lady as my role model. Though I fail miserably when compared to her, she sets the bar high. Mom has always been involved in many things, especially at church. She and my Dad have always looked out for those who are needy for company and caring. And, how she helps me with Alex. She will cook something special for him every week, and he so looks forward to it. I, on the other hand, will stop and bring him a quart of Baskin Robbins Ice Cream! But, Mom knows homemade is best. She delights in having the whole family to eat with her and Dad. Her children, my sister and I, respect and honor her. Her grandchildren, 3 boys…mine and 2 girls…sister’s, adore her. She is always ready to listen and and advise. My dad, is as much in love with her as when they first married and he’ll be happy to tell you about how wonderful she is. He pets and pampers her…and she pets and pampers him. Truly a match made in heaven.
Thanks, Mom, for the fun and the love and beautiful memories.