Here it is! I know you’ve been waiting with baited breath! Finally, we can rest easy…Pantone has finally announced the COLOR OF THE YEAR…2010! It’s TURQUOISE!
Now, frankly, I do not know why we need an official color. Should we all go out and paint our houses? Should we all go buy a dress in this hue? Should we buy our new car in this color? I don’t think so. But, “they” say that this is the color that fashion, home ware manufacturers, car companies, building materials, etc. will all use as a starting point for their new lines.
I thought it quite interesting; and wondered what the colors for the past years, since 2000, would be. Here, then, are the colors that have been a part of your life…and you may not have even known it!
It’s interesting that the dance seems to be around the blues and reds. What does that say about the other colors? Are they just not good enough? Or just not popular at this time? I wonder…
So, when you are out and about, doing your shopping for this, that or the other… and you see it offered to you in TURQUOISE…you’ll know why. Just remember…don’t buy it in YELLOW…it’s so ‘last year’!!!
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