I had a delightful time on a visit to Shirley’s house in GA. My friend, Tina, and I went over on Friday to spend the night. Saturday was beautiful…cool, but sunny. We went to a local craft show, then a litlle shopping in town. Here we are hi-jacking goods in a local store to use for our own amusement. It’s O.K….we bought lots there…even a birdhouse we broke!!!!! Sometimes, we forget to act our age! But we ALWAYS have a good time. Shirley’s daughters joined us for part of the day…and grandaughter,too. How I love those girls!
Thank-you God for a chance to renew my soul and get filled up with warm fuzzies!
….IS NEVER LONG. Well, to this friends house over in GA. it’s about 2 hours. BUT, the fun at the end of that road makes it well worth the trip! Today, I’m leaving after work to go visit one of my BFF. She’s the one who moved away after her marriage. My other BFF and I are going over for the night and we’ll go to a craft show tomorrow. Probably get in some “junkin”, too. It’s always amazing how much we can cram into the little time we have all together. It will also be great to be with the BFF’s daughters. One is driving us over and the other 2 are there. I love these girls like they were my own. And now there is a precious 3rd generation daughter and another on the way. How God blesses!
Then I’m off on Sunday to Atlanta with Son#1 and DIL. We’re going to get in a little shopping. Well, DIL and I are…Son better just try to keep up! 🙂
So, it’s a nice start to my Spring Break week. I think my Sis and I and my Mom may go to Montgomery for the day and do a little shopping, too. Good thing I got paid on Thursday.
I’ll check back in when I return….God Bless!
Something I read on another blog reminded me of a defining moment in my life. Our family of 5 (3 boys) had just returned from a vacation and we were anxious to get our pictures developed to show family that evening. This was before all the digital stuff and before there was a photo developer on every corner. So, for us, the nearest one was at the Winn-Dixie. I took the pictures there and asked for the quickest developing….they said 1 hour. So, I along with 2 of my sons and my husband decided we would wait and do some grocery shopping while we waited. Now, on this whole earth, the one person who I least like to shop with is my husband. He is Mr. Bargain. If there are 6 varieties of macaroni…we must pick up each one, examine its qualities, and compare it to the other 5. Only then can we place it in the buggy to take home…confident that we have made a selection worth of being called a “good steward.” This applies not only to macaroni…but to every item which has a selection of brands. So, in a grocery store like Winn-Dixie, that would be quite a few. Oh…it takes a big chunk of time to go shopping with him. Well, when we were finally finished with our “comparison shopping”, I went to pick up the pictures while Don went to check out. I went up to the counter and asked for my pictures. Girl looks around…can’t find them in the completed box. “Surely they are there, I left them almost 2 hours ago.” She looked in every box and finally she found them…over to the side..UNdeveloped! Well, I was all kinds of upset. I needed those pictures then…I had spent 2 hours in the grocery store with the most price concious shopper in town, and I had answered countless questions from 2 little guys who couldn’t understand why they could buy it when Mom was shopping, but not when Dad was. I was tired and put out and mad! The words welled up in my mouth to tell this young girl just what I though about her and Winn-Dixie and my husband and my children and the world. Oh, I was so angry…I would have gotten everybody. When all of a sudden…I heard a voice(in my head) say, “Shut your mouth.” I am assuming it was the Lord and that He used those strong words with me because that is all that would stop me at that point. And stop me it did! I shut my mouth, regained my senses, and said to the girl, “that’s o.k., I make mistakes sometimes too. Do you think you could run them now, please?” With tears in her eyes, she said yes and that I was so kind and she was so sorry. I told her I would be back in an hour and turned to go. There standing right behind me was son #2. I didn’t know he was with me. He looked at me and said, “that was a really Christian thing to do, Mom.” Well, of course I felt like a worm…because doing the Christian thing was not my idea. But, I learned alot that day about listening to that voice within. You never know who is watching or listening. You never know who you will be impressing and what kind of impression it will be. Thank-you ,God, for the lesson.
O.K. just a little play on words….but I’m loving having Target here. I’ve been twice already, and I can see I’m going to have to put a limit on myself! HA! HA! Just kidding…like that would work anyhow. 🙂 Oh, they have the cutest little summer tops and pants…and if I ever lose these extra pounds that have homesteaded on my body…I’m gonna get me some. For now, I have to be content with the stationary, and home goods, and purses, and shoes, and…..just kidding.
But, I do have some info to pass along to you. If you love SPANX…and who doesn’t? They’re just the very best things to come along since….oh…forever. Well, Target has Spanx packaged under their label…ASSETS. They are of the same quality as the Spanx you get in the dept. stores. They even have the designers name on them-Sara Blakely. AND…they’re quite a bit cheaper than the others. Now I have bought these before and I can not tell a difference at all. In case you aren’t familiar with them…these are footless pantyhose (they do have some with feet in them, too) and they are terrific to wear under pants and capris. They are very comfortable, too. Just thought you’d like to know.
About Me
I am a Christian woman who has survived many years on the planet. God has blessed me with a wonderful family: husband, 3 sons, a dear DIL, and a precious grandson. I also have dear friends to keep me inspired. I am an artist of sorts and am finding my way through the great blessing of retirement. I recently retired after 20 years as a music teacher. Life is good!
My Boys
My Parents

Me & Don


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