There are not many times at this stage of life, that I am called upon to face a dilemma. It’s not often that there is a choice to be made that causes me to weigh the situation. Not often am I called upon to list the pros and cons of what I am facing in order to make the best decision.
Really, all of the hard decisions that I face…have already been faced. I know the right answers, and I know what to do. I do not even have to think about most of them anymore. And, that makes my life easier.
However…a dilemma has presented itself to me today, that I have no experience in dealing with. I have never come up against this exact choice before…so I have nothing to fall back on. I am going on instinct here. There is nothing I can read to help me decide. And, whichever way I decide…someone is going to be left out. And, I am going to be the one doing the suffering. Why must life be so hard?
And, so…I must decide…and I must decide quickly…there is a time limit. It is possible that you may have dealt with something similar, so let me explain…
Tonight…at 7:00…
All 3 of these shows come on! All at the same time! Life, it seems, has dealt me a cruel blow!
OK…I have a DVR, so I can record one of them. And, truth be told, it will not REALLY matter if I miss American Idol. Actually at this stage of the game, it’s really hard for me to keep them all straight anyway. I tend to enjoy it better when I start watching when it gets down to the top 10. So, that takes care of that…and I’m down to 2 choices.
LOST…I have been watching since the beginning…and everything that happens now is tying the story up. They are laying the groundwork for the big mysteries to be solved.
OLYMPICS…I am not much on most of these games. Especially the little bumper car things that go around the track by themselves…does it count if they get into their little cars the quickest? And, why do they have to push themselves off? Couldn’t they have pit crews like at the Nascar drivers do?
And the skiing…who knew there were so many different ways to go down a hill? Some times, they are alone…then groups of 2…or 4. Sometimes they have ramps to propel them skyward. And, on the way down they twist and spin and twirl. Sometimes they follow a track…and sometimes, they take a break in the middle and shoot at some targets with the guns they are carrying on their backs….which doesn’t seem all that safe to me…but no one asked me.
I suppose if you were a hockey fan, those games would be exciting to watch…but, I’m not.
What I am a fan of, though, is the figure skating. I love watching them as they slide and glide and twist and turn and fly over the ice. I wonder how they get their bodies to rotate like they do . I wonder how they manage to keep from tripping over their own feet…or their partners.
So, that’s where we are…take Idol out…that leaves skating…and Lost. Skating and Lost…Lost and Skating.
Can you guess which one I chose?
EDITED TO ADD—I watched LOST! And, that was the right decision. All of the girls that I wanted to watch came on after LOST was over!
Many thanks to my friend, Jewel, at Musings from the World of Jewel
for this lovely award. If you don’t know Jewel, she is quite an extraordinary young woman. Working on her college degree, her heart is dedicated to the Lord’s work. She has a true heart for spreading the gospel and reaching the world for Christ.
And, so, I am to list 10 things that make me happy.
1…My sweet daughter-in-love is a 3rd grade teacher. I can count on my phone ringing almost every day between 3:30 and 4:00 as she calls to check in with me.
2…Seeing my nightlight ON if I have to get up during the night. (Someone, who shall remain nameless, thinks I am old enough NOT to need it on and tends to turn it OFF after I go to sleep) It’s not nice to fool with the Queen of the House!
3…I still have a Christmas Tree up in my studio. It is my rustic twig tree decorated with nature items. It makes me happy to look at it…so I think I will, until it doesn’t!
4…Going to a bookstore…with no limits on my time!
5…Watching Joy playing the piano at church.
6…Watching LOST with Alex. We’ve watched it together since the beginning.
7…Having the correct change…to the penny!
8…A Diet Cherry Coke with extra syrup…at Sonic. Shhh! Don’t tell Diet Dr. Pepper.
9…The promise of Spring!
10..My Pop!
Thanks again, Jewel!
About Me
I am a Christian woman who has survived many years on the planet. God has blessed me with a wonderful family: husband, 3 sons, a dear DIL, and a precious grandson. I also have dear friends to keep me inspired. I am an artist of sorts and am finding my way through the great blessing of retirement. I recently retired after 20 years as a music teacher. Life is good!
My Boys
My Parents

Me & Don


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About Me