below is a window cover from the same temple in Mongolia that the doors used for my table came from. This is over 300 years old. I love the simple graphic lines of it against the wall. (The wall is a pale green…not grey like it looks).

I balanced precariously on a stool, holding the camera over my head to get this next picture for you. This is at the top.

I got a little bored and went to the computer for a while…big mistake. He hung the clock without my input. Too high! But, he won’t agree to lower it, because of the hole . This may be a project I have to work in while he is away. There IS a way to cover up that hole and make another one…I just know it. And, I’ll find it, too.
This is the one that took 3 hours. But to be fair, he did have to hang the light above it, too.
I hung this quilt from Hawaii in my back foyer. It took less than 10 minutes. It is straight, you cannot see the nails. I’m just saying…
Ian came to help him with my beautiful distressed mirror. They worked on it for over an hour. There is not a way to hang it that they can figure out. It weighs over 100 pounds and they are afraid the wall won’t support it or something like that. I’m gonna have to find someone who knows a little more about it. Bummer! Oh, that is a towel at the top…put there by DH to keep the wall clean.
You can’t see me in my pajamas, in the mirror, can you? Good! ‘Cause THAT is NOT a pretty picture!
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