HI Friends, I’m back! Wonderful trip…and lots of pics to share. But today, I’ve gotta sleep…haven’t done too much in the last 8 days and yesterday we flew for over 24 hours. Have missed you all and can’t wait to catch up…..ALOHA
Only 17 hours till I leave for Maui. Much to do today. Hair at 9:oo, pedicure at 10:00, Alex has Dr. appt at 1:00..then last minute packing….little sleep, probably….then flight out at 6:oo….I’ll check in with you all when I return. You’ll recognize me from my pics …I’ll be the one in the hula skirt and the coconut bra! 🙂
Now friends, you keep this internet going while I’m gone….we don’t want it to close down because of inactivity 🙂
Love to you all, my friends…..ALOHA
Today, I went with Pop to the doctor . He did not need me to go, but I wanted to hear what they were saying about his heart. There has been some talk about a pacemaker and I just wanted to hear for myself. All is well. There still may have to be one but for now, they are going to work on medications, and such.
He told me a funny story that I wanted to pass along to you. When he was making one of his trips… on his motorcycle…to Alaska this time, his front tooth came out. It was a poceleine veneer and it just fell out and left the bar thing sticking out. He said the only thing he could do was use super glue to hold it in. The first time he did it, he held the tooth in place while the glue dried and when he removed his finger…the tooth came with the finger! So, he had to cut a chunk of finger off to get the tooth, then scrape finger off the tooth, then glue it in again! Can you imagine? There were no dentists where they were riding, so he did this daily for several weeks. So, you can see where some of my craziness comes from? I get it honestly!
“Thanks, Pop, for giving me a life full of adventure and new experiences. Thanks for setting the example, that with God’s help…NOTHING is impossible. Thanks for showing me the joy of trying new things…and whether they are a big success or not…the fun comes in the trying! Thanks for pointing the way to enjoying ALL of God’s beautiful world by being right smack in the middle of it.”
Pop has been reading my blog and he told me today that he was so pleased that I credited the Lord with all that He has done for me.
“Well, Pop, that’s another lesson I first learned from you. You are the one who never fails to thank the Lord FIRST for all things. Children learn by example. Thanks for being one that I and my boys can be proud of. I love you . Happy Father’s Day!
(Sorry, Pop, I know this is an early wish, but I will be doing the hula in Maui on Father’s Day, or maybe flying in a copter seeing the island, …or…who knows what. And I know you don’t want me to miss a thing!:)
Friends…I did it! I walked into the dentist’s office…under my own power, no less! I didn’t even cry or make those moaning sounds, either! And she (the dentist) was just as kind and gentle as I remembered her. Well, the tooth has a big ‘ole cavity in it, under the filling. She could not believe it had not been hurting me. THANK YOU, JESUS! She went on to say that maybe the nerve had died, so that was the reason it wasn’t hurting. I don’t know if that is good or bad…but it IS good it doesn’t hurt. She said that she would have to….you know, the “D” word. That thing that makes such a horrid noise. She will clean it all out and maybe just have to put a crown on it….or maybe that other SCARY thing…it’s 2 words and starts with root… UGHHHHH! I can’t even think about that now. How will I ever walk in there if I know they may do that? She smoothed out the rough place on the tooth and said it would be better not to open it up until I got back. O.K., that’s cool. I can deal with that…..put it off..looooong time. No, I did go ahead and make an appt for the 28th. Yeah, something to look forward to.
O.K. Deep breath..let go of all that tension…just let it go…replace it with palm trees and blue water and tall, cool drinks and 3 Southern Belles toolin’ around Maui…in a mustang convertible. Oh, that’s much better…That’s what I’ll think about. Scary things can wait till I get back.
Seriously, friends, I felt your prayers. Isn’t God good? He reaches down and puts His arms around us and holds us close…and He doesn’t laugh or call us silly, either. He just loves us. I thank you for listening to me rant for the past 2 days, too. Your kind words helped so much. Just be prepared…I’ll probably start up again when it close to D-Day again. Blessings to you!
I went to Wal-Mart last night. Guess what I found while I was buying toothpaste? You can buy filling stuff for your teeth…you know in case a filling was to fall out and you could not get to the dentist. Know anyone like that? And you can buy those mirrors on a stick and the little picky things, too. I bought it all. I was thinking that if I took that stuff with me, then I wouldn’t have to go to the dentist tomorrow and Tina and Shirl could fix my tooth if it got worse. While I was across the sea. In Maui. Away from the dentist.
However…..Don pointed out that if I just go to the dentist tomorrow like I have planned, it would all be taken care of, and there would be no cause to even think about it while I was gone, and I could have a much better time if I wasn’t worrying about my tooth hurting, and I wouldn’t have to bother my friends by making them practice dentistry while we are all on the trip of our lives! Makes sense to me…therefore….I AM going….to the dentist…tomorrow.
And all will be well.
Your kind thoughts have strengthened me…and not a single one of you called me silly or foolish. Thanks, my friends. I’ll let you know how it all turns out as I face bravely the unknown terrors of the dentists chair.
But, just to be on the safe side….PRAY!!!!!!!
About Me
I am a Christian woman who has survived many years on the planet. God has blessed me with a wonderful family: husband, 3 sons, a dear DIL, and a precious grandson. I also have dear friends to keep me inspired. I am an artist of sorts and am finding my way through the great blessing of retirement. I recently retired after 20 years as a music teacher. Life is good!
My Boys
My Parents

Me & Don


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