Somebody stop me…quick! I have just eaten 2 (TWO) nutty buddy ice cream bars and I want another one. Doesn’t sound as if I am stressed or anything, does it? Not that I have anything to be stressed about. And haven’t you heard that “stressed” is “desserts” spelled backwords. Coincidence , you say? I think not! I know…KNOW…KNOW that I do not need to eat another one. O.K. (deep breath)…I’m fine…just a little minor setback…I can handle this. I’m really not hungry…I just THINK I want another ice cream…I really don’t….that’s just the stress talking. What I REALLY want…… the calm and collected, sane me….. is …a big piece of Godiva Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory that does not live in my town, but is all I have been thinking about since Tracey brought it up! I knew it was going to be like this today when before I went to work I had to stop in at Walgreen’s and buy Afrin Nasal Spray and a bag of Dove Dark Chocolates and a large Diet Dr. Pepper. HELP!!!!! What makes these Nutty Buddy’s so good is they are made with PEANUT BUTTER ice cream with a center of CHOCOLATE…and waaaaay down at the bottom of the delicious sugar cone…the bottom 1/3 is also filled with chocolate! YES…You read me right. A delight for the taste buds…don’t ya think? NO, No, No…I do NOT want another ice cream….I know it’s not good for me or my hips….so, there is only 1 thing to do to stop this insanity….I’ve got to get my mind out of the refrigerator! O.K….all together now…what is the only solution to this problem of mine?…..YEAH!!! I hear you talking…I KNEW I could count on you girls to help a friend out…see ya later…I’ll show you my new shoes when I get back!!!
Just a quik note to let you know we finally got an appointment for Don in Birmingham. The young lady, Kara, who was so helpful during my meltdown with the office here, called me around noon yesterday to tell me that they still did not have an appt., but she was working on it and would get back to me soon. And she did. About an hour later, she called with an appt. — Wednesday morning at 9:oo. So Don and a very dear family friend are leaving this afternoon and will spend the night in Birmingham and be ready for the appt. on Wed. My youngest son, Ian, will be able to go to the appt. with them.
Because this came up so fast, I will not be able to go. This is program week at my school and I have programs Tue., Wed., and Thur. mornings. This is fine with Don, he knows I would be there if I could.
I may not be going…but I am sending a list of questions. Men…they never ask the right questions…or any questions at all sometimes.
So, please think of us in the morning and ask for God’s grace and mercy and healing power. I thank you again for your concerns. Will post as soon as I hear anything. Blessings….
Yes, I finally did get through to someone in charge yesterday…but not without a fight. I called their office at 8:03 . “This is Beverly, may I help you?” “I’d like to speak to your Office Manager, please.” “Can I help you?” “No, thank-you, I’d like to talk to your O.M.” “She is busy right now, I’ll have to take a message.” “No, I’ll wait to speak to her, please.” Cue music…1, 2, 3, 4, minutes. “Hello, may I help you?” Yes, I would like to speak with the O.M.” “She’s not in today.” “Well, I’ve been on hold for her for 5 minutes.” “Oh, well, let me check.” Cue Music…1,2, minutes. “No,mam, she’s not here.” “O.K. then let me speak with Beverly.”
“This is Beverly, may I help you?” “Hi, Beverly, this is Mrs.—–again. Remember, when you put me on hold for 5 minutes waiting for your O.M….now I’m told she is not there. What’s up, Bev?” ” Well, actually, we don’t even have an O.M.” “Oh, well, who was I holding for?” “I was just looking for someone who could help you.” “Did you find someone?” “No, I’m still looking.” I PROMISE I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP!!!!! “Beverly, is there anyone in charge, there?” “Well, I guess it would just be the doctors, but none of them are here now.” “Just let me speak to someone who is in a position of authority,PLEASE”. “Hold, please.” Cue music…1,2,3,4,”This is Kara, may I help you?” Kara, are YOU the office manager?” “No, but I am the scheduling supervisor.” “Well, let me tell you a story….”
