I took my Mom and Joy over to see the Creekhouse yesterday. They were both full of mischief! Every thing I said, they had a joke to make out of it. I decided to snap a picture of them making silly jokes! I think they should grow up and act their age!
Don’t they both look like such little imps? Seriously, I am so blessed to have my Mom and my sister so near. Mom hasn’t been able to get out as much lately, but yesterday, the 3 of us enjoyed spending a few hours together. Amazingly, when we got to the house, there was no one there working. So, we could all be as silly as we wanted. Of course, they wanted to be much sillier than I!!! Mom wants me to put some mortar between the rocks on the fireplace…I’m not!
And Joy did not like that short wall in the kitchen…so she tried to knock it down!
I got them out of there as quick as I could. Took Joy home, and she had this gorgeous plant that I had to photograph. Isn’t it beautiful?
Just an ordinary day, nothing special…but time enough to make a sweet memory!
*******”God has given us these times to enjoy.” Psalm 81:4*******
I’m leaving in the morning for Savannah with my 2 BFF. I will be looking for some special pieces for the Creekhouse.{that’s the name of our new house}. But, we will have much more going on than that…we always do! Going to eat at Paula Deen’s place, I’ll bring you some take-out!
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