1. Be outstanding in your field.
2. Hold your head high.
3. Spread seeds of happiness.
4. Feed the birds.
5. Keep on the sunny side.
6. Grow up!
1. Be outstanding in your field.
2. Hold your head high.
3. Spread seeds of happiness.
4. Feed the birds.
5. Keep on the sunny side.
6. Grow up!
Recently I went to a luncheon at a lovely establishment about 15 miles from my home. Now I live in a smallish town…but this is what we would call “out in the country.” It was a beautiful day, and I enjoyed my short trip there. When I was going through the even smaller town where this luncheon was to be held, I had to cross a set of railroad tracks. As I approached, I noticed the crossing bars were down and the lights were flashing. The train was not moving, but I had plenty of time, so I didn’t mind the wait. Looking around, I noticed a run down gas station on one side of me and a convenience store on the other. In a few minutes a young man with a large drink, a bag of chips and a sandwich came out of the convenience store. He walked past my car and motioned for me to go around the bars and go on across the tracks. Now I am a fairly intelligent woman, even though I admit that there are some mysteries about this world that leave me puzzled. But this I do know…when the bars are down and the lights are flashing at a railroad crossing….you do NOT cross the tracks. So, I smiled and nodded and stayed right where I was. I mean did this dude think I was some sort of imbecile who would take his word and cross the tracks? And why was he telling me this anyway? Like I would believe some stranger in dirty clothes who ate his lunch at the Zippy-Mart. No, thank you…I’ll sit right here and wait like I was taught to do long, long ago in drivers ed and in countless reminders by my parents. So, I sat…and watched… Imagine my surprise when this man strode up to the train, swung himself up into the front, gave 3 toots on the whistle, and took off down the tracks! And …he waved and tipped his hat as he passed my car.
It saddens me so to hear of the senseless shootings at Virginia Tech. My son called me at work to see if I had heard about it. Then when I got home we watched it together. I have another son in grad school in Birmingham, and I tried to imagine if I were to get the call those parents got. They need our prayers. I feel for the family of the shooter. How reviled they will feel. I pray that they have a support group to help them as well. Then last night I heard the inevitable “blame police” start up about how so-and-so should have done such-and -such. My personal feeling is that unless you are walking through that tragedy, you have no right to comment. I am sure the president of VT has second guessed himself enough…but that was a situation he had never experienced before…and I feel sure he did his best. There is only one bad guy in this situation…the shooter. Sure, lessons can be learned on how to deal with this type of episode in the future….but pointing fingers now is uncalled for. May God give them all peace and understanding.
I am a music teacher in a Christian Preschool. We have K-3, K-4, and K-5. Our school is connected to a fine church here in town and leads right into a terrific Christian school. This is a job that is perfect for me. First of all, I think the Lord gifted me to work with preschoolers. And, this is where I feel most comfortable…sharing the beautiful world, and lessons from God
with them. I love the freedom to pray with them and talk about the Lord anytime I want. But, we do have FUN. We sing, dance, play games, paint to music…whatever strikes us. I learned long ago that in order for them to “let go”…I had to “let go”. So goodbye inhibitions and pride. In my classroom…its all about the kids. And fun is had by all. We have about 300 students, and we have 2 programs each year…at Christmas and in the spring. It’s time for our spring practices to begin. This year our theme is The Floating Zoo. So songs about Noah and the ark are constantly running through my head. There are very few programs that are published for preschooler musicals. So for the last 20 years I have written and compiled my own programs. This entails lots of work going through musicals and putting together age appropriate songs. Sometimes I just write my own songs if I can not find the right one. I have a friend who wants me to have these published, and that may be a possibility in the future. One of the teachers at my school got this in an e-mail and gave me a copy. I though I’d share it with you:
Everything I Need To Know…I Learned From Noah’s Ark
1. Don’t miss the boat.
2. Remember that we are all in the same boat.
3. Plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.
4. Stay fit. When you are 60 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big.
5. Don’t listen to critics. Just get on with the job that needs to be done.
6. Build your future on high ground.
7. For safety’s sake, travel in pairs.
8. Speed isn’t always an advantage. The snails were on board with the cheetahs.
9. When you’re stressed, float awhile.
10. Remember, the ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals.
11. No matter the storm, when you are with God, there is always a rainbow waiting.
While doing some file cleaning, I ran across this poem that I wrote for my neice and her husband. My sister has 2 daughters, and they are both beautiful girls. Lori is in grad school and Tara lives here and is married. She married a guy who is MR. Outdoor Life. He has her fishing and hunting and such. Well, when the family heard that she was going deer hunting with him…we were quick to voice our opinions. At least, I was. Now, I have an aversion to deliberatly causing harm or pain…let alone death…to any creature. But, I also know that that sentiment is not shared by everyone. Sweet Will, her husband has been most understanding of my vocalizations about his lifestyle. He assures me that all the deer they kill are used for food. Which really does nothing to ease my feelings…not as long as there is a Winn-Dixie in the near vicinity. But, I digress. The fact is…he took her deer hunting…complete with her head to toe camoflage outfit and gun. No…she did NOT look cute. I have always thought she and I were very much kindred spirits….BUT..she liked it! And not only that, she killed a deer! And then did the whole blood ritual ….and they made a PICTURE…and delighted in showing me. :0
So, I wrote this for them:
This is the story of terror and fear
That happens when hunters named Tara are near.
Deer Mommy always said, “Stay close by my side
When Tara comes around…there’s no place to hide.”
But I did not listen, my heart would not stay.
I just lost all my senses when sweet Will came my way.
My Papa would tell me “Those boys are no good…”
But, I’d forget his warning when Will entered our woods.
His face looked so kind that it was difficult to see
That fierce female warrior crouched in the tree.
But behind him she was, just waiting her chance
To turn my demise into her victory dance.
Sweet Will could not stop her, though I’m sure he tried
When Tara gets the scent…it’s “Bambi…Bye-Bye”.
She stood…then she shot…then jumped to her feet,
“Will, oh sweet Will, I’ve shot us some meat!”
Now what is left of me is hanging at your place.
My meat’s in your freezer…my blood’s on your face.
My story will be told in woods far and near:
P.S….they still speak to me, too.
I am a Christian woman who has survived many years on the planet. God has blessed me with a wonderful family: husband, 3 sons, a dear DIL, and a precious grandson. I also have dear friends to keep me inspired. I am an artist of sorts and am finding my way through the great blessing of retirement. I recently retired after 20 years as a music teacher. Life is good!
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