We tend to do our special days all in a wad in this family! the 8th was Mom and Pop’s anniversary…they have been married…..I don’t know…close to 60 years, I think! Then Pop’s birthday is the 9th and Ian’s is the 10th…which is today!
I just have to tell you that this is a very special young man. I have seen God’s hand on him throughout his life. He loves to have fun, works hard, loves his grandparents, and is always willing to lend a helping hand…well, unless he has a more pressing engagement…or if he’s sleeping in…but, he will get around to it eventually! 😉 Most importantly, he loves the Lord. He lives true to himself in all situations, and follows a stict moral code. I never worry about his behavior, or actions when he is away from us…he has proved himself too many times.
He is the last of my children…and a surprise blessing from the Lord! He is adored and treasured by all those who know and love him!
Happy Birthday, my son!
[pictures with: Santa, Aunt Joy, brothers, friend, Houston.
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