She was extremely nice and helpful. She took all the info down, and said she would check on it and call back within 10 minutes…she called in 5. She found out that the holdup is in B’ham, because they did not have enough info from the office here. She faxed it to them yesterday and since they closed at noon on Friday…we should hear on Monday. She gave me her personal number, so I wouldn’t have to deal with the clowns in the office. So…we’re still waiting. I bet those girls were mad in that office, but I don’t care. Mistakes I can forgive, but just inefficency and a lack of attention to important matters is inexcusable when you are dealing with someone’s health.
Several of you have asked about my husband, and how he is doing. He does feel some better. He went to get the appliance for the TMJ, and they are making it now.
However, our neurologist , who is sending us to Birmingham, is dragging his feet. We have been out of the hospital for a week now. We got home last Thursday. I called the dr. office on Friday to make sure they were making the appt. , and to give them my cell phone number, so I would not miss their call. They assured me they were on top of it. No word Monday or Tuesday…so I called them Tuesday afternoon to see what was happening. All was well, they said. The doc was going to discuss the appt. with Don on his visit Wednesday morning. O.K. So, he goes in on Wednesday, and the doc doesn’t know why the appt. hasn’t been made…but never fear…HE is on it now and he says ,”You will hear from us tomorrow!”. That was yesterday…guess what? You got it! At around 4:00. Don called the office and they told him that they make all their calls around closing time…so the phone nurse would call soon. Guessing time again! You smart friends…you KNOW we did not hear. So, this morning, the office manager will get a call from me just as soon as their office opens. This is ridiculous. Here we are waiting for an appt. for a possible life threatening condition…and they can’t get around to making an appt. I mean…how much time does it take to make a phone call, and set it up. Is there anyone, anywhere who operates an efficient office anymore? Does anyone do what they SAY they will do? I’m sure if it was their family, they would have been no delay. I have tried to be patient and let things occur in their own time. I am not a patient person….actually…I am a very impatient person. But, this is something the Lord has helped me with through the years, and I have learned how to “REST” and not get my panties in a wad. But, I’ve reached my limit…my panties are so wadded up…I just may have to throw them away. So…now I am going to “PUT ON MY BIG GIRL PANTIES…AND DEAL WITH IT!!!” Say a little prayer…, not for me…for the girls in that office!
I don’t mean to sound so negative lately, BUT…I think I just need to vent. My grief today if swim suits. Now, I know swim suits are of the devil :), but what bugs me so much is this. Why is it that when you see an article on “swimsuits to fix every figure flaw”……the models HAVE no figure flaws! They are as thin as I was in 8th grade…(but way more developed). A suit for a flabby tummy…she’s anorexic. She wouldn’t know flab if it hit her in the face. And for those with “ample bosom”…well if THAT is ample…..someone needs an optometrist. Oh, and for those with a “larger thigh area”…..let’s just say her thighs can barely hold up her body. I know you have seen these articles. There are even some on the internet….saying they’ve found the suits for “REAL WOMEN”. Well, it doesn’t get any more real than this…my stomach pooches out, I have saddlebags like my grandma, and my bosom is ample enough for me, thank you very much. Can you find a suit to fix all those things? I have come to the realization that I am never…NEVER going to like the way I look in a swimsuit. I do want to look my best, but “my best” will NEVER be in a swimsuit! And, life will go on. I am going to Hawaii in 43 days, 8 hours and 1 minute with my 2 best friends. And I am going to go swimming in the pool. I’m going to lay on the beach, and lounge by the pool. This body has served me well and I’m going to treat it to a vacation in the sun. Now if I somehow magically lose 20 pounds before then…I show you a picture….if not…you’ll have to be content with a picture of a lovely island sunset.
About Me
I am a Christian woman who has survived many years on the planet. God has blessed me with a wonderful family: husband, 3 sons, a dear DIL, and a precious grandson. I also have dear friends to keep me inspired. I am an artist of sorts and am finding my way through the great blessing of retirement. I recently retired after 20 years as a music teacher. Life is good!
My Boys
My Parents

Me & Don


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About Me