We went…we saw…we shopped…we laughed…we cried…we had a ball!

Oh, but it was such a wonderful weekend. The weather was perfect! Really…just perfect. Just a little cool, not hot, breeze blowing…perfect. We 3 always have such fun together and this time was no exception.

We pulled out around 4 and headed up toward Atlanta. No major stops along the way. We were too anxious to be there. Found our motel…….but they were NOT expecting us! Can you imagine? I made reservations…and got a confirmation (so I thought). But, obviously I didn’t…because they had never heard of our merry band of travelers. But, the Lord knew all about it, and had made sure there was a room available for us just like we had ordered! And, so we unpacked the car, and made it inside, and crashed.

Friday morn- slept a little late, but got to moving quickly when we woke. Atlanta is a big place and we had major places to be! Grabbed some cheese crackers and granola and drinks and headed to the car. First stop, Michaels, where much silliness ensued. Now, we do have a Michaels that we can shop at home, BUT, Shirl had a bazaar at her church coming up and she had to make something to sell. She thought wreaths would do just fine, so she set about buying supplies to make 4 wreaths. Not that we had room in the car for 4 big wreaths…but that has never stopped us before!

As you can see…good looking men were following us everywhere! We finished there, and made our way on to Home Goods, Hobby Lobby, Jo Ann. Now to cover these 4 stores…row by row…front to back, takes some time. So, it was beginning to get a little late. Our dear Shirl had chosen Thursday morning before she came to Dothan as the best time to have major dental work done. Her mouth was full of ulcers and she had bitten her tongue, and she was in pain. So, we found a drug store, and got her some meds. She and Tina and I were starving because we had only had cheese crackers and a little pkg of granola ALL DAY! But, dear Shirl said she had to have something soft. Tina and I watched the Cheesecake Factory disappear from view, as we looked for a place to find something ‘soft’. And, we ended up at IHOP! Blueberry pancakes for supper! Not a bad second choice. Tina managed to get some meds onto the ulcers in Shirl’s mouth.

Then she got to feeling so good, that she even ordered a desert crepe after her meal! Back to the motel, where she and Tina got set to make wreaths! They worked hard and long…pausing occasionally for me to put my 2 cents worth in from the couch!

Bet you’d like to hang this one on your door! They did a great job, with only a little coaching from me. Of course, I taught them all they know about making wreaths! 🙂 JK!

I’d better stop here and finish up tomorrow. Here are a few more pics from Friday………note who’s sitting in my buggy!!!!!

No. No, that sign is not about me.

Beautifully wrapped gifts we brought from home to share with each other! I’ll finish up the story tomorrow!

“God has given us these times of joy!” Nehemiah 12:43
